By submitting this form you agree to the following terms:The Wetzel County CVB (hereafter "Host") and you the "Vendor" agree that Host is hosting an event known as Back Home Festival to occur in downtown New Martinsville, WV, beginning Friday, June 28th, 2024, from 5pm-11pm, continuing on Saturday, June 29th, 2024, from 11am until 11pm, and also on Sunday June 30th, 2024 from 11am until 10 pm, and has the right to license concessions or merchandise to vend at and during the event.Vendor must pay fee based on Vendor Type listed below in application.Now, therefore, the parties agree as follows:1. Vendor shall have access to the location assigned no less than six hours before the Event's commencement for the purpose of setting up Vendor's vending station, goods, and other things necessary and reasonable to vending at the location. VENDOR MAY NOT SET UP UNLESS CONTRACT IS COMPLETE AND FEE IS PAID. Vendor must be set up and ready before the festival begins at 5pm and are required to stay until the event ends. Single day vendors will not be accepted. Personal vehicles will not be allowed in the vendor area after 3pm on June 28th except for cases of true emergencies. 2. Vendor shall not vend any goods or services other than those described herein at and during the event without the Host's written consent.3. Vendor's vending station shall be no smaller than 100 sq. ft. (10 ft. x 10 ft. Tent/Canopy Required); shall be clean and orderly; and shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations.4. Vendor's staff may announce the availability of the goods to be vended only while they are within the confines of the vendor's location.5. No loud music, noise, or sound amplification devices shall be used by vendor's staff at the event.6. Vendor shall have access to the location until noon on June 30th to dismantle and remove all things brought to the location by Vendor. Vendor shall leave the location clean of trash and substantially in the condition it was before Vendor occupied it.7. Vendor hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Host against any damages or claims that may arise in connection with Vendor's presence at the Event and Vendor's activities of any kind.8. You are allowed to sell glass pipes. However, if you are selling glass pipes, they must NOT be displayed for the general public. You can have a sign that reads, "ASK ME ABOUT MY GLASS" or something to that effect. The selling of pipes that are generally used for illicit use with are NOT permitted. If you are caught selling such merchandise you will be asked to leave immediately and no refund will be given.9. Any merchandise with controversial imagery or wording is NOT allowed. Examples include: ~ Political endorsements of any sort (unless you have purchased a booth specifically for that purpose.) ~ Confederate flags or confederate merchandise of any sort will NOT be allowed. ~ Any merchandise that is deemed by host to be of a hateful and non-inclusive nature. ~ Any merchandise with vulgarities.10. If you are caught engaging in any illegal activities you will be asked to leave immediately and no refund will be given.11. ELECTRICITY IS NOT GUARANTEED. Spots with electricity will be given out on a first come/first serve basis. NOTE: ALL VENDORS MUST BE APPROVED BY HOST IN ADVANCE AND HOST RESERVES THE RIGHT TO DENY VENDING PRIVILEGES TO ANY VENDOR FOR ANY REASON. If approved your debit card will be charged upon approval. Regular vendor spaces are $100 per space. Filling out this form does NOT guarantee you a space. You will not be charged if we don't approve you as a vendor.It is required that we receive either photographs of your merchandise or a link to your website or social media page so we can preview your merchandise.HOST WILL ONLY CONTACT APPLICANTS WHO ARE DENIED VENDING PRIVILEGES. IF YOU DON'T HEAR FROM US, YOU ARE APPROVED. If you have any questions feel free to contact us at 304-398-4910.
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