Vendor application for the 2022 John's Pass Seafood Festival.
1) Application fees are non-refundable.
2) Vendor space fees are non-refundable.
3) John’s Pass Seafood Festival is held rain or shine. There will be no refunds for failure to show, inclement weather, cancellation, or any other reason.
4) Space assignments and setup times will be sent via email, the week of the event.
5) The City of Madeira Beach and the John’s Pass Seafood Festival Committee reserve the right to move, discontinue, or limit the participation of any approved applicant at any time.
6) The following is the price list for booth spaces:
Vendor Type
Jewelry (Limit 5)
Arts & Crafts
Food Vendor
Food Truck
7) Booth Spaces will be approximately 10’x10’ or 10’x20’. Only one vendor per space, NO subletting or sharing of space allowed.
8) Spaces larger than 10’x20’ will require approval by the City of Madeira Beach and the event committee.
9) Vendors must provide their own commercial grade canopy, tables, chairs, extension cords, display, and any other items necessary for their setup.
10) All of the vendor’s equipment and materials, must fit within their designated booth space and be constructed to withstand inclement weather.
11) Canopies must be weighted on all four corners. 25lb or more weight per leg. Vendor is responsible for any and all damages caused by your canopy.
12) Canopies must have an attached label or tag to prove it was manufactured with flame retardant material.
13) The area around your booth must be kept clean and free of debris at all times. The area around your booth must be cleaned each evening upon closing.
14) You may only operate during event hours.
15) You must accept the assigned booth location for the event.
16) You may not use any public address system or sound amplifiers of any kind.
17) The City of Madeira Beach and/or its designee reserves the right to close any vendor who does not comply with all event rules and regulations throughout the event.
Food Vendors (Additional Information)
18) All food vendors must have adequate fire extinguishing equipment at their booth with current certification tags attached and ready for inspection by the Fire Marshal, including a Class K extinguisher if fryers are being utilized. Although not required, we suggest and request that all other vendors also have fire extinguishing equipment available at all times.
19) Vendors must properly dispose of grease during the event in the appointed grease disposal unit. Any vendor not properly disposing of grease will be asked to shut down operations and leave at the end of that day of the event.
20) You must ensure that the area around your booth or food truck is free of grease at all times.
21) You may only serve items submitted on your application and approved for the event. You must attach your proposed menu with this application. A menu of all items for sale along with prices must be visible to the public.
22) Food vendors are to serve FOOD ONLY. Water, Soda, or beverages of any kind will be provided by other vendors.
Setup and Break Down Information
23) Unauthorized vehicular traffic inside the barricaded area during event hours is strictly prohibited. Violators may be issued a citation by local law enforcement and participation in the event will be discontinued.
24) SET UP: Unload your product at your assigned booth space and immediately move your vehicle to the designated vendor parking area before you begin your set up.
25) BREAK DOWN: No early break down. All vendors must remain for the duration of the event. When the event is officially over, break down your display and pack your booth before bringing your vehicle inside the event footprint. For the safety of the general public, be sure an all clear for vendor pack up has been given before proceeding beyond the event barricades.
26) Vendor parking will be available offsite for FREE. Location will be included within the email regarding space assignments.
*Enforcement of these terms and conditions are at the sole discretion of the City of Madeira Beach.* *The City of Madeira Beach reserves the right to make final interpretation of all event rules.*
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