Your donation will help SMSD continue to preserve, promote, enrich and revitalize our downtown area. With upcoming projects like an interchangeable mural, Christmas lights, and decorations, façade improvements community enrichment, and more. Thank you for being willing to help preserve what we have as a small town so we can grow in our identity and community.
We would like to invite you to our annual Wine Walk on the Smithville square, come wearing your ugliest Christmas Sweater. It will be a beautifully tacky evening of shopping at all of our local brick-and-mortar stores while you sip.
We will also have an open Christmas Market featuring many vendors and some great shopping, NO tickets are required to shop so, come on down!
There will be several vendors selling all kinds of goodies just in time for some Christmas shopping.
All proceeds benefit the Smithville Main Street District. Smithville Main Street District exists to preserve, promote, revitalize and enrich the historic, cultural, and economic landscapes of downtown Smithville, Missouri. By doing this we are not only benefitting the small businesses that make up the commerce in our town, but also creating an identity and a footprint that will protect the small-town community as the surrounding areas continue to grow.