2023 Artist Exhibition Contract Terms and ConditionsThis Document forms the basis of an agreement between Dyad LLC, and the artists who wish to sell merchandise or services at Comic Con Honolulu, herein known as artists. Dyad LLC is the host organizer and promoter of entertainment conventions and services. Artists are in the business of selling their own printed or commissioned artwork and self-made creations hereinafter designated as the Property. The term Dyad LLC shall be termed to mean the individual or individuals assigned by the board of directors of Dyad LLC as Artist Alley Room Liaisons.Artist shall be fully responsible to pay for any and all damages to property owned by the Hawaii Convention Center or Dyad LLC or their owners or managers, which results from any act or omission of Exhibitor. Artist agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless, Hawaii Convention Center, Dyad LLC, and their respective owners, managers, officers or directors, agents, employees, subsidiaries and affiliates, from any damages or charges resulting from Artist’s use of the property. Artist’s liability shall include, without limitation, all losses, costs, damages, or expenses arising from or out of or by reason of any accident or bodily injury or other occurrences to any person or persons, including the Artist, their agents, employees, and business invitees which arise from or out of the Artist’s occupancy and use of the exhibition premises, Hotel or any part thereof.Artist is responsible for providing their own insurance, if desirable, to protect Artist and Artist’s property from damage, loss, theft, harm or injury. Neither Dyad LLC nor ‘VENUE’ will obtain insurance on Artist’s behalf. Artist is solely responsible for its own company exhibited material, goods, samples, and other property.Artist will hold harmless Dyad LLC and event facilities or any of their respective officers, agents, employees, representatives or affiliates, from any liability, damage, loss, harm, claim, or injury to property or person of the Artist, Artist’s officers, agents, employees or other persons, whether caused by the negligence of Dyad LLC or event facilities, or from theft, fire, water, accident, or any other cause whatsoever that are not covered under Dyad LLC’s standard insurance policy. Dyad LLC reserves the right to make changes or amend the contract and has the final say on all matters pertaining to the use and function of the Artist Alley during the run of the show. 1) Each table shall have a fixed cost: US $240.00. Each table will come with 1 chairs and 1 exhibitor membership.2) Payments will be made through Eventeny3) Any ARTIST who purchases a table without a completed contract or prior acceptance will not receive a table or repayment4) There are no refunds on table sales. If you cannot attend due to an emergency situation, contact us no less than 28 days before the start of the convention, and we may roll-over your table to the following year. Decisions are made on a case-by-case basis. This roll-over is valid for one year. Tables are non-transferrable and cannot be sold to another artist.5) Provide a valid email address and check your email often. If you do not hear from us, contact the Artist Alley Director. Comic Con Honolulu is not liable if you do not receive information because you did not check your email or provided a faulty email address.6) If special arrangements are required, contact the Artist Alley Director no later than 28 days before the Thursday Setup day of the convention.CODE OF CONDUCT:7) Dyad LLC (Comic Con Honolulu) reserves the right to remove you from Artist Alley without refund for any reason. You will not be allowed to exhibit for the remainder of the convention. Severe violations may result in a suspension or permanent ban as an Artist Alley exhibitor.8) ARTISTS are expected to follow the same rules of behavior as the rest of the convention attendees during off-hours. Any ARTIST ejected from the convention during off-hours must leave immediately the next morning during the set-up time.9) Artist Alley promotes a safe and respectful environment for the artists and guests. As such, ARTISTS should conduct themselves in a professional manner and must abide by all instructions given to them by Comic Con Honolulu and Artist Alley Directors and Staff. 10) All convention, local, state, and federal rules will apply while in the Artists Alley. ARTISTS who break any of the convention rules will be dealt with in an appropriate manner. ARTISTS who break any laws should expect to deal with law enforcement and face possible prosecution. This contract does not protect ARTISTS who break the law.LIMITATIONS ON SALES:11) We encourage the sale of any products featuring your own creations, commissioned and hand--drawn works, unique hand-made items, fanzines, and similar items.12) All ARTISTS must obey federal, state, and local laws and ordinances regarding the sale of material that, intentionally or unintentionally, infringes upon the trademarks or copyrights of another party. ARTISTS selling material that infringes upon the trademark or copyright of another party may be ejected without warning and without refund. Dyad LLC reserves the right to inspect and/or eject questionable material at any time.13) Artist Alley vendors may only sell their own ORIGINAL artwork and creations. ARTISTS cannot sell licensed or logo merchandise unless it can be considered “fan art.”14) ARTISTS may not sell "mass produced" items. Artist Alley defines "mass produced" as more than 100 units of a single item. Resellers and commercial artists are welcome to purchase booth space in the Dealer’s Room.15) The sale of real weapons is prohibited in Artist Alley.16) ARTISTS may not display material deemed offensive or inappropriate. Dyad LLC has the sole right to determine what is offensive or inappropriate. You may not sell offensive or inappropriate material to minors (under age 18). Artists who fail to comply or are caught selling such materials to minors shall be ejected without warning and without refund.TABLE USE POLICIES:17) All ARTISTS certify that they have complied with all federal, state, and local policies regarding the collection of any and all required taxes.18) You may share your table with other ARTISTS, but you may not resell, sublet, or otherwise profit off the table space itself. If you share table space, the table owner (purchaser) will be held liable for rule violations committed by all ARTISTS at their table.19) You may not damage, mark, or disfigure any of the provided equipment (including tables, chairs, table skirting, carpets, etc.). Report any accidental damage to the Artist Alley Staff as soon as possible. You may be held responsible for any fines incurred by Dyad LLC resulting from these damages.20) No more than 2 chairs will be allowed per full table. Freestanding forms must be 8' high or lower and secure to ensure public safety. All displays, chairs, tables and merchandise must be maintained within ARTIST’S designated area. Displays that do not adhere to these rules will be taken down. Dyad, LLC is not responsible for any damages that may occur during the removal of the display.21) There is to be no smoking, burning of objects, or open flame in Artist Alley at any time.22) The Honolulu Convention Center requires special tape on their floors. Do not tape anything to walls or floors without permission from Comic Con Honolulu. If you require more outlets or if an area poses a tripping hazard, see the Artist Alley staff.23) Artists may play video/audio devices at a reasonable volume. Dyad LLC reserves the right to determine the definition of ‘reasonable volume.’ If there are complaints you will be asked to turn down/off your music. Furthermore, Dyad LLC also reserves the right as to what audio/video content may be played during the hours of operation of Artist Alley.24) If you want to have a raffle or giveaway, please inform the Artists Alley Liaison ahead of time so that we can assist with any possible line forming or crowding issues. Crowding becomes a problem when it begins to block the thoroughfares between tables becoming a fire hazard. Therefore please get your raffle/giveaway taken care of as quickly as possible. Please make sure any raffles comply with state and local laws.25) Dyad LLC and the Comic Con Honolulu staff are not responsible for personal items or merchandise.26) Dyad LLC may use pictures of your booth setup for promotional purposes.
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