Application deadline has passed

Parade Entry

Deadline: Dec 08, 2022 12:00 am (GMT-06:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
Date: Dec 03, 2022 2:00 pm - Dec 03, 2022 8:30 pm (MDT)
Middlesboro, Kentucky

About the event

Welcome to the 2022 Whosboro Christmas Pararde! You will find an electronic application here for our vendors and sponsors as well as entry forms! We are excited to bring Whosville here to our Magic City! Come out December 3rd at 6pm to shop our Vendors and enjoy a Whosboro Christmas Parade!!!
Cumberland Mountain Fall Festival
Cumberland Mountain Fall Festival

About the application

Welcome to the event! Browse through our applications and let us know if you have any questions. This is an electronic agreement and by selecting the booths, you are validating and approving this agreement electronically.
Parade Unit Application 2022
Parade Assembly: 2:30pm (DO NOT HAVE TO BE IN LINE UNTIL 4PM, BUT YOU MUST BE LINED UP BY 4PM) Parade Start: 6:00pm Saturday, December 3, 2022
Parade Beginning Location: Middlesboro City Parking Lot

Terms & Conditions

 Please complete in full – information contained on the application will be provided to media 
covering the parade. Incomplete applications cannot be processed.
  Registration fee (listed below) MUST be included with the application. 
  Make checks payable to: Middlesboro Christmas Parade. 
  Send completed application to: Parade Chair, 189 N. 20
St., Middlesboro, KY 40965
  Parade questions? Contact Travis Moody (615) 476-6397 or email 
Name of Organization:__________________________________________________________________
Title of Entry (as it should appear in program):_______________________________________________
Contact:______________________________________  Phone Number:__________________________
Email:____________________________________ Day of Event Number:_________________________
Type of entry (please check all that apply):
    Float   Vehicle   Equestrian  Flatbed  Antique (1985 or Older)
    Walking  ATV    Marching Unit    Commercial Vehicle  Not-For-Profit Vehicle
Will your entry have music? __ YES __ NO  Describe:______________________________________
# of participants:________  # of adults:_______  # of children:_______  Age range:__________
Description to be read by Parade Announcer (provide as much info as you can, it may be edited) This is 
Application must be postmarked or emailed by November 12, 2022. Parade Chair has the sole discretion
of accepting entries received after November 12, 2022.
The first spaces are reserved for dignitaries, Veteran groups, etc. Lineup request are not accepted. On
parade day you will be given specific instructions about the parade for your unit. Vehicles NOT in the
parade will NOT be allowed to park in the marshaling area. You may come in for set-up, but must be
removed by 2:00pm or risk being towed at owners expense.
Enter lineup area on West Lothbury Avenue (Road to City Hall) just behind the Post Office, off of North
Street, or at North 21
Street and Cumberland Avenue.
Fee must be included with the application. Returned checks subject to a $35 returned check fee.
Entry fees go towards prize money for winning entries.
Entries (If you want in the consideration for prize money)        $25
Entries that do not wish to be considered for prizes          $10
After deadline (November 12, 2022), Will not be included in Prize Money, ALL Entries  $35
Week of Parade (ALL ENTRIES, will not be included in Prize Money)      $75
Please understand that if your parade unit is not decorated as an appropriate parade unit, we reserved the right
not to allow you to participate in the parade.
A large crowd gathers to witness a grand and entertaining event. People are not excited to see your undecorated
commercial vehicles. Please try and add to the visual excitement and entertainment.
The theme for this year is theme. This is important if you are in the running for 1
– 3
Float decorations, if you don’t follow the theme you 
will be deducted points. 
Since we are having a night parade, all parade entries must be lit in some way. Any unit without lighting will not 
be allowed to participate in the parade.
Parade Unit General Rules and Guidelines
Entry Selection 
All parade entries are subject to approval by the Parade committee.
All units are encouraged to adapt the parade theme in their entry. Units should be memorable and can be
inspirational, educational, and entertaining. The Parade will not be used as a platform for special interests.
Forward Motion Parade: 
  All entries are required to maintain a continuous forward motion during the parade. 
  Parade officials may change pace or stop forward motion to maintain suitable space between entries. 
  Each parade unit and groups are required to follow their requests to speed up or slow down. 
Participant Age Restrictions: There must be at least one adult escort for every six children under the age of 13. 
Height Restrictions: Any unit must not be over 13 (Thirteen) feet in height.  
Identification Signs: Banners are encouraged for entries in the parade. Please limit banner size to no larger than 3’ 
x 10’. Only confirmed parade sponsors and/or parade participant organization logos will be permitted. 
Cancellation Policy: The Parade will take place rain or shine. Only a significant act of nature will cancel the parade, 
of which all units will be notified. If for some unforeseen reason your unit is not able to participate in the parade
after being accepted, please contact the parade coordinator 3 days or more in advance.
Parade Day: Entries must be in staging area no later than 2:15pm. Any entry absent on parade day without proper 
notification may not receive future invitations to the parade.
Throwing or distributing of favors, handouts, literature or promotional items. 
This is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS as spectators (particularly children) will run out into the road to retrieve
favors or handouts and could be struck by a moving vehicle. This is a serious liability factor, one that has
resulted in injuries in other major parades. NO CANDY will be thrown. 
No advocating, opposing or depicting of any political or social issues.
 Any unit doing so will be removed from the parade line.
No spraying of water or other liquids from units. 
This is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS! This is a serious liability factor, one that could result in personal injury or
property damage.
No persons or articles hanging over the sides of floats or vehicles.
This is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS! This is a serious liability factor that could result in personal injury. If a
unit is in violation of this rule, it will be removed from the parade immediately.
No alcoholic beverages.
Alcoholic beverages are NOT allowed on any participant or in any vehicle. Participants consuming alcohol
prior to or during the parade will be removed from the lineup.
Sound: Music must maintain a volume that will not interfere with other parade units while in the line march. 
Safety: No smoking on or around any units at any time. 
Vehicle Drivers: Driver must possess a valid driver’s license and be at least 18 years of age.  
Waiver and Release of Liability 
Participation in the parade to be held on December 3, 2022 (hereinafter risk.
I/we hereby understand, voluntarily agree and chose to accept any and all risks, including bodily/personal injury,
property damage, and/or other damages which I/we may incur or cause a third party to incur as a result of my/our
active and/or passive participation in the Parade.
I/we assume on behalf of ourselves, successors, assigns, heirs, executors, administrators, and any other person or
entities who/which may have a claim based on my/our personal injuries and/or property damage, full
responsibility for all risks, and any injuries and damages associated with the Parade, and agree not to bring against,
and do hereby waive, release and discharge the City of Middlesboro, the Bell County Chamber of Commerce, the
Inferno Group, and parade committee members, as well as their respective departments, representatives,
members, officers, officials, agents, volunteers and employees (hereinafter demands, damages, right or causes of action present or future, known or unknown, resulting from the
undersigned’s participation in the Parade. 
Notice of Filming and Photography
By participating in the event, you consent to interview(s), photography, audio recording, video recording and
its/their release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction to be used for news, web casts, promotional purposes,
telecast, advertising, inclusion on websites, social media, or any other purpose by The Inferno Group and its
affiliates and representatives.
By participating in the event, you waive all rights you may have to any claims for payment or royalties in
connection with any use, exhibition, streaming, web casting, televising, or other publication of these materials,
regardless of the purpose of sponsoring of such use, exhibition, broadcasting, web casting, or other publication
irrespective of whether a fee for admission or sponsoring is charged. You also waive any right to inspect or
approve any photo, video, or audio recording taken by IGC or the person or entity designated to do so by IGC.
I/we further agree to indemnify, defend and save harmless from and against any and all claims, demands,
damages, liability, losses, injuries, suits and judgements, attorney’s fees and costs of every kind and nature 
including, but not limited to injuries, or death to persons and damage to property, arising from, or in connection
with, my/our, including guests and volunteers, participation in the Parade which are to be held on December 4,
2021, except as arises out of the sole willful misconduct or sole gross negligence of the Releasees.
The assumption of risk and indemnification provisions shall apply to any and all facilities that the City of
Middlesboro and the Bell County Chamber of Commerce may own and/or control.
I/we have read, understand, and voluntarily agree with the above terms and I am authorized to execute this
agreement/release on behalf of the Participant and by choosing this option I am agreeing to an electronic contract. 


Application fees $35 Non-refundable There is a $75 non-refundable application fee which is charged upon application.

Questions on the application

Business information

  • Business name
  • Legal business name
  • Contact name
  • Address
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Website (Optional)
  • Logo (Optional)

Additional information

  • What are your prices?
  • Tell us about your organization and why you would like to participate.
  • Are you going to provide some type of interactive experience or activity for the festival?

Picture requirements

  • Minimum pictures required: 0
Parade Entry
Parade Entry
Middlesboro Christmas Parade
Application deadline has passed