Through acknowledgment and submission of payment to participate in the 2025 St Pete Pride Parade (“parade”), each registered group (“group” or “participant”) agrees to each, and every clause described in the St Pete Pride Parade Agreement (“Agreement”) and identified in the online St Pete Pride Parade Application (“Application”) incorporated herein by reference. Failure by the group to abide by any clauses set forth in this agreement gives St Pete Pride, Inc. (“SPP”) and/or the authorized agents of SPP the right to (1) immediately terminate this agreement (2) require group, immediately upon notice of violation of this agreement, to cease operations and vacate the premises, and (3) forfeit any and all fees paid to SPP for the right and privilege of participating as a group in the Pride Parade. No clauses of this agreement may be changed, modified, or altered without the written approval of SPP.
Registration: Parade participants are solely responsible for the information provided through the registration process. Incorrect registrations may result in loss of placement or participation in the parade. Registrations processed without appropriate add-ons (float, vehicle, number of marchers, etc.) will be turned away at the event if the group does not match the registration. Day of event add-ons will not be accepted. St Pete Pride, Inc reserves the right to deny, modify, or adjust any parade application and will inform the group of any changes in a timely manner.
Registration does not guarantee a space in the parade.
Kickoff: The Parade will step off between 6:00 PM and 6:30 PM EST* on Saturday, June 28, 2025, at Albert Whitted Park. Parade order, staging setup, and all other information will be emailed to all registered entrants prior to the event date.
Parade Representatives: St Pete Pride, Inc. (SPP) is requesting that each group designate one person as their “parade representative”. The parade representative will help with coordination of vehicle/group setup and controlling the flow of their float/group during the parade. Parade representatives will report to parade check-in for entry verification. Parade representatives and at least one other person associated with the parade entry must attend one of two mandatory virtual Pride Information Sessions. Both sessions offer the same content. Failure to attend may result in the loss of the parade entry with no refunds being given.
Signs/Banners/Logos: Parade participant entries onsite must reflect the application as filed with SPP. No other group or business may be promoted on a banner/sign/logo without written permission from SPP and have paid all applicable parade fees. If a participant has not received written permission, SPP reserves the right to remove any entry that represents any endeavor other than what is listed on the participant’s application. Parade participants may not display or hand out anything that is imprinted, emblazoned, or marked in any manner with “St Pete Pride”, “PrideFest”, “Pride St. Petersburg”, or use any logo associated with St Pete Pride. Parade participants shall not display or hand out any phrases, logos, or artwork with any variation of these words. Parade participant agrees and acknowledges that SPP reserves the right to prohibit anywhere on the 2025 SPP grounds, including parade entries, the display, advertisement, or other promotion of any business, company, or organization which may be in conflict with a current SPP Sponsor. Any questions concerning current SPP Sponsors should be directed to SPP prior to the event. Parade spaces may not be sold or “sublet” without written permission by SPP. Any failure to comply with instructions by SPP shall be considered a material breach of this agreement and shall result in immediate termination of this agreement and forfeiture of any and all fees paid to SPP.
Vehicles: Any person operating a vehicle in the Parade whether powered, self-powered, or non-powered does so at his or her own risk, bearing all liability for any and all damages or loss of personal property and / or any personal injuries sustained to themselves or other person(s). Vehicle operator hereby waives any and all claims and or defenses it may have against the St Pete Pride, Inc. of whatever kind or nature as a result of their independent use of such vehicle. Further it shall be required of the person operating such vehicle to maintain, and hereby acknowledges adequate and sufficient insurance coverage to indemnify himself and the St Pete Pride, Inc. from any and all damages and or loss to property in addition to any and all personal injuries, of whatever kind or severity, to the vehicle operator or any other person who is injured as a result of the use of such vehicle.
Marchers: Any group wishing to walk in the parade must be registered to be included in the line-up. To ensure timeliness and to provide as many parade spaces as possible, one registration is limited to 100 marchers. Group registrations must match the number of marchers, i.e. base registration 1-100 marchers, with one (1) marcher add on 101-150 marchers, with two (2) marchers add on 151-200 marchers, etc. St Pete Pride reserves the right to turn away, limit, or remove groups from marching in the parade who do not register for the correct number of marchers in their group. Additional entries will not be accepted past the listed registration deadlines.
Etiquette: The St Pete Pride Parade is for the entire community, so please remember there are children on the parade route. Parade groups should not include nudity, explicit or offensive language, or any imagery/items that are prohibited by law. Please do not stop on the parade route unless directed by a SPP Parade Official. Please listen to all information and follow all directions of the volunteers during set-up, parade execution, and parade disassembly. The parade volunteers are there for your safety and security. Please keep a safe distance between your group and others, but not so far as to slow the progress of the Parade. No articles of any kind may be thrown during the parade. Fireworks and pyrotechnics are not permitted during the parade.
Floats: St Pete Pride would like to encourage groups to showcase their organization/business through a float. It is the one time of the year you can promote yourselves in front of the entire community. All cars and vehicles must be registered. A vehicle pulling a float is considered one (1) float. More information about floats is listed below.
Float Information:
- Floats must be no higher than 15’
- No articles of any kind may be thrown from the float; promotional items may be handed to the crowd or delivered in other appropriate manner to prevent injury to the crowd.
- The following items are prohibited: glass, alcohol, fireworks/fire, paper flyers
- No one may enter or exit the float once the float is in motion on the parade route
- Trailers must be towed by an accompanying vehicle and have a turning radius of not less than 90º
- A fire extinguisher must be on board each float/vehicle
- All sound systems must be self-powered and must meet city codes for amplification standards
- Names of the business or organization should appear on the float
- Each organization must provide applicable insurance for each float/vehicle entered
Failure to comply with these standards may result in the disqualification of the float and possible removal from the parade
Security: Please be advised that the St. Petersburg Police Department is responsible for enforcing all applicable state laws and local ordinances during Pride events. Such statutes may include, but are not limited to public nudity and decency, alcohol, controlled substances, public safety, and standard vehicle insurance requirements.
Disclaimer: St Pete Pride, Inc. hereby absolves any liability arising from use of floats in the St Pete Pride Parade or any activities in association with SPP. In accordance with City, State, and Federal Laws, no alcoholic beverages will be allowed during any portion of the Pride parade event. In addition, no person under the influence of alcohol or drugs shall be allowed to operate a motor vehicle during the Pride parade. SPP reserves the right to remove, including but not limited to, any person, motorized or non-motorized vehicle, conveyance, float, or participant(s) for any activity deemed unsafe, violation of any rules contained herein, or action or inaction that may cause any delay to the progress of the parade. SPP attempts to accommodate all requests for Parade placement, however Parade placement of participants is at the sole discretion of SPP and such placements are final.
Cancellations / Refund Policy: Parade registrations are non-refundable.
Insurance: Any person operating a vehicle in the Parade whether powered, self-powered, or non-powered does so at his or her own risk, bearing all liability for any and all damages or loss of personal property and / or any personal injuries sustained to themselves or other person(s). Further it shall be required of the person operating such vehicle to maintain, and hereby acknowledges adequate and sufficient insurance coverage to indemnify himself and the St Pete Pride, Inc. from any and all damages and or loss to property in addition to any and all personal injuries, of whatever kind or severity, to the vehicle operator or any other person who is injured as a result of the use of such vehicle.
Any group utilizing a float will require additional insurance requirements. If you are renting a float from a professional float company, that company will usually provide the insurance form for the float. If you own your own float, the organization is responsible for providing the insurance form. This does not apply to regular vehicles (cars, trucks or Jeeps) which only need normal vehicle proof of insurance. Proof of Insurance must state the following in its exact form:
Additional Insured: St Pete Pride, Inc. and their sponsors are named additional insured with waiver of subrogation under General Liability and Automobile Liability with respect to Liability arising out of any operation of named insured in connection with the Parade. The additional insurance afforded shall be primary and noncontributory insurance and any other valid and collectible insurance available to additional insureds shall be excess insurance.
Participant understands that the Parade will be held rain or shine. Parade fees are non-refundable. SPP has no control over weather, acts of God, acts of terrorism, governmental intervention, force majeure or any other cause that may prevent and alter and or interrupt the SPP 2025 date(s). Participants shall hold SPP harmless for any losses that could arise from such an event. SPP does not refund fees due to weather, acts of God, acts of terrorism, or governmental intervention. Announcements regarding cancellation of any event will be made online at and/or St Pete Pride’s official social media accounts, as soon as it is reasonable to do so.
Photographs and Grant of Rights: The group and its participants grant SPP the right to take still or moving photographs, video, digital, audio, or other recordings, and to reproduce, display, distribute, perform, digitize, transmit, broadcast, and otherwise use those images, in any and all media and manners now known or hereafter discovered throughout the world in perpetuity. These images may be used by SPP for any purposes whatsoever including without limitation to all promotional and advertising uses, on its websites, and for other purposes. The exhibitor releases SPP from any and all claims, actions and demands arising out of or in connection with the images, including without limitation any and all claims for invasion of privacy, publicity rights, defamation, trademark rights and all other rights.
*SPP reserves the right to change the times and locations as listed in this document