The following items apply to all exhibitors unless specified in writing. • Camp Leavenworth will provide up to two (2) eight-foot tables and two folding chairs for each 10x10 exhibitor space. Tables and chairs must be reserved on application.• Exhibitors will be allowed to place other signs, banners, flags, etc., inside their area with the written approval of the Camp Leavenworth.• Camp Leavenworth will provide a standard electrical outlet for all exhibitors. Exhibitors must provide their own lighting, extension cords and power strips.• Exhibitors will not be allowed to bring any food or beverage items onto the festival grounds for personal consumption without approval from Camp Leavenworth. No glass bottles or outside alcoholic beverages are allowed.• There will be designated areas for the "Local Leavenworth" area. The Camp Leavenworth committee will make all final determinations regarding booth placement.• All application fees will be nonrefundable, except at the sole discretion of the Camp Leavenworth. Camp Leavenworth will provide security and trash removal throughout the event. Exhibitors will be expected to help keep the area around their booths clean and free of debris.• Exhibitors will be expected to have their booths completely set up at least 60 minutes prior to the start of the festival. You are expected to remain open until close of the festival each day. You must load out on Saturday, September 21st after the festival closes.• Exhibitors will be told of drop-off sites for loading and unloading their wares, and locations to park vehicles during the event. Vehicles are not allowed on site during festival hours.• Exhibitors will be allowed to sell their items only to persons on the festival grounds.• Overnight security is provided but please use your discretion. Camp Leavenworth is not responsible for any lost, damaged or stolen property.• Exhibitors are not allowed to use the Camp Leavenworth logos on any merchandise unless approved by the Camp Leavenworth committee.• Exhibitors will comply with all local, city, and state rules and regulations. Exhibitors will supply all necessary items to accomplish these goals.• Camp Leavenworth will take place rain or shine and all fees are nonrefundable.• Exhibitor to provide Camp Leavenworth with a certificate of insurance listing Camp Leavenworth as additionally insured.• Exhibitors are responsible for charging the appropriate KS sales tax for their items, and reporting earnings to the Kansas Department of Revenue.
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