This application is a legal agreement between the applicant (Exhibitor) and The Center on Colfax, producer of Denver PrideFest (Festival). By completing and submitting this application, you agree to all terms and conditions outlined below. Please review carefully. Please note that submission of application or payment does not guarantee acceptance. The Festival desires to permit said Exhibitor, and only said Exhibitor, to sell said items (see Exhibit Booth Purpose & Products Form included below) during the PrideFest event. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and of the promises and mutual covenants contained herein, and other good and valuable
consideration, the parties agree as follows: RIGHT TO SELL. Exhibitor, and only said Exhibitor, shall have the right to sell only the items set forth in Paragraph 3 at the designated prices. Said sales are to occur only within the area designated by the Festival for the Exhibitor.
BEVERAGES & FOOD. Exhibitor shall not sell, distribute, or in any way disseminate ANY nonalcoholic or alcoholic beverages or food, INCLUDING WATER. Violation of this regulation is grounds for immediate dismissal from the Festival and forfeiture of all fees associated with participation.
PRODUCTS. Exhibitor, and only said Exhibitor, shall sell only the items and/or services at the listed retail price (including all applicable sales taxes) included on the Exhibit Booth Purpose & Products section of this agreement as part of this application and agreement. Exhibitor shall sell the identified items at the specified price unless otherwise agreed by the Festival. HOURS OF OPERATION. Exhibitor booths must be fully staffed and open for sales and must remain fully staffed and prepared to serve customers Saturday, June 28, 2025, from 11 AM to 7:00 PM and/or Sunday, June 29, 2025, from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM regardless of weather conditions. DAMAGE FEE. A damage fee in the amount of $200.00 will be charged if there is any damage to the park or trash left behind after tear-down. SET UP. Set-Up will begin at 7:00 AM on Saturday, June 28, 2025 and must be complete no later than 10:00 AM No cars will be allowed on-site after 9:30 AM on Saturday. The Festival will provide limited overnight security. Site access by vehicle on Saturday morning will be Limited to 20 minutes only and strictly monitored. Exhibitor agrees to complete set-up on Saturday. There will be limited access to the site between 7:00 AM and 8:30 AM on Sunday, June 29, 2025. No cars will be allowed on-site after 8:30 AM on Sunday. LOAD OUT. All materials must be removed from Festival grounds by 9:00 PM on Sunday, June 29, 2025. Equipment load-out begins: Sunday, June 29, no earlier, and potentially later than, 6:30 PM Equipment load-out ends: Sunday, June 29, 9:00 PM ABSOLUTELY NO EARLY STRIKE WILL BE PERMITTED.DO NOT DRIVE ON THE GRASS. Exhibitor accepts liability for any damage to the grounds or other City and public or private property.
SIGNAGE. The Exhibitor may only display its own business signs and banners within the assigned space.
TRASH. Spaces must be free of trash, litter, and other refuse at all times. Failure to do so will result in a $200 fine.
CONDUCT. Exhibitors may not smoke or consume alcoholic beverages within any assigned Festival space. Exhibitors must be suitably attired at all times. Behavior unsuitable for the Festival or which constitutes a public nuisance will not be permitted. Exhibitors will not engage in loud, live or recorded music during the Festival. The Festival in its sole discretion shall determine whether an act is unsuitable.
Exhibitors agree to abide by the Denver Pride Statement of Nondiscrimination. “All persons associated with Denver Pride and Denver PrideFest will provide service to individuals without regard to an individual’s sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, HIV/AIDS status, race, color, national origin, ancestry, creed, religion, sex, gender, physical or mental disability, age, marital status, military status, veteran status, citizenship or any other protected classification in accordance with state, federal and municipal laws.”
STORAGE. There will be no storage allowed outside the space for any supplies, equipment or inventory. CHANGE. The Festival is not responsible for providing cash or change to exhibitors.
CANVASSING. Exhibitors may interact with guests only from inside their booth space. Canvassing from outside of the booth space is not permissible. Exhibitor shall be liable for immediate closure, removal from the Festival and loss of all submitted monies if caught canvassing outside of their designated booth space.
BANNED ACTIVITIES. No raffles, piercing or tattooing, vaping, marijuana or headshops of any kind are permitted at the Festival.
SITE INSPECTION. Exhibitor is responsible for leaving designated space as found. Failure to do so will result in, at the sole discretion of Festival, a fee of $200 and/or charges to repair or correct the situation. Exhibitor is responsible for returning the vending site to its original physical condition by 9:00 PM on Sunday, June 29, 2025.
GOVERNING LAWS. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws and the health, sanitation and fire regulations of the State of Colorado.
SECURITY. Exhibitors are responsible for the security of their own property and equipment at all times. While limited security personnel will be on duty at all times during the weekend, no security personnel will be assigned specifically to Exhibitors. The Festival shall not be held responsible for loss, theft or damage to any property left on the Festival grounds at any time. Zipping / locking tents with 4 walls are strongly encouraged.
LIABILITY. Exhibitor shall indemnify and hold the Festival, the Festival staff, contractors and volunteers harmless from any claim or cause of action arising out of or in connection with the acts or omissions of Exhibitor under this Agreement, and shall reimburse the Festival for any costs, including but not limited to, reasonable attorney’s fees incurred in defense against any such claim.
VIOLATIONS. Exhibitor acknowledges that a breach of any of the terms of this Agreement may result in the termination of this Agreement and the preclusion of the Exhibitor’s participation in the Festival. In the event this Agreement is terminated as a result of any breach by Exhibitor, Exhibitor shall not be entitled to any refund but shall forfeit all amounts previously paid as liquidated damages.
AGREEMENT MODIFICATIONS. No prior or present Agreements or representations shall be binding upon any of the parties hereto unless incorporated in this Agreement. No modification or change in the Agreement shall be valid or binding upon the parties unless in writing, executed by the parties to be bound hereto. FINAL APPROVAL. The Festival has final approval over all aspects of Exhibitors’ participation in the Festival and exhibitors’ booth display and contents. The Festival reserves the right to accept or not to accept any exhibitor(s) for any reason whatsoever.
PHOTOS. If you have not participated in PrideFest before, we will require photos of the items you wish to offer and a photo of your booth.
SUSTAINABILITY PROGRAM. PrideFest requests our exhibitors to use recyclable products whenever possible. We discourage the use of plastic bags or other nonrecyclable options and encourage paper and eco-friendly bags.
Acceptance of Rules & Regulations *
By submitting this Exhibitor Agreement, I acknowledge the following:
a) I have had the opportunity to review the entire Agreement and I understand that
I and my staff must abide by the rules set forth in this Agreement;
b) I have had the opportunity to consult with legal counsel if desired;
c) I fully understand the terms and conditions set forth herein and agree to be
bound by the same