Application deadline has passed

Artist Alley Pro Row Table

Deadline: Jun 17, 2024 11:59 pm (GMT-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Date: Dec 12, 2024 9:00 am - Dec 15, 2024 7:00 pm (EDT)
Atlanta, Georgia

About the event

AWA 2024 is your location for events, cosplay, concerts, video gaming, premieres, anime music videos and anime celebrity meet and greets! Join us for our new adventure at the World Congress Center (building C) on December 12-15, 2024
Anime Weekend Atlanta
Anime Weekend Atlanta
Anime Weekend Atlanta
Anime Weekend Atlanta

About the application

This application is intended for artists interested in selling fan art or handmade pieces. If you intend on selling licensed and bulk-produced merchandise, please see our vendor registration information. In order to sell at Anime Weekend Atlanta, you must be approved by AWA. If you are interested in purchasing a table, please fill out our artist application with as much detail as possible. Any omissions or inaccurate information may result in a rejection or delay in the processing of your form. YOU WILL NOT BE CHARGED UNTIL YOU ARE APPROVED. Any omissions or inaccurate information may result in a rejection or delay in the processing of your form. Your card will be charged upon acceptance of your application. To reserve your table for the Anime Weekend Atlanta Artist Alley, please read the information below and sign that you have read and understood all the terms including pricing, policies, and rules. Please feel free to email any questions or comments you have to   Please note that you may only sign up for one type of Artist Alley application.   

  • Important Artist Information                               
    • AWA will be held December 12th -15th, 2024     
    •  Artist Alley will be located at the World Congress Center inside Building C
    •   285 Andrew Young International Blvd NW, Atlanta, GA 30313

Artist Alley Times:     Please note that these times are tentative and may be subject to change.   Wednesday 

  •  9:00 AM-6:00PM Exhibit Hall Set-Up                                     


  • 10:00AM Artist Alley Setup                   
  • 11:55AM Open to AWA Staff Only                   
  • 12:00PM Exhibit Hall Opens                   
  •  8:00PM Exhibit Hall Closes                                                                 


  • 8:00AM Artist Alley Setup                   
  •  9:55AM Open to AWA Staff Only                   
  • 10:00AM Exhibit Hall Opens                   
  •  6:00PM Exhibit Hall Closes


  • 8:00AM Artist Alley Setup                   
  • 9:55AM Open to AWA Staff Only                   
  • 10:00AM Exhibit Hall Opens                   
  •  6:00PM Exhibit Hall Closes                                  


  •  8:00AM Artist Alley Setup                     
  • 9:55AM Open to AWA Staff Only                   
  •  10:00AM Exhibit Hall Opens                     
  • 4:00PM Exhibit Hall Closes   


  • Artist Alley Setup & Takedown                          
    • Sign-in and initial setup will begin on Wednesday, December 11th from 9AM to 6pm just inside the loading bay doors. The exhibit hall is not open to attendees on this day. Take-down will begin at 5pm on Sunday, December 15th and last until 6pm. You must vacate your table and have your area completely clean by 6pm. Failure to remove all items will result in a $250 cleaning fee.   During load-in, please unload all materials at the loading dock, then remove your vehicle from the loading area before setting up your table. Likewise, at load-out, please pack all your materials and have them ready to be packed into your vehicle before bringing your vehicle to the loading dock.    


  • Table Pricing-PRO ROW          
    • Artist Alley Pro Tables!  These tables are for the artist who would like more space to showcase their product, but do not qualify for the Dealer's side of the Exhibit Hall.  A Pro table is $750, includes an 8 X 8 space, a 6-foot table, 1 chair, and 2 exhibitor badges.
  •   Payment Options                         
    • All payments must be online. Once your application has been received and approved, you will receive an invoice to the specified email address.   


  •  Covid 19 COVID19                       
    • Policies are TBA. If you are unable to get vaccinated due to personal reasons, please take extra precautions to avoid getting sick. Exhibitors must follow all sanitation protocols established for the convention such as wearing a mask and using hand sanitizer. We will provide updates via email and on our website leading up to the event as our policies change over the next year.  AWA is not responsible in any manner for any risks related to COVID-19 in connection to the event. The World Health Organization has classified the COVID-19 outbreak as a pandemic and that COVID-19 is a highly contagious and dangerous disease, and that contact with the virus that causes COVID-19 may result in significant personal injury or death regardless of vaccination status.    


  • Cancellations                
    •  Booths cannot be refunded but may be transferred to the following year on a case-by-case basis. Please contact us at if you have registered and will be unable to attend the 2024 show. No transfers will be allowed after November 1, 2024.     


  •  Anime Weekend Atlanta Hotels                      
    •   The official hotels of AWA can be found at and includes information on how to book your hotel with our special con rate.    
  • Portfolio Guidelines 
    • Your portfolio should be YOUR portfolio We allow for collaborations with other artists, but these should be clearly identified as such.
    • Your portfolio must consist of at least 12 pictures or examples of your art. These pieces should showcase your best work, and be representative of what you will display or sell at your table.
    • Your portfolio must include a picture/drawing of your display. Provide a photo from another convention or, if it is your first time vending at a convention, provide a mock-up drawing or photo of how you intend to display.
    • Your portfolio should be available at a single url. The portfolio link you submit should NOT include extraneous content (such as random photos, shared/traced art, blog posts, etc)
    • Please make sure your portfolio stays online. Make sure your portfolio is accessible from the time you apply through September 1. If you have an issue with your site, please contact us so we don’t assume it’s down forever.
    • While digital artwork is accepted, AI artwork is not allowed.


Terms & Conditions

2024 Vendor Exhibition Contract Terms and Conditions      This Document forms the basis of an agreement between AWA, LLC, and the artists who wish to sell merchandises or services at Anime Weekend Atlanta, herein known as “artist”.AWA, LLC is the host organizer and promoter of entertainment conventions and services. Artists in the business of buying and selling certain printed, audio, and visual material hereinafter designated as the Property identified and described as follows: comic books, magazines and other materials associated with Film/Motion picture, Animation, Comics, Manga, Video games and all associated periodicals with in stated and unstated genres. The term AWA LLC shall be termed to mean the individual or individuals assigned by the CEO of AWA LLC as Artist Alley Liaisons.         Artist shall be fully responsible to pay for any and all damages to property owned by the Georgia World Congress Center or AWA LLC or their owners or managers, which results from any act or omission of Artist. Artist agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless, GWCC, AWA LLC, and their respective owners, managers, officers or directors, agents, employees, subsidiaries and affiliates, from any damages or charges resulting from Artist’s use of the property. Artists’ liability shall include, without limitation, all losses, costs, damages, or expenses arising from or out of or by reason of any accident or bodily injury or other occurrences to any person or persons, including the Exhibitor, its agents, employees, and business invitees which arise from or out of the Exhibitor’s occupancy and use of the exhibition premises, hotel or any part thereof.  
  •  1. Only individual artists may vend in our Artist Alley. Artists may sell their own works and those they collaborated with other artists to create but may not display or sell the works of other artists. While digital artwork is accepted, AI artwork is not allowed.
  • 2. Each table shall have a fixed cost: US $300.00 for a standard table or $750.00 for a Pro table. Standard Spots will come with 1 exhibitor badge while pro spots will include 2 exhibitor badges.
  • 3. You cannot purchase a table without a completed application.
  • 4. We encourage the sale of any products featuring your own creations, commissioned and hand- drawn works, unique handmade items, fanzines, and similar items.
  • 5.All convention, local, state, and federal rules will apply while in the Artist Alley. If you break any of the convention rules you will be dealt with in an appropriate manner.  If you break any laws, expect to have to deal with law enforcement and possible prosecution. We will not protect you if you break the law.
  • 6.Overly loud music, videos, etc. will is not permitted. If the amount of sound that you, your table, or anything related to you or your table is found to be disruptive, you will only be given one warning to turn down the volume before we ask you to leave. 
  • 7.If you want to have a giveaway or any other activity that might draw a crowd, please let our crew know ahead of time so that we can assist with any possible line forming or crowding issues. Crowding becomes a problem when it begins to block the thoroughfares between tables becoming a fire hazard.
  • 8.No hentai or any other sexually explicit material of any kind should be publicly visible at any time. If your artwork includes such material, you must check ID to ensure anyone who views it is at least 18 years old.
  • 9.AWA reserves the right to remove you from artist alley for any reason that AWA LLC deems reasonable.
  • 10. Any displays must be stable and no taller than 8 feet in height.
  • 11.Displays can be placed behind the table, but may not extend beyond the 6-foot width of the table, including supports, even if the table is on the end of a row.
  • 12.Selling food is prohibited.
  • 13.Weapons of any sort may only be sold to attendees at least 18 years old and must be secured in a sealed box before they leave your table. Additional rules and restrictions may be added at any time as deemed necessary by AWA, LLC or local law enforcement.
  • 14.Someone with an exhibitor’s badge should be always present at your table during the open hours of the hall.
  • 15.All exhibitors are expected to be set up and open for business while the exhibit hall is open to attendees. If you arrive late or pack up early, you will not be invited to vend with us in the future. Please make travel plans, including flights and room arrangements, accordingly.
  • 16.Only the individual who signs this contract is authorized to receive the table and will be required to show ID.
  • 17.AWA reserves the right to take pictures of artists and booth setups and use them for marketing and promotional purposes.
  • 18. Artist is responsible for their assistants or anyone using their credentials. Artist agrees individuals using credentials bought under this agreement will be subject to this agreement in its entirety.
  • 19.Artist releases, waives, discharges, and agrees not to sue AWA LLC and its officers, directors, employees, members, volunteers, contractors, representatives, owners, affiliates, agents, successors, and assigns from any and all damages, injuries, losses, liability, claims, causes of action, litigation, or demands, including but not limited to those for personal injury, sickness, or death, as well as property damages and expenses, of any nature whatsoever which may be incurred, directly or indirectly, now or in the future, in any way related to COVID-19 and in connection with participation in the event.  


One Artist Alley Pro Table SOLD OUT Non-refundable Includes an 8 X 8 space, a 6 foot table, 1 chair, and 2 exhibitor badges.

Questions on the application

Business information

  • Business name
  • Legal business name
  • Contact name
  • Address
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Website (Optional)
  • Logo (Optional)

Additional information

  • Portfolio link: This link needs to be available up to the weekend of the convention.
  • Have you ever had an Artist Alley table at AWA?
  • Standard tables come with 1 badge and Pro tables come with 2 badges, are you interested in purchasing additional badges?
  • Do you qualify for our small press section? (self-published art books and novels, web comics, or comic books)
  • What type of merchandise do you sell?
  • If you sell something other than the above mentioned items, please let us know here.
  • Short Notice Vendor (must be available to accept a table within days of the convention if necessary)
  • By signing here, the Vendor certifies the informatioon provided in this application is correct and confirms that the vendor has read and understood the terms and conditions of the agreement set forth in this contract

Picture requirements

  • Minimum pictures required: 0
Artist Alley Pro Row Table
Artist Alley Pro Row Table
Anime Weekend Atlanta 2024
Application deadline has passed