Season 15 Feb 7-Feb 9, 2025 World ConQuest and Bama S.o.S Brigade welcomes the artists who have purchased a table for Kami-Con: Season 16 Artist Alley for the rights to retail sales of the artist’s own works for the duration of the convention. Works displayed at the Artist Alley tables are to conform to the guidelines outlined below. Failure to comply with the following rules will result in the artist banned from selling their work for the remainder of the current convention year and a strike against them for future consideration. All artists and their assistants must abide by all convention, local, state, and federal rules, policies and laws during the duration of the convention. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Heads of Artist Alley, Emily Hyatt, MC Hubert, and Kelley Farley, at
Tables:- Number of Tables: Up to 2 per applicant
- Tables are not fully reserved until all documentation and payment have been confirmed.
- Artists may NOT bring their own table.
- Badges: 2 badges per table
- Grants permission to sell/vend their own merchandise at Kami-Con Artist Alley
- Grants access to Kami-Con Convention center
- Non-resellable
- Chairs: 2 chairs per table
- Do not bring your own chair. Ask the Head of Artist Alley for additional chairs if extenuating circumstances apply.
- Opt-Out: If an accepted artist can not make it this year, they must notify the Head of Artist Alley immediately.
- Payment is non-refundable once received.
- Table: 2ft x 6ft
- Table cloth is not guaranteed
Table F.A.Q- Can I transfer my table to a friend if I can’t make it?
- Can I get someone else to sell for me if I can’t make it?
- Only if they sell YOUR artwork and not THEIRS. They will not be allowed to sell their artwork at all. You must also notify the Head of Artist Alley of this change immediately.
Wait-List: The wait-list is comprised of artists who have applied, but were not initially accepted. When a table becomes available the Head of Artist Alley will contact the next person.
Wait-List F.A.Q.- Will I know where I am on the wait-list?
- Unfortunately, No. There are various factors that go into our determination on who to contact, so there is no concrete way for us to disclose this information.
- Can I be place on the wait-list even if I did not apply during the application period?
- No. We will delete any inquiry regarding wait-lists.
No-Shows: If an artist fails to check in with no prior notification for their table by 9pm Friday, February 7, 2025, they will be considered a No-Show. Lost tables cannot be reclaimed, and neither credit nor refund will be given for No-Show tables. No-Show table(s) will be used at the discretion of the Heads of Artist Alley.
Table Signage: All table signage should match the information that you registered with. Example: If you put down on your application that you are “Studio A” but all your signs say that you are “Studio B” this will be seen as a violation of our contract and you will be asked to leave.
Structures: Any structure brought to display artwork must be of sound construction and may not extend more than 5 feet above the table. If any structure falls down, appears unstable, or extends more than 5 feet above the table, the artist to whom it belongs to will be asked to remove it by the Alley staff. In addition, all displays must reside within the confines of your area. Displays and all of an artist’s items (products or personal) behind/on/in front of their table may not impede upon other artists areas nor disrupt traffic flow in case of emergency.
Conduct: No Substance Use: Smoking, vaping, tobacco, or use/consumption of any alcohol or drugs during Kami-Con Artist Alley and convention operating hours is NOT ALLOWED. Violations will result in removal from The Alley and convention.
Behavior: Please refrain from running, screaming, yelling, horseplay, or obscene language; all artists are expected to be courteous and polite to one another, the staff, and other convention attendees. If an excessive problem occurs, you will be removed from The Alley and convention.
Noise: If a noise level complaint is made, the artist will be warned. Further noise violations can result in the artist being removed from the Artist Alley.
Photography: Photography and video recording are allowed with express permission.
Signs: Do not tamper with Kami-Con’s or BJCC’s official signages.
Artwork and Sales: What can I Sell?- Any product that is made by the artist including:
- Products featuring original characters
- Commissioned works that do not violate other policies
- Unique, individual, hand-made items
- Fan arts clearly produced by the artist, rather than by the license holder
- Props and products clearly produced by the artist than of a licensed nature
What is prohibited?- Any work with copyrighted materials and/or trademarked logos (official art), regardless of whether or not the work is original. If the Artist Alley staff questions the original content, the artwork will be asked to be removed. Repeated offenses may result in being removed from the Alley. Official copy-righted emblems/ symbols/ logos are strongly-encouraged not to be used or used minimally.
- Craft items with official art
- Bootleg products
- Copyright-violating traced, photo-shopped, or transferred art 2nd or 3rd party art/sales
- Products that can be bought at a store in any country that you did not create
- Food, snacks or beverages
- Legally imported merchandise or legitimate US products. This includes, but is not limited to: wall scrolls, sharpies, art supplies, non-manipulated Duct tape, glow sticks, and etc.
- Any items for sale in the Dealers' Room regardless if you are the creator
- Props that are a replication of a copyrighted and/or licensed nature
- Any fanwork sells forbidden by the copyright holder (i.e.: Homestuck)
- Any work created on sight that violates the Health and Hazard standards of the convention.
- Any artwork that was not featured in the portfolio that the Head of Artist Alley deems as a violation
Adult Materials: Kami-Con is defined as a family-friendly convention and therefore upholds the rule that artworks must be appropriate for age 16 and under. The level of acceptability of displays regarding adult material is at the sole discretion of the Department Directors of the Artist Alley. Any materials which are sexually explicit, extremely graphically violent, or otherwise unsuitable for children must be displayed in a manner that keeps minors from seeing them. If any of these materials are found left out in the open, or the Artist Alley staff receives complaints, the artist will be asked to remove the material in question. If any artist sells inappropriate materials to minors, they will be removed from the Artist Alley, and the convention. They may also be held accountable under Alabama and Birmingham City laws.
Censorship:A clearer definition on what the Artist Alley staff will be addressing is stated in the following:
- Artwork depicting ANY full-on sexual acts or representations of full-on sexual acts must be covered COMPLETELY. A sign stating that the viewer must be 18+ to view is allowed, but the artist is fully responsible for checking I.D.’s. Failure to do so will result in the Artist being removed from the Artist Alley, the convention, and a permanent ban to return as an Artist in future years.
- Artworks depicting gore and extremely graphic violence must be covered COMPLETELY. A sign saying 18+ is allowed, but the artist is held responsible for checking I.D.’s.
- Artworks depicting nudity are allowed only if the genital areas (upper and lower body) are COMPLETELY covered. The best method to ensure no confusion on a “full censorship” is to contact the Artist Alley Directors prior to the convention through e-mail. (
- Any artwork depicting illegal activities will be banned from being sold at the convention.
Fan Art:- The Alley is meant to showcase an artist’s talent and work. Please follow this basic principle on fan-art:
- Everyone knows that copying someone else's work is wrong, but there is no "magic rule" about how much must be changed to make it an artist's own. The artist bears all responsibility and risk for the items brought for sale at Kami-Con. Any questions regarding this policy will be resolved by the Department Directors of The Artist Alley. If a piece of art appears to be very similar to a licensed, copyrighted, etc. piece of art, the artist may be asked to remove it from display and sale at the discretion of the Department Directors. The Department Director’s decision is final.
At Con/Pre Con Commissions: Commissions taken for delivery at the convention, regardless if the commission was taken pre-convention for delivery or at the convention for delivery are between the artist and commissioner,
Kami-Con is not a party in these dealings. As such Kami-Con and the Artist Alley staff cannot assist you in locating either the commissioner or the artist you commissioned. Please make sure you get contact information for one another as part of your dealings.
Check-In Procedure:All artists must show a
government-issued photo ID to check in at the Artist Alley Staff table to a Kami-Con Artist Alley Staff member. If an artist is not able to produce a valid ID at check in, their table(s) will be held until 10AM on Saturday, at which point the table(s) will be considered unclaimed and open for sale on a first come, first served basis. Accepted forms of ID include but are not limited to:
- A state drivers’ license
- State-issued identification card
- A passport
- Military ID
Other forms of photo ID may be accepted at the discretion of the Directors of Artist Alley.
The name on the ID must match the legal given name provided on the signed contract during table registration. In the state of Alabama, a person must be at least 19 years old in order to sign a contract. Therefore, any person who is not 19 must have an adult sign the contract on their behalf. The adult who co-signed the contract must be present to check-in for a table and must accept responsibility for any failure of the under-aged artist to comply with all convention policies as well as applicable laws.Once an artist has been verified and signed-in at the staff table, they will be handed their individual Artist Alley badge by a staff member and assigned to their table. Artists’ partners/assistants must also sign-in separately before receiving their individual badge (2nd AA badge). This is to ensure that one table receives 2 badges ONLY as per contract.A partner/assistant badge is not interchangeable with other people. Do not expect to be able to switch partners/assistants with one badge.
Artist Alley Table Setup:Artists are provided with an official set-up time on the day of the convention. If an artist wishes to begin setup before the designated time, they must set up an appointment with one of the Directors of Artist Alley to ensure the location will be accessible. Artists must have completed their check-in and received their badge with a Kami-Con Artist Alley staff member before setup. Artists caught in the Artist Alley before this time will not be severely penalized, but it is not appreciated and they may not have full access to the convention center. Loading docks and elevators should be accessible in the BJCC and the artists are responsible for the transportation of their belongings and merchandise.
BJCC’s Policy for Animals:As of the Summer of 2018, the BJCC has changed their policy about animals in the convention center. They have never allowed pets in the complex, but they are no longer allowing Emotional Support Animals in the complex. Service Animals are still allowed.
Per their website ( : “Animals are not permitted inside the venues of the BJCC with the exception of service animals in accordance with the ADA title II and III Law. Find out more here:”
Artist Alley Staff & Final Reminders:As a reminder the Alley staff will consistently monitor and patrol the Artist Alley for policy and rules violations, any and all observed and reported violations will be acted upon. On the other hand, we are here to serve you, the artists, in any manner that we can. The Artist Alley staff will be available at your disposal throughout the duration of the Artist Alley operation hours. This includes, but is not limited to: running to grab food or drinks (artist provides money), looking up information that the artist has inquired, & etc. We wish to make every artist’s experience a positive, enjoyable, and successful one and will endeavor to do all that we can to provide comfort and convenience.
Please do not hesitate to ask for assistance from us at any time. As a final reminder, a single violation of the convention and Artist Alley rules and policies could result in the artist being removed from the Artist Alley and the convention at the discretion of the Artist Alley staff. If an individual is removed, they forfeit all fees and will receive no refund for their table or membership. A violation during the current year will also affect the chances of being accepted into Kami-Con Artist Alley in future years. We, the Artist Alley staff of Kami-Con, thank you again for taking the time to read these rules, and wish you all the best of luck!