Through acknowledgment and submission of payment to participate in the 2025 St Pete Pride Event (“2025 SPP”), each Exhibitor and/or Vendor (“Vendor”) agrees to each and every clause described in the St Pete Pride Event Vendor Agreement (“Agreement”) and identified in the online St Pete Pride Event Vendor Application (“Application”) incorporated herein by reference. Failure by the Vendor to abide by any clauses set forth in this agreement gives St Pete Pride, Inc. (“SPP”) and/or the authorized agents of SPP the right to (1) immediately terminate this agreement (2) require Vendor, immediately upon notice of violation of this agreement, to cease operations and vacate the premises, and (3) forfeit any and all fees paid to SPP for the right and privilege of participating as a Vendor at Pride. No clauses of this agreement may be changed, modified, or altered without the written approval of SPP.
- 2025 SPP is a series of sponsored events held over four (4) weekends in June 2025 with flagship festivals to be held on June 7, June 14, June 27, June 28, and June 29, 2025. As each event has a unique and diverse theme, Vendor will select and register online for each specific event (“Registered Day”) they believe best suits their interests, business, enterprise, service, etc. and will complete an online Vendor Application informing SPP of their selection. SPP reserves the right to deny, adjust or modify Vendor’s choice of day and will inform Vendor of any changes in a timely manner. Registration does not guarantee a space at 2025 SPP.
- Vendor may choose to participate in one or up to five* 2025 SPP date(s). This Agreement will apply to and govern each Registered Day of 2025 SPP. Vendor must submit the appropriate Agreement and Application for each event in which it chooses to participate. SPP reserves the right to deny, modify, or move Vendor and will inform Vendor of any decision to do so in a timely manner. Once agreed to and assigned, Vendor will be responsible for their attendance on the date(s) assigned.
- SPP agrees to provide Vendor with the vendor space as applied, paid in full, and assigned in the Application for their assigned 2025 SPP date(s). All Vendors agree to be prompt and claim their reserved space by the time assigned on their 2025 SPP date(s). If Vendor cannot meet this obligation, they must inform SPP as soon as possible. Arrangements for late arrival cannot be guaranteed. If Vendor fails to fails to appear and claim their reserved space by the time assigned on their 2025 SPP date(s) the space will be deemed released by Vendor and SPP reserves the right to re-assign and or resell such space to another prospective Vendor without further notice nor refund.
- Vendor agrees and understands that SPP reserves the right to place Vendors in a space location at the complete discretion of SPP. While SPP officers shall strive to fulfill the wishes of all Vendors, SPP shall have sole and complete authority to place the participant at any location within 2025 SPP, regardless of the Vendor’s request. SPP makes no representation, nor does it guarantee any volume of “foot-traffic” of guests in any area of 2025 SPP. SPP cannot speculate, nor control, nor guarantee the popularity of one area.
- Out of fairness and consideration of all 2025 SPP participants, Vendor acknowledges and agrees to only utilize such space contained within the confines of its assigned space. Vendor shall not extend their exhibit in any way beyond its assigned space, for any reason including but not limited to sales, distribution, or other solicitation. Vendor acknowledges and agrees that they are strictly prohibited from “canvassing” or otherwise roaming through 2025 SPP in an effort to promote or extend its space’s purpose. SPP will make every reasonable effort, as allowed by law, to prohibit any unauthorized “canvassing.”
- Vendor shall vacate their space at the stated close of 2025 SPP and will ensure that such space shall be free of any and all trash or refuse at that time. Failure to clean their site will be noted and may result in the future denial of Vendor participation in SPP events.
- Vendor agrees to obey all rules and instructions as directed by SPP, its agents, volunteers, and officers during 2025 SPP. Any failure to strictly adhere to such instructions is considered a material breach and may result in the immediate termination of this agreement and immediate forfeitures of any and all fees paid to SPP.
- Vendor agrees and acknowledges to abide by all directions given or promulgated by SPP and/or the City of St. Petersburg. Vendor understands it may be held liable for any damage(s) caused through participation in SPP 2025, and agrees to compensate SPP for any damage(s) caused, created, or worsened by its representatives, agents, employees, volunteers, members, vehicles, equipment, materials, objects to the environs and infrastructure of City Property. In any and all cases where SPP is required to pay for the repair, replacement, or other remuneration to the City of St. Petersburg for such damage, Vendor agrees to reimburse SPP for any and all expenses incurred within 30 days.
- Tents must be weighted on all four corners (you are responsible for any damages caused by your canopy).
- Unless you have applied specifically to be a “Food Vendor”, Vendor agrees and acknowledges that SPP retains the exclusive rights to serve and sell FOOD AND BEVERAGES (including water) at all times, sites, and operations of 2025 SPP. The serving or selling of any food or beverage (including water) by Vendor is prohibited and will be considered contraband. SPP reserves the right to confiscate any food or beverage (including water) found to be in violation of this clause. Any failure to strictly adhere to this SPP policy is considered a material breach and may result in the immediate termination of this agreement and immediate forfeitures of any and all fees paid to SPP.
- Food Vendors agrees and acknowledges to follow the City of St. Petersburg's regulations regarding single use plastics. Failure to comply with city regulations may result in violations in accordance with City of St. Petersburg’s Code of Ordinances Chapter 11 Article IV.
- Vendor agrees and acknowledges that amplified sound is strictly prohibited. Only quiet generators will be permitted. If your generator is deemed by SPP to be disruptive to your neighbors or the event, you must agree to discontinue its use immediately. Any violation shall be considered a material breach of this agreement and shall result in immediate termination of this agreement and forfeiture of any and all fees paid to SPP.
- Vendor agrees and acknowledges that SPP reserves the right to prohibit anywhere on the 2025 SPP grounds, the display, advertisement, or other promotion of any business, company, or organization which may be in conflict with a current SPP Sponsor. Vendor understands that they are responsible for compliance with this clause, and any questions concerning current SPP Sponsors should be directed to SPP prior to the event.
- Vendor shall not display, offer for view, or sell any illegal or contraband items. The laws of the State of Florida and local ordinances of the City of St. Petersburg and Pinellas County shall control. Vendor shall not display, offer for view, or sell any items that are unlicensed and/or copies/ interpretations of licensed or registered items at any and all sites and operations of 2025 SPP. SPP reserves the right to ask Vendor to remove items in violation of this clause and Vendor agrees to yield to any instructions by SPP to remove material from its space. Any failure to comply with instructions by SPP shall be considered a material breach of this agreement and shall result in immediate termination of this agreement and forfeiture of any and all fees paid to SPP.
- Vendor shall not display, offer for view, take orders for, sell, or solicit for donation any items that are imprinted, emblazoned, or marked in any manner with “St Pete Pride”, “St. Petersburg Pride”, “PrideFest”, or “Pride St. Petersburg”. Even when printed with other words, Vendor shall not offer phrases, logos or artwork with any variations of these words. SPP reserves the right to ask Vendor to remove items in violation of this clause and Vendor agrees to yield to any instructions by SPP to remove material from its space. Any failure to comply with instructions by SPP shall be considered a material breach of this agreement and shall result in immediate termination of this agreement and forfeiture of any and all fees paid to SPP.
- Vendor agrees and acknowledges that SPP 2025 are all ages events and the displaying, advertising, or exhibiting any and all material considered or perceived to be for adult audiences only is subject to all Federal, State, and Local rules, laws, ordinances, and regulations. SPP reserves the right to determine and decide if Vendor’s space includes such adult materials which may be considered obscene or objectionable for view by minors. Vendor agrees to yield to any instructions by SPP to remove material from is space. Any failure to comply with instructions by SPP shall be considered a material breach of this agreement and shall result in immediate termination of this agreement and forfeiture of any and all fees paid to SPP.
- Vendor agrees and acknowledges that it shall not assign, share, or sublet their space.
- Vendor acknowledges and understands that they are responsible for sales and use tax and shall in no way hold the SPP or its representatives responsible for any payment of same.
- Vendor agrees that it is responsible for the acts, omissions, and costs associated with its employees, agents, or volunteers. Vendor shall hold harmless and indemnify SPP and its agents, representatives, employees, volunteers, and partners against any claims arising out of participation in SPP 2025. No Vendor shall hold itself out as an Agent of SPP.
- Vendors are solely responsible for the security of all items at all times. SPP is not liable for any damages due to loss or theft.
- Vendor understands that SPP cannot control participation in SPP 2025 and makes no representation or guarantees towards actual attendance at this event.
- Vendor understands that the Event will be held rain or shine. Booth fees are non-refundable. SPP has no control over weather, acts of God, acts of terrorism, governmental intervention, force majeure or any other cause that may prevent and alter and or interrupt the SPP2025 date(s). Vendors and participants shall hold SPP harmless for any losses that could arise from such an event. SPP does not refund fees due to weather, acts of God, acts of terrorism, or governmental intervention. Announcements regarding cancellation of any event will be made online at as soon as it is reasonable to do so.
- Vendor certifies that it maintains adequate liability insurance to cover any and all occurrences which may result in damage or injury to any person who may be a patron to 2025 SPP. While presentation of this insurance is not necessary to execute this Agreement or the Vendor Application, Vendor agrees and acknowledges it shall provide a Certificate of Insurance or proof of said insurance policy upon the request of SPP. Failure to provide proof of adequate insurance shall be considered a material breach of this Agreement and may result in the immediate termination of this Agreement and immediate forfeitures of any and all fees paid to SPP. Certificates of Insurance must name St. Pete Pride, Inc and the City of St. Petersburg as Additional Insured.
- Signs/Banners/Cart Materials shall be made of a flame-retardant material and proof of such fire-retardant rating shall be made available upon request of SPP. Failure to provide proof of rating may result in immediate termination of this agreement and immediate closure of Vendor operations until such information is satisfactorily provided. Vendor shall hold SPP and its agents, representatives, and officers harmless for any losses or damages for failure to have such information readily available for inspection.
- It is MANDATORY that ALL FOOD VENDORS have adequate fire extinguishing equipment at their booth/space with current certification tags attached; this includes a Class K extinguisher if fryers are used.
- Photographs and Grant of Rights: Vendor and its participants grant SPP the right to take still or moving photographs, video, digital, audio, or other recordings, and to reproduce, display, distribute perform, digitize, transmit, broadcast, and otherwise use those images, in any and all media and manners now known or hereafter discovered throughout the world in perpetuity. These images may be used by SPP for any purposes whatsoever including without limitation to all promotional and advertising uses, on its websites, and for other purposes. Vendor releases SPP from any and all claims, actions and demands arising out of or in connection with the images, including without limitation any and all claims for invasion of privacy, publicity rights, defamation, trademark rights and all other rights.
- SET-UP: Set-up can begin 3 hours prior to the start of event time. Unload your items at your assigned unloading area/street as quickly as possible. Bring your items to your booth/table space and move your vehicle to the vendor parking lot BEFORE you begin your set-up. Do not set-up your tent/table when unloading. PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO DRIVE INTO AN EVENT IN A CITY PARK. YOU WILL BE UNLOADING / LOADING FROM THE STREETS DIRECTLY AROUND THE PARK. PLEASE BE PREPARED TO TRANSPORT YOUR ITEMS FROM THE STREET INTO THE PARK/BACK TO THE STREET AT THE END OF THE FESTIVAL. WE WILL ATTEMPT TO HAVE VOLUNTEERS ON HAND TO ASSIST, BUT THIS ASSISTANCE IS NOT GUARANTEED.
- ENTRY FOR SET-UP: Some events will require vendors to have a pass indicating their load in time. If you are not in possession of your pass at entry you may be reassigned to the last load-in group. If you attempt to load in earlier than your allocated time you may be asked to leave and return at the assigned time. If you arrive after the scheduled load in time, your vehicle will not be allowed into the load-in area and you will have to manually load in from a location open to the public. VOLUNTEERS WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE TO ASSIST WITH LATE LOAD INS.
- SET UP for FOOD VENDORS will have vehicle access into the park. Please note that towing vehicles and trailers must fit into the purchased space or THEY MUST BE REMOVED FROM THE PARK. Any vehicles / trailers left outside of the purchased space will result in your removal from the event.
- BREAK-DOWN: Break-down cannot begin until after the scheduled end time of the event. Vehicular traffic is not allowed inside the event area during event hours. When the festival is over, vendors/participants will need to break-down their display and pack up their booth/table before bringing their vehicle inside the event, where applicable. For events located in city parks vehicles will be driven to adjacent streets. For the safety of the general public, be sure an ALL CLEAR for vendor/participant pack up has been given before proceeding beyond the event barricades. We will endeavor to have volunteers on hand to look after your items until you are able to bring your vehicle inside the event area, but SPP is not responsible for any loss/damages. The unloading/loading map will be sent along with booth assignments via email prior to the event date.
- Parking: Vendor understands that there is no specified or reserved vendor parking on-site or off. Vendor’s are responsible for finding adequate parking in City parking facilities, on open streets, or in public lots. St Pete Pride is not responsible for the availability of parking during sponsored events.
- Non-Discrimination: Vendor agrees that it does not and shall not discriminate on race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, domestic partner status, marital status, disability, or health status.
- Cancellations / Refund Policy: Vendor space registrations are non-refundable.
- SPP may adjust the hours or days of the event due to forces of nature, or other occurrences beyond our control. Such changes will not be considered a breach of this agreement and will not constitute grounds for a refund.
- Any registration changes must be made prior to May 15, 2025, any changes past that day may result in a loss of money paid to St Pete Pride for participation in the event.
- Registration includes ONLY a 10’ x 10’ space, or a 10’ x 30’ space for Food Trucks, and the booth space does not include tables, chairs, a tent nor electricity. Tents may be rented through St Pete Pride during the registration process.
Any alteration or modification of this Agreement shall be null and void unless agreed to in writing and signed by both Vendor and SPP (or their representatives). This agreement incorporates all agreements and understandings, either oral and or written, between the parties and has not excluded any term contemplated prior to the signatures of the parties. This agreement has been read, understood and entered into freely, voluntarily and absent of duress by both parties.