
Artist Application - 43rd Annual Virginia Beach Christmas Market

Deadline: Sep 30, 2024 11:59 pm (GMT-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Date: Nov 29, 2024 10:00 am - Dec 01, 2024 5:00 pm (EDT)
Virginia Beach, Virginia
$130 - $1.4K

About the event

This annual popular event features more than 225 fine artisans from more than 20 states. Readers of Sunshine Artist Magazine have voted this show as one of the best 100 arts and crafts shows in the USA since 1996, and this year it was voted in the top 100 fine art and craft shows in the LAST 10 YEARS! Held over Thanksgiving/Black Friday Weekend, customers line up hours ahead to be the first to purchase from our artists. Just in time for serious gift-buying, the Virginia Beach Convention Center is transformed into a huge festive marketplace bursting with over 15,000 enthusiastic holiday shoppers looking for a kaleidoscope of traditional and contemporary artworks. Virginia Beach is also busting with tourists and visitors this time of year and the show is located ¼ mile from the popular oceanfront. Come join many seasoned veterans and make your mark over Thanksgiving weekend at this amazing event!
Events Management Group
Events Management Group
Events Management Group
Events Management Group

About the application

Hello! Thanks for your interest in our 2024 Virginia Beach Christmas Market located at the Virginia Beach Convention Center over Thanksgiving Weekend!


As you may already know, the application deadline was May 31, 2024, however certain categories are still open, therefore we are re-releasing this application. 

Thank you for your patience as we completed our jury selections to determine if there was still room available!   As of August 30th the following categories are closed:  Bath & Body, Candles, Fiber, Gourmet Food,  Jewelry, & Wood     You are more than welcome to apply to be juried onto the waitlist for any of these full categories. No deposit will be charged unless your are pulled from the waitlist, contacted and you have committed to participate.


All EMG Markets are juried fine art and craft events, and all items selected are handcrafted here in the US. No commercial merchandise is accepted unless approved by EMG Management and a premium is paid.  No items made outside the United States can be sold at any of our shows.  No representatives or dealers are allowed to participate.  The actual artist that makes the product must be the person in the booth presenting and selling their work. 


Please be sure to scroll all the way down and read over all the information before applying (as of 6/11/24 there are several important updates) and we have done our best to answer all your questions before you submit your application!


This is an electronic agreement and by selecting the size booth you require, you are validating and approving this agreement electronically.


Deposits and Payments:

A deposit of $100 is required with the submission of your application in the form of a credit card or electronic bank draft. Your deposit will not be charged unless you are selected to participate. Please remember to indicate if you want your entire balance charged at the time of acceptance or on the balance due date of September 30, 2024.


By signing this application, you agree to have your booth balance paid by September 30, 2024.



Listed in the Related Files section of this application (scroll down the application just a bit) is EMG's Accepted Criteria & Categories. Please be sure to review them and determine what best describes your body of work. In most cases it describes the raw materials of which the work is comprised. If you are uncertain, make your best guess, and you will be contacted if the jury feels you would best fit in another category (and we can manually change your application.) Artists may apply in up to 2 categories. If you sell jewelry, you may apply only in the jewelry category.  If you create and sell jewelry as a portion of your body of work, you can apply in both the jewelry category as well as one other category. however the amount of jewelry must be less than 10% of your total items for sale.  All work displayed in your booth must be created by you, the artist and must be for sale or marked as a display item, and all items for sale must be representative of the work you have shown in the photos you attach to this application. 


Booth Assignments:   

Booth Assignments should be complete by September 25, 2024. Applicants that submitted their application by May 31, 2024 will be given priority when we assign booth locations. If you have a booth location request, please use the “Special Requests” area at the very bottom of the application for that information.   We prefer that you give us several booth numbers in your request in priority order. Feel free to access the show map from 2023 to give us your first, second and third choice by using this link:

If you need to be close to a shared storage area they are located behind booths #253-269 on the left side of the hall and booths #708-724 in the back of the hall. 


Be READY for the Event!   

Artists/Exhibitors are required to participate the entire event weekend:

Show Hours:

Friday & Saturday - 10am-6pm, Sunday - 10am-5pm.

Load-in & Set up times are:

WEDNESDAY Nov.27 from 12pm-9 pm

(Thursday Building Closed for Thanksgiving)

Friday 6am-9:30 am


Opening of the Show:

Accepted Artists/Exhibitors must be set up & ready for business by 9:45 am each day. All aisles must be clear with all boxes put away under tables or in provided storage by 9:45 am as occasionally the Fire Marshal will visit shortly before Showtime and not allow the event to open unless aisles are clear.



Artists have from 9am to 10am on Saturday & Sunday mornings to re-stock their booth before the show begins. Shared Storage areas are provided and are accessible for restock during all show hours.


Discount Hotel Rooms & Ordering Electricity:

A link to a discounted hotel room block will be provided for participating artists to make reservations for this event. Electricity can be ordered directly from the Virginia Beach Convention Center. Information and web links on both these items will be provided a short time after acceptance.


Other Expenses:

Each booth comes with an 8-foot-high back drape and two 3 foot side drape sections outlining the booth and separating each artist.  All display apparatus are the artist’s responsibility. Tables, Chairs and Side Drape can be rented by adding it to your application below.


Acceptable Display Structures: 

Tent frames are not permitted, as we strive to maintain a professional cohesive look at the show. We have several alternatives to assist you if you need to hang display pieces or lighting from a pole structure and welcome a discussion with you about this. Please contact us after acceptance to discuss your booth set up if you have concerns or feel you need to have a tent structure. Any banners hung from a booth must be pre-approved by event management. Banners, displays, lights or other items taller than 8 feet (the height of the back drape) will NOT be allowed to be displayed. Additionally, no lights or signs are to be hung outside the dimensions of your 10x10, 10x15, 10x20, 10x30 or Endcap space. This includes signs that protrude off the side of a booth like a street sign. Your display area is the size of the booth that you have requested in this application, and no items will be allowed outside of those parameters. A 10-foot aisle space must be allowed at all times due to fire code. Please remember this when setting up.

Terms & Conditions

Events Management Group - Exhibitor Application 
Terms of Agreement
SHOW MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES: Events Management Group, Inc. (EMG) will present the shows indicated on this Application/Contract at the locations and on the dates indicated. The locations, dates and floor plans are subject to changes. There may be additions or deletions from this listing and any such changes shall not affect the remainder of this contract. EMG will
provide general lighting, properly-sized pipe and draped booth, exhibit sign bearing the name of the Exhibitor, Exhibitor badges, heat and security service. All other services, i.e. electricity, must be ordered in advance by the Exhibitor on the Application/Contract. 
ACCEPTANCE, FEES, PAYMENT PROCESS & DEADLINES: Once Exhibitor has been approved and accepted, the Application/Contract constitutes a legally binding agreement with EMG for the checked events only. 
EXHIBITOR RESPONSIBILITIES: Exhibitor shall be liable for delivery, handling, erection and removal of his own display and materials. It is the responsibility of the Exhibitor to check tables and table legs before setting up his display. The registered Exhibitor must be present during all hours of the Event and will be expected to exhibit/display and discuss his business as represented and described in the Application/Contract. Exhibits are to be in keeping with the overall family-oriented theme of the show. Spaces are not transferable and cannot be partially or totally subleased.  If Exhibitor requires electricity for their booth, it shall be obtained by The Dulles Expo Center. No other alternative power sources are allowed except a power bank that can fit in a pocket.  Exhibitor is to issue Helper name badges to those actively working in their booth. All sales, publicity and promotion activities conducted by the Exhibitor must be confined to his space. Aisle space belongs to Show Management, therefore, no chairs are allowed in aisles. Carnival tactics and the use of a public address system is forbidden. Animals are not permitted in the facility. Exhibitors exhibit must remain intact until the scheduled conclusion of the show. No signs, tags or stickers such as "SALE", "DISCOUNTS", "1/2 OFF", shall be permitted.
LAWS & FACILITY POLICIES: All pertinent fire codes, laws, ordinances and regulations pertaining to health, fire prevention and public safety shall be strictly obeyed and enforced. No alcoholic beverages of any type are allowed in Event or on Facility grounds. Lighted candles, open flame, flame wicks, incense, straw, hay bales, live Christmas trees and/or live greenery are prohibited. No exhibit display shall have a roof system or tent canopy that would impede the fire sprinkler system in any way. All tents frames must have flame retardant certificate. No spraying or use of chemicals such as lacquer, paint, stain, etc. permitted inside the Facility. Smoking and helium balloons are prohibited. Large Batteries to power lights are prohibited. Only power banks that can fit in a pocket are an acceptable independent power source
INSURANCE AND LIABILITY: Exhibitors who desire insurance on their exhibits must purchase their own at their expense. Nether EMG, other Exhibitors nor the Event Facility will assume responsibility for Exhibitors or their employees personal injury or property lost by theft, robbery, accident, fire or damage. Exhibitor agrees not to be a party to any action, suit or claim against Show Management or Event Facility. Exhibitor will not allow any part of its exhibit to damage or otherwise interfere with other exhibits, space or general premises and outside grounds and will indemnify and hold harmless EMG, other Exhibitors or the Facility in the event such damage may occur, whether through the act or omission of Exhibitor, its employees, agents, guests or from any other source. Also, in case the space shall not be available for the Event due to war, terrorism, catastrophic weather, government action or order, act of God, fire, strikes, labor disputes or any cause beyond the control of EMG, Exhibitor waives any claim for damages or compensation except for the pro-rata return of the space rental paid for that period of time which was not available for use, less expenses incurred by EMG in connection with the Event. Should EMG, in its sole discretion, consider it inadvisable to hold the Event at the time and place herein provided, EMG may at its option, terminate this agreement, return the sums paid by Exhibitor and there shall be no further liability on the part of either party to the other. Upon written notice to the Exhibitor, EMG shall also have the right to change the date and place the Event is to be held. The Promoters or the Promoter's estates will not be liable for any refunds or damages due to death or incapacitation due to accident or illness in advance or during any Event dates, resulting in the Event to be canceled. Any legal action necessary for the enforcement of this Contract will be conducted in the City of Virginia Beach Court System.
SECURITY: Show Management will provide 24 hour security service during Event. Show Management will not be responsible for, nor be liable for losses or damages of any kind. No one will be permitted in the building after closing hours. Exhibitors must not enter or inspect merchandise in an unattended booth. Exhibitors are not to photograph other Exhibitor's merchandise. 
AMENDMENT AND TERMINATION OF CONTRACT: EMG shall have full power to interpret and/or amend these Rules & Regulations which in its discretion shall be in the best interests of the Event. This agreement may be terminated by EMG at any time on the breach of any of the conditions by the Exhibitor, and thereupon all his rights hereunder shall cease and terminate, and any payments made by him in account prior to said termination shall be retained by EMG as liquidated damages for such breach, and EMG may remove exhibit and all items associated with it from Event and Facility and resell said space. 
CANCELLATION POLICY: Exhibitor must notify Show Management immediately of cancellation, both verbally and in writing. All deposits are non-refundable. No refunds will be granted within 90 days of the show. Deposits and payments are not transferable to another Event. Exhibitor must be registered two hours prior to show opening. If not, the assigned space will be filled by other applicants on stand-by notice, and no refund will be given. Cancellations on set up days due to vehicle breakdowns or other delays should be reported to EMG immediately (757) 417-7771.
EVENTENY in Association with Events Management Group Terms and Conditions:  Please read these terms and conditions carefully before using this website (the "service") operated by in association with Events Management Group
Conditions of Use:
We will provide their services to you, which are subject to the conditions stated below in this document. Every time you visit this website, use its services or make a purchase, you accept the following conditions. This is why we urge you to read them carefully.
Privacy Policy:
Before you continue using the Eventeny website to apply for one of EMG’s Annual Markets we advise you to read their privacy policy at regarding their user data collection. It will help you better understand their practices.
Content published on this website (digital downloads, images, texts, graphics, logos) is the property of Events Management Group (“EMG”) and its content creators and protected by international copyright laws. The entire compilation of the content found on this website is the exclusive property of EMG, with copyright authorship for this compilation by
The entire communication with us is electronic. Every time you send us an email or visit our website, you are going to be communicating with us. You hereby consent to receive communications from us. If you subscribe to the news on our website, you are going to receive regular emails from us. We will continue to communicate with you by posting news and notices on our website and by sending you emails. You also agree that all notices, disclosures, agreements, and other communications we provide to you electronically meet the legal requirements that such communications be in writing.
Applicable Law:
By visiting this website, you agree that the laws of the City of Virginia Beach without regard to principles of conflict laws, will govern these terms and conditions, or any dispute of any sort that might come between EMG and you, or its business partners and associates.
Any dispute related in any way to your visit to this website or to products you purchase from us shall be arbitrated by state or federal court in Virginia Beach or Norfolk Virginia and you consent to exclusive jurisdiction and venue of such courts.
Comments, Reviews, and Emails:
Visitors may post content as long as it is not obscene, illegal, defamatory, threatening, infringing of intellectual property rights, invasive of privacy, or injurious in any other way to third parties. Content has to be free of software viruses, political campaigns, and commercial solicitation. We reserve all rights (but not the obligation) to remove and/or edit such content. When you post your content, you grant EMG non-exclusive, royalty-free and irrevocable right to use, reproduce, publish, modify such content throughout the world in any media.
License and Site Access:
We grant you a limited license to access and make personal use of this website. You are not allowed to download or modify it. This may be done only with written consent from us.
User Account:
If you are an owner of an account on this website, you are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your private user details (username and password). You are responsible for all activities that occur under your account or password.
We reserve all rights to terminate accounts, edit or remove content and cancel orders in their sole discretion.


Application Fee $30 Non-refundable An application fee of $30 will be charged at the time of submission.
Deposit $100 Your $100 deposit will NOT be charged unless you are selected to participate.
10x10 Booth $440 Price: The Normal 10x10 booth price is $540. The booth price listed above of $440 reflects the Deposit being paid at the time of acceptance. Booth Description: A 10x10 is 10 feet long and 10-feet deep. All booth spaces come with a 8-foot-high back drape and two 3-foot-high side drapes to separate each booth. PLEASE BE SURE that if you want your 10x10 booth on a corner, that you select the corner tab below ($50 charge) and add it to your "shopping cart"
10x15 Booth $645 Price: The Normal 10x15 booth price is $745. The booth price listed above of $645 reflects the $100 Deposit being paid at the time of acceptance. Booth Description: A 10x15 is 15- feet long and 10-feet deep. All booth spaces come with a 8-foot-high back drape and two 3-foot-high side drapes to separate each booth. PLEASE BE SURE that if you want your 10x15 booth on a corner, that you select the corner tab below ($50 charge) and add it to your "shopping cart"
10x20 Booth $885 Price: The Normal 10x20 booth price is $985. The booth price listed above of $885 reflects the Deposit being paid at the time of acceptance. Booth Description: A 10x20 is 20 feet long and 10-feet deep. All booth spaces come with a 8-foot-high back drape and two 3-foot-high side drapes to separate each booth. PLEASE BE SURE that if you want your 10x20 booth on a corner, that you select the corner tab below ($50 charge) and add it to your "shopping cart"
Endcap $1,020 PLEASE NOTE: Endcaps are 20 feet long, and will face the front or back of the hall with two corners and access to a total of three rows of traffic Price: The Normal Endcap booth price is $1120. The booth price listed above of $1020 reflects the $100 Deposit being paid at the time of submission. There are a limited number of endcaps available. Booth Description: An endcap is 20-feet in length and 10-feet deep, is at the end of two rows and has two corners. These booth spaces come with a 8-foot high x 20-foot long white or red back drape, and no side separators leaving both corners open. Please note - You Do not have to add the corner fee below to this booth selection. The Endcap fee includes both corner fees.
Corner Fee - Choose Booth Size 1st- Read Description to the Right $50 Corner fees are for those exhibitors who would like to be placed on a corner for extra exposure. This essentially creates two selling sides for the exhibitor. We recommend not ordering extra drape or setting up a panel on the open corner side so that your booth can be seen from many different directions.
8-Foot Table $20 Table Rental: IMPORTANT! These tables DO NOT come dressed (with table cloths on them.) Please make sure you bring table coverings for ALL your tables. All exhibitor tables must be covered to the ground on all 4 sides in an attractive manner. Please and Thanks! The dimensions of the 8-foot tables are 30" x 96"
6-FootTable $20 Table Rental: IMPORTANT! These tables DO NOT come dressed (with table cloths on them.) Please make sure you bring table coverings for ALL your tables. All exhibitor tables must be covered to the ground on all 4 sides in an attractive manner. Please and Thanks! 6-Foot table dimensions are 30" x 72".
Chair $5 Rental of a folding chair with padded seat.
Side Drape Right $20 Each booth has a back drape that is 8' high and runs the length of the booth in sections of red and white fabric. However, if an exhibitor wants to close in, or "wall in" their booth, they can rent side drape for $20 per section. This is a rental of a side drape placed on the right of your booth. All side drape is white. Please keep in mind that if you wall in your booth, and the hall is filled with customers, your booth will have somewhat limited visibility. People will not be able to see your inventory unless they are right in front of your booth.
Side Drape Left $20 Each booth has a back drape that is 8' high and runs the length of the booth in sections of red and white fabric. However, if an exhibitor wants to close in, or "wall in" their booth, they can rent side drape for $20 per section. This is a rental of a side drape placed on the left of your booth. All side drape is white. Please keep in mind that if you wall in your booth, and the hall is filled with customers, your booth will have somewhat limited visibility. People will not be able to see your inventory unless they are right in front of your booth.
White Side Drape - Back of Booth $20 Each booth has a back drape that is 8' high and runs the length of the booth in sections of red and white fabric. (See photo "EMG Christmas Booth Set Up" in the "Related files" section of your application.) Occasionally an exhibitor would prefer plain white drape as a backdrop instead of the mix of colors, so we set a white drape up with pipe that is self standing just in front of the existing colored drape. The reason for this is because the white and lavender drape acts as a back drape for both your booth and your neighbor behind you. Occasionally artists would like to bring their own drape for the back of the booth, and need an armature to hang it on. Lastly, sometimes an artist needs to hang items (like a quilt) at the back of their booth, and only items under 5lbs can be hung from the existing back drape (like a banner) so a second, self-standing pipe & drape is ordered and set up for this purpose. All side & back drape special ordered like this is white.
MIscellaneous Item $0 For Office Use Only
MIscellaneous Item $0 For Office Use Only

Questions on the application

Business information

  • Business name
  • Legal business name
  • Contact name
  • Address
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Website (Optional)
  • Logo (Optional)

Additional information

  • Name of Partner, Spouse or Collaborative Artist
  • Second Phone Number Not Listed Above
  • Please list all items you handcraft & wish to sell with their price. If it is easier you may include an additional sheet for your inventory list if necessary. See question #13 to do
  • If it is easiery you can attach a document which lists all items you handcraft & wish to sell with their price.
  • Please describe how you handcraft your work. Please list materials used, and the steps in your process.
  • Artist Statement
  • I certify that my work is not "Buy-Sell" or Production work and completely handcrafted in the United States by me or with the assistance of the partner or collaborative artist listed on this application.
  • By signing your name, you agree to our terms and conditions.
  • Please list a four word statement that describes your work for our program. This statement describes the actual product itself, not what it used for, or an opinion about it. Examples: Contemporary Sterling Silver Jewelry, Handwoven Scarves and Blankets, Acylic Landscape Paintings and Prints, Fiber Created Home Goods, 14Kt Gold Gemstone Jewelry, Coastal Watercolor Paintings and prints, Hand carved wood boxes, Lathe-turned wood kitchen items, Coastal Inspired Handthrown Pottery,
  • Are you a Gourmet Food Exhibitor
  • Gourmet Food Exhibitors - I certify that I have read and understand the information in the document "VA Beach Christmas Mkt GourmetFoodExhibitorsProcedures&Info.pdf" and agree to complete information needed to guarantee my participation if I am accepted.
  • How Did You Hear About Us?
  • If you checked "Recommended By Another Artist" Above, Please Tell Us Who
  • When would you like your balance to be charged?
  • Please Choose Your Medium Category
  • Please sign below that you understand and agree to abide by the following: Booths must remain intact and manned throughout all hours of the show and may not be dismantled prior to the closing of it. The Virginia Beach Spring Craft Market / Events Management Group, Inc. will not be held responsible for any issues arising from an unmanned booth during show hours. The loading dock will not be open for booth breakdown prior to the close of the event. If you break down your space prior to the end of the show you will be banned from setting up at future shows. Attendees have paid for the ability to shop with Exhibitors and expect them to be set up during show hours. By breaking down early you are doing both the attendees and the show a disservice. Please be advised that there are vendors and artists that we will no longer welcome back due to breaking this rule. The show's management takes this very seriously. It is unfair to attendees, the show, and other exhibitors to break down early.

Picture requirements

  • Minimum pictures required: 6
  • Please submit at least 5 photos of your work, and one of your booth display (at a distance). IF YOU DO NOT ADD A BOOTH PHOTO, NOTIFICATION WILL BE DELAYED, AND CATEGORIES CAN CLOSE. Artists are asked to upload photos for our jury to review for approval but also so that we can promote you on Social Media and on our website. (Therfore upload your absolute best photos!) This application system requires you to list a brief description and price for each before moving forward. Later in the year artists will have an opportunity to update their photos before our Interactive Show Map that is attached to artists' profile page is published. (prices are not shown or published.) Updated photos for the map cannot differ from the type of product photos submitted with this application unless approved by our jury. Please email us at with photos of any NEW items you have created to receive approval from our jury. New product photos for jury approval must be received 90 days in advance of show date.
Artist Application - 43rd Annual  Virginia Beach Christmas Market
Artist Application - 43rd Annual Virginia Beach Christmas Market
43rd Annual Virginia Beach Christmas Market