Wood Dale Memorial Day Parade -2024 - Eventeny

Wood Dale Memorial Day Parade -2024

Starts on Monday, May 27th, 2024
WOOD DALE, Illinois, United States
City of Wood Dale logo
About the event
The Veterans of Foreign Wars Tioga Post 2149 of Wood Dale, IL, in conjunction with the City of Wood Dale, would like to extend an invitation to your organization to participate in our annual Memorial Day Parade and Memorial Services that follow. The parade will be held on Monday, May 27. The lineup will begin at 10:00 AM and will step off at 11:00 AM About the event: Wood Dale's Memorial Day Parade is a community tradition. As always, we are expecting a fun-filled family day. Wood Dale's, Irving Park, and Addison Roads are the locations for the parade. Memorial Day brings out a huge crowd to honor those we have lost and to build a strong community. Candy may be distributed along the route. Please toss candy to the curb or have volunteers walk close to the curb to distribute it. The parade will step off from Elizabeth Drive and proceed north on Addison Road and Irving Park Road. At Irving Park Road, it will then turn east and end just beyond the bridge. Shuttle service will cycle to and from the Wood Dale Bowling Alley, 155 W Irving Park Rd, to the parade formation area. Parking at the bowling alley is highly encouraged.
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May 27, 2024 · 10:00 AM - May 27, 2024 · 1:00 PM(GMT-05:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
The event has ended
Parking instructions
Parade Participant Information: • Shuttle service will cycle to and from the Wood Dale Bowling Alley, 155 W Irving Park Rd, to the parade formation area. Parking at the bowling alley is highly encouraged. • Participants should meet at the corner of Elizabeth Drive and Addison Road by 10 am for staging. There is no parking available there. • Parade vehicles must enter Elizabeth Drive from Wood Dale Road. (One way only). • Entry from Addison Road will not be allowed. • The parade will kick off at 11 am and travel from Addison Road and Elizabeth Drive North to Veteran’s Memorial Park on Irving Park Road. • A luncheon will occur at the VFW following the ceremony at the Memorial. You and your family are welcome to attend.
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City of Wood Dale logo
Hosted by City of Wood Dale
Joined Eventeny in February 2023
21 events
WOOD DALE, Illinois, United States
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