ALL application pages must be filled out, signed & submitted.
Please read ALL INSTRUCTIONS in detail before electing to exhibit at this event. Special ideas, exhibits, and activities are WELCOMED, so please feel free to suggest/request them if they do not fit into the application structure.
10 Lucky Non-Profits- Ten (10) lucky Non-Profits each year will get a free booth at the festival! You must bring your own table and chairs. Send us an email for the discount code to sign up online.
FINAL DATE to sign up for the Fall Festival is SEPTEMBER 26, 2025.
The event will go on, Rain or Shine. There are no refunds. Thank you for joining us!
ALL application pages must be filled out, signed & submitted.
Please read ALL INSTRUCTIONS in detail before electing to exhibit at this event. Special ideas, exhibits, and activities are WELCOMED, so please feel free to suggest/request them if they do not fit into the application structure.
10 Lucky Non-Profits- Ten (10) lucky Non-Profits each year will get a free booth at the festival! You must bring your own table and chairs.
FINAL DATE to sign up for the Fall Festival is SEPTEMBER 26, 2025.
The event will go on, Rain or Shine. There are no refunds. Thank you for joining us!
FOOD RESTRICTIONS: We will accept a small number of food vendors on a first-come basis. Food & beverage vendors are to provide a Certificate of Liability to Main Street Gardnerville showing “Main Street Gardnerville” as additionally insured.
1. SIZE OF RACE COFFIN. Race Coffin must be a minimum size of 1 foot wide by 5 feet long and a maximum of 4 feet wide by 8 feet long. Overall width includes handlebars for pushing. Race coffins with an overall width beyond 4 feet wide will be disqualified to race.)
2. WHEEL SPECIFICATION. Each Race Coffin must have a minimum of 4 wheels/tires that must be in constant contact with the road surface. Wheels must be within the overall dimensions of the coffin. Casters may be used. For safety and steering ability, wheels or casters may rotate or swivel.
3. STEERING. Steering mechanisms operated from inside or outside of the Race Coffin are prohibited. Ropes for pulling coffins are also prohibited.
4. DESIGN. Race Coffins are encouraged to have a logo, company, personal names, or other types of decorations on sides, top, or inside; however, they may not exceed the maximum width and/or length of the Race Coffin. We encourage you to provide a memorable name for your Race Coffin.
1. The race crew consists of 5 members, four runners and the coffin rider. It is encouraged to have at least one alternate. All crewmembers must be a minimum of 18 years old and must be wearing event wristband given at registration.
2. All Race Coffin riders must wear a helmet during the race. Any additional protective gear is highly recommended for your runners.
3. At least three of the four runners must be in direct and constant contact with the Race Coffin until it has come to a complete and safe stop after crossing the finish line.