Approved Applicants must adhere to the following Terms & Conditions:
1. I understand that Lamar County, the City of Barnesville and the Barnesville-Lamar County Chamber of Commerce and its affiliates are in no way responsible for my goods, my person or my employees during the time I am occupying the festival premises. 2. I understand the Barnesville BBQ & Blues Festival will not provide insurance. Any insurance must be placed and paid for by the exhibitor. I relieve management of the festival of all responsibility in connection with the safekeeping of my property while said properties are at this festival.3. I agree to set up my booth prior to 9:00 AM on Saturday and not to dismantle prior to 7:00 PM on Sunday.4. I agree to leave my booth area clean when the festival is over and to observe all safety rules.5. I agree to furnish all my own materials (tents, tables, chairs, hardware, etc.). Funeral tents are not permitted, and only service animals are allowed within the festival areas.6. I understand that all alcoholic & non-alcoholic beverages must be sold by authorized vendors only.7. I understand that I will be issued a temporary Barnesville BBQ & Blues Festival Business License when I arrive for the festival and that it must always be displayed in my booth. I understand that I will be issued a number to be displayed on the outside of my booth for First Responders purposes. I also understand that I am to collect an 8% sales tax to be paid to the City of Barnesville.8. I understand that no booth space is guaranteed, though requests will be considered.9. I understand that by signing this contract that the Barnesville-Lamar County Chamber of Commerce can publish my contact information for festival purposes. 10. I understand that all sales end at 7:00 PM on Sunday.11. I understand and agree that the Barnesville BBQ & Blues Festival is held, in part or in whole, rain or shine. If for any reason whatsoever, it becomes impossible to carry on certain activities during the duration of the festival, this contract may be terminated, and I hereby waive any claim for damages that I may have as a result of said termination.
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