Open to all Artists/Makers/Producers/Resellers (Exhibitors) 18 years of age or older.
Exhibitors are chosen for participation by the Festival Committee. The Committee
reserves the right to review, and approve or refuse artwork, products, or designs
presented for consideration. Exhibitors whose products are in direct competition with a Main Street Merchant will not be allowed. Producers may sell their own farm and kitchen products, including but not limited to: fruits, vegetables, eggs, cut flowers, plants, cheese, cider, jams, jellies, relishes, honey, home canned goods, and baked goods. Many items are subject to Health Department regulations. It is the responsibility of the producer to abide by these regulations. Contact the
Health Department for inspection and approval. No cooking is permitted without prior
approval by the Festival Committee. It is the responsibility of each producer to abide by all state and federal regulations which govern the production, harvest, preparation,
preservation, labeling, or safety of products offered for sale at the festival. Exhibitors are liable for their own products. The Festival Committee, Calera Main Street, and/or City of Calera shall not be held accountable for the products offered by Exhibitors. Product and liability insurance is the responsibility of the producer.
The Festival does not close during intermittent rain. Come prepared for RAIN OR SHINE. Cancellation will only occur in the event of SEVERE WEATHER. If the Festival is cancelled due to weather, Exhibitors may request a refund. Any information will be communicated on the Festival’s Facebook page: @calerafirstfriday
SET-UP: 2:00-4:30
Exhibitors may begin setting up as early as 2:00PM and should be ready to do business prior to the festival beginning at 5:00PM. Food trucks are encouraged to arrive as early as possible to get into position. Upon arrival, Exhibitors will check in with Festival Coordinator or designated volunteer to be directed to their booth site. Exhibitors may pull their vehicle up to the booth location to unload and then promptly move their vehicle to vendor parking and return to finish setting up. (The Festival layout may change from month to month, so be sure to review the emailed map and instructions sent the week of the Festival.)
It is recommended that Exhibitors use safe, natural, and colorful displays. Be aware of
tripping hazards in the walk area. Battery powered lights are highly recommended to
help as lighting is limited after dark.
A pre-festival memo with a Festival map, directions, load-in and load-out instructions, etc. will be emailed by the Wednesday before each First Friday.
Each Exhibitor is responsible for their own sales tax. A business license is not required. Any fees collected by the festival are for the express purpose of promoting and operating Calera Main Street, a registered non-profit. This includes, but is not limited to,administrative expenses and advertising.
1. Exhibitor or agent MUST be present during the festival hours.
2. Exhibitors may exhibit artwork/products only in the category in which they have
been approved for.
3. Exhibitors who break down or depart before closing time of the festival will not be
allowed to return to future festivals unless proof of an emergency is presented.
4. The sale of live animals is not allowed.
5. The use of electrical generators must be cleared with the Festival Committee before usage, and the vendor will assume all liability therein.
6. Solicitation for political campaigns, products, services, or charitable contributions
not specifically approved in advance is not permitted.
7. Exhibitors must be 18 years of age or older. Younger children are welcome and
encouraged to participate but must be accompanied by an adult responsible for the
child’s conduct and safety.
8. Use or possession of alcohol, illegal drugs or gambling at or about the Festival area is prohibited.
9. Fraudulent, dishonest, or deceptive merchandising, disruptive behavior, or collusion
to set prices among Exhibitors may be grounds for removal.
10. All profane, abusive, discourteous, and boisterous language and/or conduct in or
around the festival area is prohibited.
11. All Exhibitors will attempt to maintain and promote a positive, community service oriented environment for fellow Exhibitors, local merchants, and customers.
12. Exhibitors will be solely responsible at all times for the cleanliness within their
vending area regardless of the origin of the debris in that location. Each vendor is
required to leave the space clean at the end of the day.
13. Any breach of these rules and regulations forfeits all rights of the Exhibitor and will result in immediate removal from the festival without a refund.
The Exhibitor does hereby and forever discharge the owners of the Calera Courtyard
property, Calera Main Street, the City of Calera, Alabama, and its employees or volunteers of and from all manners of actions, suits, claims and demands whatsoever in law or equity from any loss or damage to the undersigned or their property, while in the possession, supervision, or auspices of Calera Main Street First Friday Festival, its agents, representatives, or employees. Aforementioned Parties (AP) are not responsible for any occurrence or damage to Exhibitor that arises from Exhibitor’s negligence or a force majeure occurrence or any other event beyond AP’s control, and AP shall not be liable for any additional costs or damages suffered by Exhibitor arising out of a rescheduling or cancellation of the Festival due to any
force majeure occurrence, including COVID. The Exhibitor releases Calera Main Street to use submitted images of artwork, products, and logo, and grants permission to use Exhibitor’s likeness in a photograph, video, or other digital media for the purpose of publicizing their work and/or company and the Festival. Calera Main Street First Friday reserves the right to make alterations or final interpretation of all Terms, Conditions, Rules, Regulations and Festival Information.
Submitting a 2024 First Friday Application confirms the Exhibitor has read
and complies with all Festival Terms, Conditions, Guidelines, Rules,
Regulations, and General Release.