Please read all the information below before beginning your application. As a volunteer, you are responsible for understanding all Terms and Conditions. You agree to all North Carolina Fossil Festival Terms and Conditions by submitting your application.
-- Applying does not guarantee acceptance to help during the festival.
-- Only applications submitted through this webpage will be accepted.
-- Applications are due by 6 pm EST on May 04, 2025.
-- Volunteers will be notified via email of the decision.
-- Following the approval email, the approved volunteers will receive information regarding volunteer introduction training date and check-in locations.
By submitting this application, I agree to hold the Aurora Fossil Museum Foundation, Inc., the Town of Aurora, and the North Carolina Fossil Festival harmless for any injury or loss to any person, equipment, property, or goods for any cause whatsoever. I also agree that the stated organizations cannot be held responsible for any claims for damage, injury, or loss arising from or in connection with and during the North Carolina Fossil Festival.
Volunteers not adhering to the terms and conditions will be asked to leave and will not be allowed to participate in future North Carolina Fossil Festivals.
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