(Please read in full prior to application)
Izzy Art MarketDate: Friday, December 6th, 2023
Location: Daiquiri Time Out (DTO)
2701 Market Street
Galveston, TX 77550
Setup Time: 4:00pm - 6:00pm
Event Time: 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Take Down Time: No earlier than 9:00pm
- This event will be held at Daiquiri Time Out, 2701 Market Street, Galveston, TX 77550 by Justine St. Cyr with La Izquierda.
- This is an Outdoor Event. No Tables, Chairs, Table Coverings or Canopies are provided at this location and is the responsibility of the vendor to provide.
- Applications are due by 12/1/2023. Any vendor submissions past this date will be reviewed, but are not guaranteed a space.
- Payment must be received in order to hold vendor space. Spots will be held on a first pay basis.
- Payment will be refunded for vendor submissions that come after market spaces have completely filled.
- This is a rain or shine event and payment is non-refundable due to weather events.
- Cost for a 6x6 outdoor Space: $30.00 and a 10x10 outdoor space: $50.00. However, there are limited 10x10 spaces and will be distributed on a first pay basis.
- A $30.00 payment must be received in order to hold vendor space. The additional $20 for a 10x10 space is due upon approval for said space.
- For after hours, the outdoor area is well lit but we would suggest you bring some small battery operated lights just in case.
- Vendors agree to respect the event set up and take down times.
- Early take down will result in a ban from future events held by La Izquierda.
- La Izquierda Fest, Daiquiri Time Out, and its agents will NOT be responsible and cannot be held liable for theft or accidents.
- Exhibitor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless its volunteers or agents from any and all claims, causes of actions, suits, damages, injuries and losses to any person or goods arising out of or connected in any way with the event.
- Special requests will try to be accommodated and extra charges will be passed to the vendor if applicable.
- Applications maybe rejected in order to prevent duplicated booths to create a diverse market for customers.
- Vendor agrees to abide by all applicable laws, ordinances and regulations pertaining to health, fire prevention, public safety, insurance, business licenses, and sales tax permits.
- Vendor is responsible for any damage they or their product causes to the rented space during this event.
- Space location may be assigned to each vendor.
- Vendors are only allowed to display and sell goods/crafts identified on application.
- Vendors may offer samples at their table including food and drink.
- Vendors may do their own giveaways.