Event Details
Hours: 5:00–7:00 PM
Vendor Setup: 4:00 PM
Vendor Takedown: 7:00 PM
Relaxed clubhouse atmosphere
Indoors (unless specified)
Before dinner crowd
Wine selection varies by event
Light music
25-75 Attendees
Age 25-40
Family-friendly, bring ID for wine sampling
Prize Giveaway!
Each vendor is asked to provide one prize giveaway per event, which we will raffle off at end of the night. Prize value may be $15-$25.
The more you give, the more incentive for customers to come visit you!
Examples of past prize giveaways include a free month gym membership, free wine glasses, free massage, a week of pilates lessons, etc. Be creative!
Booth Details
Booth Size: 8′ x 4′
Bring own display, table, etc.
One electrical outlet
When booking, specify both the date and location you want. Multiple events may happen on the same day in different places