We do not accept applications from professional services (i.e. home improvement, realtors, insurance,
etc.) unless you are a member of the Middletown Chamber of Commerce.
We do not accept applications from any vendor selling or sampling alcohol. This is an alcohol-free event.
If you have questions about this email Baron@hbproductionsllc.com
Items not allowed in any booth: knives, guns, sprays, stun-guns, any weapon related item, potions, obscene or X-rated material, silly string, graffiti type foam, drug paraphernalia and / or anything depicting drugs or drug use.
Vendors are expected to arrive and set up on time.
To help make sure everything runs smoothly on event day, each section will have designated load-in times and routes. This will help reduce congestion and ensure a more efficient setup for everyone involved!
All vehicles and support vehicles must quickly unload and exit the unloading zone before they begin set up.
Move vehicles to vendor parking or other available parking before beginning booth set up.
Everyone should be ready at least 30 minutes before the festival opens.
Vendors are expected to remain open for the duration of the event.
Tent weights are required for all outdoor events for everyone's safety.
All vendors must be able to show insurance coverage upon request.
For vendors offering prepackaged food and snacks, you are welcome to sign up directly through the vendor Booth registration portal. However, for those wishing to provide entrees or food that will be prepared onsite, we kindly ask that you apply through our food truck application. You can find the application link below:
Any vendors selling food (prepackaged or made on site) must check in with the health department about other permitting needed. Vendors are responsible for having the proper permits to sell their product.
Booths do not have access to electricity. Electricity is only available in section 100
for an additional fee. Electric is limited.
Booth fee does not include signage or decorations.*
Booth fee does not include a tent, tables, chairs or display equipment.*
*Unless otherwise arranged with festival management. Additional fee may apply. Festival does not provide WIFI service.
All generator use must be approved by festival management. Invertor generators are allowed with a maximum 70 dB rating.
Generators must be placed in a way to not interfere with other vendors, Use of a generator may affect your booth placement. You are required to bring your own extension cords and use cord covers or rugs to prevent any trip hazards.
Vendor must provide their own point of sales system and any back up charging devices.
Vendors are responsible for their own sales tax.
Tent weights are required for all outdoor events for safety.