General Information / Rules & Regulations YOU WILL NEED TO CHOSE TO BE A MEMBER OR NON-MEMBER OF THE DOWNTOWN VACAVILLE FARMERS MARKET WHEN APPLYING (SEE INFORMATION BELOW) Annual Membership (expected to attend most markets, no application fee, space in market is guaranteed, once application is approved, reduced weekly rate):Farmers: 2024 Membership Fee $100+Weekly Space $25 (10x10), $40 (2-10x10), $55 (3-10x10)
Pre-Packaged or Prepared Foods/Brewers & Winemakers: 2024 Membership Fee $100+Weekly Space $30 (10x10)
Arts & Crafts: 2024 Membership Fee $100+Weekly Space $30 (10x10)
Downtown Business: Participate 1 Time Free Of Charge Annually. Membership $50+Weekly Space $25 (10x10)
Electric $10 Per Market
Membership Fee + First Week Due with Application Non-Members (space at the market is not guaranteed)Farmers/Pre-Packaged & Prepared Foods/Arts & Crafts/Brewers & Winemakers/Downtown Businesses $45 per market (10x10) , $55 (2-10x10), $65 (3-10x10)+ $20 app fee (one time annually) Non-Profit $30 (10x10) + $20 app fee (one time annually)
PAPERWORK REQUIRED:FARMERS:-Copy of Certified Producers's Certificate-Certificate of Liability Insurance Naming Downtown Vacaville Business Improvement District and City of Vacaville as Additional Insured $1M per occurrence & $2M aggregate -Copy of Organic Certificate (if applicable)
FOOD VENDORS/BREWERS/WINE MAKERS:-Copy of Solano County Food Permit-Certificate of Liability Insurance Naming Downtown Vacaville Business Improvement District and City of Vacaville as Additional Insured $1M per occurrence & $2M aggregate.-Copy of Fire Code Permit Application (vendors cooking onsite)
ARTS & CRAFTS:-Copy of Sellers Permit from State Board of Equalization-Photos of What You Sell
NON-PROFIT:-Copy of Tax Exempt Status Letter
- LOCATION: The market is located on (TBD/either Andrews Park or Parker Street Between Main & Merchant
- 2. HOURS OF OPERATION: The market is open on Saturday 8am-12pm. No Market May 25th/May 17th/October 5th
3. SETUP: Set Up Beings at 6am Vendor vehicles must be unloaded and off the street by 730am. 4. BREAK DOWN & CLEAN UP: All sales activities end at 12pm Do not break down early! You must have your area cleaned and be ready to leave by 1pm NOTE: Vendors not off-site by this time are subject to a $15 fine; this will be strictly enforced. Third violation subject to market probation. 5. WEEKLY FEES: Vendors are accountable for paying their weekly space fee. Fees will be collected the following Monday through the credit card on file. We will not accept cash at the market. 6. CANCELLATION: If unable to attend the market, call or email by 4:00pm the Wednesday prior to market day. If we do not show a record of cancellation, you will be responsible for paying for that space. If a vendor cancels regularly, we reserver the right to remove them for the year so we may provide our customers with an alternative vendor in their category. 7. INCLEMENT WEATHER: In case of bad weather, we will communicate with all vendors via email by by 5am on the day of the market. When in doubt, come to the market for a final decision. If it begins to rain, cover up items and check with the market manager on early take-down. 8. FARMERS: Prices must be clearly posted. Must provide an itemized list (Load List) of all products sold at the market each market day. Must maintain and leave booth space in a clean and sanitary manner. If you provide sampling, provide a trash container. Must post a sign or banner that states farm/ranch, location of farm/ranch, and declare We Grow What We Sell. Do not break down early; violation subject to market probation. 9. FOOD VENDORS: Menus must be clearly marked with items and prices. You may not serve food not originally listed on the application without approval from the Market Manager. Samples can only be provided with approval of the Health Depart ment and in accordance with their regulations. The Market Manager has the right to limit food vendors selling items. Do not break down early; violation subject to market probation. 10. ARTS & CRAFTS: In an effort to provide a variety of crafters to the market the manager may deny too many of the same craft. Handmade items are preferred and will be given priority consideration. Do not break down early; violation subject to market probation. 11. NON-PROFITS: Adult (21 plus) supervision must be at the booth at all times. Participation within the booth space is limited to 2-3 volunteers at a time. Groups are required to stay within the boundaries of their booth space. No flyering throughout the market. Groups wishing to sell or giveaway food items must have the necessary permit from the Health Department. Failure to show after reserving a space or breaking down early may result in future denial. 12. DOWNTOWN VACAVILLE BUSINESS: Your booth must reflect your business in terms of merchandise, services, and activity. Photographs may be required. Do not break down early; violation subject to market probation. 13. ALL VENDORS: All vendor spaces are assigned by the Market Manager. No smoking within 25 feet of the market zone. All sale items must be clearly marked with prices. Do not sell items not listed with the Market Manager. Must keep the booth area clean and safe, including trash receptacle if you provide samples or any items for consumption. Do not put waste into flower beds, City or Market garbage cans, or gutters. Display the name and location of a business or organization. Keep all business contained to booth space. Canopies, tables, and displays must be kept within the confines of booth space; 20 foot clearance in the middle of the market must be maintained at all times for emergency vehicles. Keep all items contained to booth space and off of sidewalks. Vendors that do not come to the market four consecutive market days without excusing themselves with Market Manager are subject to losing their space. No alcohol consumption in your booth, or in the market, during market hours. AGREEMENT: I am applying for a space in the Vacaville Farmers Market. I have read and agree to the Rules & Regulations. I will convey all of these conditions with my staff/volunteers. I do hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Vacaville, Downtown Vacaville Business Improvement District and their respective officers, agents, employees, underwriters and volunteers individually and collectively from any and all fines, penalties, liabilities, losses, claims, damages, and expenses including court costs and attorney fees incurred or suffered as a result of or relating to my participation in this/these events but only in proportion to and the extent such liability, loss, expenses attorney's fee or claims for injury or damages are caused by or result from the negligent or intentional acts or omissions of vendors, its officers, agents, employees, representatives or volunteers. (You will be asked to agree to terms later in the application.)