Very Merry Holiday Markets-December - Eventeny

Very Merry Holiday Markets-December

Starts on Saturday, December 14th, 2024
Greensboro, North Carolina, United States
About the event
Very Merry Craft Show Located at Dragons Hoard Event Center 4645 West Market Street, Greensboro, North Carolina 27407, United States Vendors wanted for this INDOOR EVENT. Please apply early so we can market this event. One table and one black tablecloth will be supplied for the space. Spaces are limited to 30 vendors max. If you have special requests for electricity, please add a note in your application. This is an INDOOR event with climate control. Please provide product photos that we may use to promote you on our socials. Also, please provide your social website information. You Won't Want to Miss This! Mark your calendars for the ultimate holiday shopping experience at Dragon's Hoard Event Center! Explore, Shop, and Stroll and Enjoy: - up to 30 talented crafters and vendors - Unique gifts for all: jewelry, knitted items, pet products, holiday décor, clothing, ceramics, candles, - Handcrafted delights to spread holiday cheer Create Unforgettable Memories: - Bring loved ones and make this holiday season holly, jolly, and bright! - Discover Unique Christmas gifts and treasures - Enjoy a magical atmosphere filled with festive spirit - Date: Saturday, December 14 - Time: 11:00 AM - :4:00 PM - Location: Dragon's Hoard Event Center Cost $75 Setup and Take Down - Setup: 930 AM - Take Down: 4:00 PM Booth Prices are set up with the idea that each vendor will help spread the word! Vendors are EXPECTED to promote this event by sharing the event. We need word of mouth to make this event a success. This is essential to this event because it is inside. We will be promoting this heavily other ways as well. Parking: Free parking is available - We ask vendors to donate a door prize for the drawings, to make the event even more exciting for attendees!
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Dec 14, 2024 · 11:00 AM - Dec 14, 2024 · 4:00 PM(GMT-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
The event has ended
Parking instructions
PARKING: Parking is in the parking lot. We ask that you park the farthest away from the building so that consumers can park up front. Please pull your vehicle to the farthest space so that the guests can park upfront.
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Health & safety
Please do not visit the market if you are feeling unwell. Shop and Stroll Markets has put preventive measures in place due to the spread of Covid-19, however attending an event could increase your risk of contracting the coronavirus. By entering the facility, you voluntarily assume all risk and agree that you will not hold the Event Producers, and all associations liable for any resulting illness or injury.
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Terms & Conditions
GENERAL INFORMATION & AGREEMENT By reading the information below and submitting this online Application & Agreement, you agree to abide by all rules and regulations set forth by the event organizers in the 2024 Shop and Stroll Markets and made a part by reference. Please read over the Rules, Terms & Conditions before filling out and submitting your application. You agree to and understand the Rules, Limitations, and Procedures by submitting your application and payment. Application Process 1. Complete the online application form 2. Provide detailed information about your booth, products/services, and category 3. Attach necessary documents or images to support your application 4. Apply before the deadline or there is an extra charge. 5. Once approved, your card will be automatically charged APPROVAL: Applications will be approved/denied based on event needs, space availability, and/or amount of duplicated products. The submittal of an application does not guarantee a vendor's acceptance into any event. All decisions are at Shop and Stroll Market's discretion. Shop and Stroll Markets has a right to deny or cancel any vendor that does not follow the professional expectations and guidelines of Shop and Stroll Markets. Shop and Stroll Markets DOES NOT GUARANTEE EXCLUSIVITY for vendors on particular items. Shop and Stroll Markets DOES NOT GUARANTEE attendance or sales. ______________________ Vendor Acceptance Terms - We review each vendor application individually, considering product type, display quality, location, community reviews, and professionalism - Vendors agree to promote and share event promotions through their marketing channels - Each application must include digital photographs: photographs must clearly show the work the vendor intends to exhibit and one photo must be an image of the artist’s booth completely set up. Once your form is approved, your card will be charged immediately. If your form is rejected or put on the waitlist, you will not be charged anything. -Product and Pricing: Vendors agree to offer only the items approved by Shop and Stroll Markets and to maintain reasonable prices to encourage customer purchases and satisfaction. Vendors must display prices for all items.. ______________________ SPACE SIZE AND ASSIGNMENT THIS EVENT IS INSIDE AND YOU GET 1 Table and you can bring another table to make an L shape. It is NOT a 10x10 space. - Space assignments provided at check-in only - We Reserve The Right To Adjust Event Layout Or Schedule If Necessary - There is no booth splitting. One vendor per booth. - Electricity NOT available -Wifi NOT Available ________________________ DISPLAY AREA - Must stay within designated space limits of your L-shaped space ( 2 tables make an L shape), including display racks and tables ( bring everything you need) -ANY soliciting outside of your booth space is NOT PERMITTED. - Booths should remain open and staffed for the duration of the event -The vendor must be in security of his/her booth, and cannot hold Shop and Stroll Markets and/or Staff /Volunteers or the venue responsible for theft or damage. Vendor booth fee is non-refundable for vendors participating in the market - Vendors must furnish their own cash bank and credit card processing if they wish to take credit cards - Vendors must comply with all state and federal laws, regulations, and sales tax requirements ______________________ Setup and Breakdown Information - Setup begins at 8:30 am - Vendors must comply with setup timelines, remove vehicles by 15 minutes before the event - Booth breakdown commences after the event ends at 3 pm - Must be fully packed and cleared out by 5:00 pm - Vendors Must Stay For The Entire Duration Of The Event - In Case Of An Emergency, Please Notify Us At The Shop And Stroll Markets Information Tent - Early Pack-Up May Negatively Impact The Event And Other Vendors ______________________ Event Protocol - Vendors are responsible for removing empty boxes, trash, plastic bags, etc. Vendors are fully responsible for the cleanliness of the area of rental. The area must be left in the same condition as it was when you arrived. All vendor items must be removed from the premises at the end of the event. ______________________ Refunds and Cancellations - No refunds or credits will be given under any circumstances including weather - If a vendor cancels or fails to participate, they forfeit their payment No Refunds: All Vendor Booth Sales Are Final; No Refunds For Cancellations Or Any Other Circumstances _____________________ No Transfers Policy No Transfers: Vendor Booth Reservations Are Non-Transferable; No Transfers To Other Parties, Vendors, Or Events ______________________ Release and Waiver- Vendors are responsible for damages caused by themselves or their employees ______________________ Marketing and Photography - Shop and Stroll Markets reserves the right to take photographs or videos of vendors' products and displays for marketing and promotional purposes - Vendors grant permission for the use of such images and agree to hold harmless Shop and Stroll Markets and its affiliates from any claims or damages arising from the use of such images _______________________ Parking - Vendors will be directed to a designated parking area to check in and unload their booth ______________________ Weather - Shop and Stroll Markets is a RAIN or SHINE event (we reserve the right to cancel with thunder or lightening) - The event will take place rain or shine, and approved vendors agree to be present during the event hours despite weather conditions ______________________ Acts of God - Shop and Stroll Markets and its affiliates shall have no liability whatsoever for damage, of any nature, to any person, matter, or thing resulting from storm wind or water, or other acts of God, or imminent threat thereof, nor fire, strikes, or lockouts ___________________ Force Majeure: In the event of circumstances beyond the control of Shop and Stroll Markets organizers (e.g., weather, natural disaster), the event may be postponed or canceled. In such cases, vendors will be notified as soon as possible. ______________________ Compliance with Laws - Vendors must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and ordinances, including but not limited to health and safety regulations, tax laws, and consumer protection laws ______________________ Vendor Conduct - Vendors are expected to conduct themselves professionally and respectfully at all times during the event Discrimination, harassment, or any form of abusive behavior will not be tolerated
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Shop and Stroll Markets LLC logo
Hosted by Shop and Stroll Markets LLC
Joined Eventeny in February 2024
35 events
Burlington, North Carolina, United States
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