Strawberry Festival 2025
Vendor Application
Thank you for your interest in participating in the 2025 Strawberry Festival! This exciting annual event celebrates community, creativity, and the sweetness of summer, offering a unique opportunity to showcase your products, services, or creations to thousands of attendees.
Please carefully review the information below before submitting your application:
Before applying for your space at the Shiawassee Strawberry Festival , please be aware of additional vending requirements:
1. We expect all vendors to promote this event to the best of their ability, by hanging posters, posting on social media using the advertisement given and email blasting your network, inviting on our Facebook event page, etc.
2. Vendors will be required to stay both days and leave at close sales at 4:00pm and no sooner, each day!!
3. We request that all vendors be on time and courteous to all other vendors. Space is limited and vendors selected to be featured will receive an email, or text notification to officially assign them their space at this year's event.
4. If you are a commercial vendor it is required for only one vendor per commercial product company. ( example, 1 papparrazi, 1 avon etc)
Please email any questions to: Darling@Eventz2U.com or call (989)998-6938 and thank you for your interest in vending 2025 Strawberry Festival.
By signing you agree that your Donation will be for the Strawberry Festival and the Eventz 4 Change Inc Youth Entreprenuership.