
Mesa- Tacos & Margs

Deadline: Oct 05, 2024 11:59 pm (GMT-07:00) Arizona
Date: Nov 02, 2024 4:00 pm - Nov 02, 2024 10:00 pm (MST)
Mesa, Arizona
$100 - $320

About the event

TACO BOUT EXCITING! We are bringing our Tacos & Margaritas event to Mesa, Arizona! Our Taco & Marg Event is a compliment to the world’s most favorite food, admiring culture around Tacos and Tequila. Join us for an evening of mouth-watering tacos & drinks and experience the taste and energy of this adored street food in an exceptional crowd, genuine to the City of Mesa and surrounding communities. Our event will offer a casual and delicious opportunity to taste a variety of traditional tacos and maybe a few rare ones too. A taste of a delicious Margarita will certainly compliment those tasty tacos. The night will be packed with music, Margaritas, Bounce Houses, Lawn Games, Shopping with Local Businesses, Lounge and Food Seating, and much more. Come celebrate a universal love of tacos & tequila with us and make it an evening to remember with friends & family.
Artisan Treasures Events
Artisan Treasures Events
Artisan Treasures Events
Artisan Treasures Events

About the application

Welcome to the event! Browse through our applications and let us know if you have any questions. This is an electronic agreement and by selecting the booth spots or food truck spot , you are validating and approving this agreement electronically.
This event will feature both local artisan vendors and food vendors.
FOOD TRUCKS BOOKING FEE IS NON-REFUNDABLE & all trucks pay 10% of sales at the end of the night to promoter.
All Food Trucks must past inspection with the City Fired Department prior to the event starting.
There are several questions on the application that pertain to food vendors only. You may bypass those questions if you are not a food vendor.
ALL Food Trucks MUST have a sample item for $5.00 or under along with their full menu featuring TACOS.
Food Trucks are required to have a trash can and take their trash with them when leaving the event.
The park lights will be on for this event however we highly recommend having some sort of lighting inside your booth., i.e. battery/solar operating lights or small generator as your power source.
Booth vendors may also use generators, however generators must be low noise and not generate a ton of fumes.
Please also have plenty of help this day for setting up & tearing down.
Your card will only be charged if you are approved to participate in this event.
Artisan Treasures Events

Terms & Conditions

1. Artisan Treasures Events and Arizona Athletic Grounds employees, related festival providers, contractors and participating sponsors will not be responsible for any injury, loss, or damage that may occur to the vendor, its employees or property prior to, during or subsequent to the period covered by the vending contract. The vendor signing this contract expressly releases all of the aforementioned from any and all claims from such loss, damage or injury.
2. Artisan Treasures Events has a strict no-refund policy regardless of personal circumstances. All monies paid shall be retained by ATE . Should the vendor foreseen any attendance challenges vendor agrees to immediately notify ATE. 
3.  Vendor is in agreement / required to share, invite and repost all event posts to their social media throughout/leading up to event day.
4.  Vendor is hereby granted the right to use the space assigned to him/her to display, demonstrate, or sell only the products or services as described in the application submitted by vendor. 
5. Vendor understands that there shall be no booth sharing and it is one company per booth.
6.  Vendor shall be entitled to the use of the space for the period of the designated show hours and shall abide by the move-in and move-out times. All promotion and merchandise products shall be sold in your assigned space.
7. In the event the premises in which the event is to be held is destroyed or damaged by fire, the elements or other calamity, or other causes beyond the control of Artisan Treasures Events, ATE shall not be responsible or liable for the loss of or damage to any of the property of the vendor. 
8. Vendor shall, at its own expense, obtain the necessary insurance coverage with respect to loss by fire, theft, accident, or other causes if that type of protection is desired.
9. Vendor agrees to abide by any other rules of operation that Artisan Treasures Events may establish. A violation of any rule of conduct or a breach of any covenant in this agreement is cause for Artisan Treasures Events to shut down vendors booth. In the event of closure, no refund shall be allowed.
10. Vendor hereby acknowledges that while current events related to a pandemic/epidemic are known, future impacts of an outbreak are unforeseeable, all monies paid by vendor shall be transferred over to ATE next festival/market.
11. Vendor agrees that ATE reserves the right to relocate to a new venue should unforeseen circumstances with the venue arises.
12. Vendor understands that harassing other vendors (including encroaching on booth space, hostile language, and extreme competition, and acting uncivilly) will be grounds for disqualification from future events with ATE.
13. No vendor other than authorized food vendors w/licensing are permitted to sale any beverages in or outside of their booth (this includes water). This is strictly enforced.
14. All vendors are expected to work with our sponsors and follow contract specifications when applicable. This event will be photographed and/or videotaped. By participating in this event, you hereby consent to the use of your likeness or image in photographs or videos for future promotional consideration by Artisan Treasures Events, Arizona Athletic Grounds and Event Sponsors.
*This writing contains the agreement of the parties. No representations other than those expressly set forth in this agreement were made or relied upon by either party. No agent, employee, or other representative of either party is empowered to alter any of the terms of this agreement. Only an executive officer of the respective parties in a written Discovery and signed document can alter this agreement.
*If you are not in agreement of the above policies please do not apply. 
*By submitting an application you are in agreement and will be bound by the above policies.


FOOD TRUCK BOOKING FEE (vendors pay fee plus 10% of event sales.) SOLD OUT (+ tax and fees) Non-refundable Booking Fee Non-refundable & Food Trucks must have food licensing to participate. Vendor pays 10% of sales to promoter at end of night with $50.00 booking fee applied to the end of night sales. Example- $50.00 of booking fee + 10% of sales to promoter $50.00 credit to vendors 10% payout at end of night.
Home Improvement, Real Estate, Travel, Marketing $250 (+ tax and fees) Non-refundable
Single booth $150 (+ tax and fees) Non-refundable
END-CAP 10 x 10 Single booth $195 (+ tax and fees) Non-refundable Upgraded Booth / End-cap
Double Booth 10 x 20 $275 (+ tax and fees) Non-refundable
End-Cap Double Booth 10 x 20 $320 (+ tax and fees) Non-refundable Double Booth- Upgrade End Cap 10 x 20

Questions on the application

Business information

  • Business name
  • Legal business name
  • Contact name
  • Address
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Website (Optional)
  • Logo (Optional)

Additional information

  • Tell Us About You
  • GENERATORS: Will your booth have a generator, if so what is the make & model *Please note, ALL generators must not be disturbing to your neighbor or put out exhaust.
  • Taco Food Trucks -Sample Item
  • Food Vendors only, list N/A if it does not apply to you -Please describe your menu.
  • What Products do you sell?
  • Cottage or Mobile License Number (required if you are selling food)
  • Please Provide your TPT # (Transaction Privilege Tax) the City Requires it.
  • How did you hear about us?

Picture requirements

  • Minimum pictures required: 3
  • Please provide a picture of your set-up and products
Mesa- Tacos & Margs
Mesa- Tacos & Margs
Mesa Tacos & Margs