Vendor Rules & Procedures
The Cali Fest is committed to a quality event with a unique and innovative assortment of vendors. All vendors are required to comply with the rules and procedures listed. Please read and adhere to all Policies, Regulations, Contingent Contract and Agreement outlined below.
Location: Civic Center Park (streets on both sides of the park), Center Street, and Allston
Way, in Berkeley, CA.
Vending Hours: 1:00 p.m.–6:45 p.m.
Vending Date: Sunday, August 20, 2023
Contact Email:
Contact Number: 510-990-7600
• Electricity is not provided.
• We recommend you bring battery-powered lights for your booth set-up it may begin to get dark early.
City of Berkeley rules & regulations
• All vendors must comply with Berkeley Municipal Code Chapter 11.60, styrofoam to-go containers are prohibited; certified compostable by the Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI)
are allowed to be used for food to-go.
• Please note that starting January 1, 2024 all food vendors at events will be required by state law SB-1383 to donate any edible food leftover after the event. This helps to distribute food to those who are food insecure. It's a great initiative that not only helps those in need, but also reduces food waste.
• Food vendors must not leave used cooking oil at the event.
• There is a strict policy against any dumping of waste, oil, or any other materials during the event. As a vendor, you're responsible for disposing of your own trash properly. Please use the trash cans provided at your booth and make sure that they're only used by you and your team. We want to keep our environment clean and safe for everyone. Please note that any trash left
in your booth or on the sidewalk will be considered as an illegal dump and will results in citations and fines up to $1,000. Thank you for your cooperation!
Vendor Permits All Vendors must display:
• Vendor ID (You will be submitted this upon check in)
• City of Berkeley, Division of Environmental Health/ HEALTH PERMIT (Food Vendors) Process
• Applicants will have 10 business days to provide all required documents, execute the vendor agreement, and pay 100% of booth fees inside The Cali Fest Management System. If the applicant does not complete each required task within the allotted time frame, then the footprint will be allocated to another applicant.
• Applications completed after the event has reached its targeted application count or after August 10, 2023, will be accepted ONLY IF space is still available.
• All confirmed vendors will be notified of the booth number via email. The booth location is subject to change once assigned. Booth numbers will be finalized prior to load-in.
Load IN
• 10:30 a.m. Vendors may arrive to set up.
• Site access/Set up: Vendors will check in upon arrival and will be given pre-assigned credentials and a location.
• All vendor/ exhibitor booths must not close their booth or tear down prior to the specified venue closing times outlined in this document.
• Children under the age of 18 are not allowed in the loading zone.
Load OUT
• Vendors WILL CLOSE business promptly at 6:45 p.m.No more transactions can be made.
NO EXCEPTIONS. This rule is a condition of our event permit. All city, county, and state regulations must be obeyed. Vendors who are not shut down by 6:45 may be cited and/or
suspended from vending at future events.
• All vendors are responsible for cleaning their space and trash removal during and after the event.
• Spaces must be left clean and vacated before 7:45 p.m. on the day of the event, or a clean-up fee of $50.00 per space will be charged. This rule is a condition of our event permit.
Beverage Policy
• The CALI FEST LLC maintains the exclusive right to ALL ALCOHOL SALES and DISTRIBUTION at the The Cali Fest. Unless previously authorized, NO VENDOR or SPONSOR may
sell or provide samples of alcohol. This policy will be strictly enforced and will result in termination.
Payment & POS
• Vendors are responsible for their own preference of Point-of-Sale terminal and create their own Point-of-Sale vendor account to process payments for all transactions during the event.
• Credit card processing fees for all digital transactions (credit, debit, etc.) are the responsibility of the vendor.
Footprint Regulations
• Cali Fest assigns vendor space solely for the promotion and sale of products and services expressly approved by Cali Fest and specified in your vendor agreement and on your application.
• All merchandise and signage must be contained within your footprint.
• Vendor/exhibitor is certifying that they will not engage in any activity that would obstruct aisles, pedestrian walkways, and/or obstruct another vendor/ exhibitor’s footprint, including
impromptu showcasing of merchandise, art demos, live demos, etc.
Product Guidelines
• Cali Fest does not guarantee vendor items will be sold or guarantee any type of revenue that is generated from sales.
• Offensive materials, e.g., ethnically or racially offensive items, may not be sold or displayed at the Cali Fest. Failure to comply with this policy will result in termination from the event.
Cont. Regulations
• Smoking is strictly prohibited throughout all CALI FEST venue, loading docks, and properties.Contracted staff and vendors may not smoke during set-up or break-down.
• No open flames are permitted in any building (except for those used for chafing dishes within designated Cali Fest GRASSROOTZ corner vending areas). All decorations must be
• Parking in designated spaces with a permit only.
• Vendor agrees to comply with Fire Safety and Fire Marshal guidelines.
• Amplified sound in vendor selling areas is strictly prohibited.
• Cali Fest events are family events. No merchandise featuring drugs, drug paraphernalia, or explicit sexual connotations will be permitted. Event staff reserves the right to remove vendors
who are offering such merchandise for sale.
• There will be no guns, ammunition, pepper gas, etc. sold or present in the event facility.
• All vendors are responsible for cleaning their space and trash removal during and after the
• No loud generators.
Cancellation/Refund Policy
• If you cancel 21+ days in advance in order to receive a full refund.
• If you cancel 14-21 days in advance, you will receive a credit towards the following month.
• If you cancel 14 days in advance, you will not receive a refund OR credit.
Cancellation notices must be sent to
Late Arrival/No Show Policy:
Vendors who do not arrive by 12:15 p.m. are considered a no show and will result in loss of vendor fees. You must contact us if you are not going to make it by 12:15 p.m.
Event Schedule
• 9:00 a.m. City arrives to close street to through-traffic: event coordinator is on site to assure street closure & detour signs are in place/ready for installation.
• 9:30 a.m. Event staff and volunteers begin to arrive; registration area; operations area; EMT are set up
• 10:30 a.m. Check in table opens and vendors arrive to set up.
• 1 p.m. Vendors are ready and event begins.
• 6-7 p.m. Music stops, staff/volunteers begin cleanup process and reminding vendors event ends an hour and begin breakdown.
• 6:45 p.m. Start closing down event by informing attendees the event over.
• 7-9 p.m. COMPLETE the rest of breakdown:
Vendors close down and pack up to exit. Staff/Volunteers go through site again collecting any leftover debris and collect all refuse to be removed.
Each Participant is responsible for any business or personal insurance necessary to cover their liability for all activities made and performed at THE CALI FEST, to itself, event Patrons, other Participants and the Venue Partner. The Participant waives all responsibility and liability from THE CALI FEST LLC + its Venue Partners/Property.
No Personal Liability Without waiver, and in addition to and not in limitation of any other provision of this Agreement, in the event that THE CALI FEST LLC is found liable by any court of competent jurisdiction or agrees pursuant to mediation, settlement, or otherwise to pay for any damages whatsoever related to its performance of its obligation hereunder, such damages shall apply to THE CALI FEST LLC only and not to any officer, director, employee, agent, representative, volunteer, or other person acting on behalf of THE CALI FEST LLC.
LIABILITY THE CALI FEST LLC, its owners, its venue partners will not be responsible for any damage or loss to the participants property, injury to, or death of a participant or to the participants sales. The participant holds themselves accountable for all risk involved including loss, damage, liability, or injury from any cause. Participant releases and waives any claims against THE FEST LLC, its owners and its venue partners related to the previously mentioned statement.
I have read and understand the above-listed THE CALI FEST Rules and Regulations
I agree to follow the rules as stated above and hereby release The Cali Fest LLC and the City of Berkeley from all damages, costs, or expenses that may arise because of fire, theft, or breakage of property or personal injury received by reason of or in the course of theThe Cali Fest event which may be occasioned by any willful or negligent act or omissions of myself, my employees, or any liability from disorder or disturbance during this event.I warrant that I have the authority to bind this business to this agreement.
Events generate a large amount of waste, and we are committed to making The Cali Fest a waste-free event by reducing and recycling the material you generate at your booth. We ask
that you support our efforts to become an environmentally friendly event by reviewing the. following waste reduction and disposal guidelines and signing below, indicating your agreement.
• Each food or beverage booth operator is required to complete and submit a health permit application along with the Temporary Food Facility Operation Specifications form that Event Coordinator will submit to Berkeley’s Division of Environmental Health along with the fee that is combined in your registration fee you paid. This must be submitted 2 weeks prior to event and if you do not comply and turn in the document
will result in termination of being a vendor at the event and loss of vendor fees.
* Return this document to Event Coordinator at
(Application is in downloads)
Waste Reduction & Disposal Guidelines
• Well-marked containers will be available to both vendors and attendees.
• Plan to separate and contain materials for recycling or composting inside or behind your booth during the event.
• Recycling All recycled materials will be picked up by staff (you're responsible for disposing of your own trash properly.)
Recycle all recyclable Covered Materials: cardboard, newspaper, white paper, mixed recyclable
paper, recyclable glass food and beverage containers, metal (aluminum and steel) food and beverage containers, PET (#1) and HDPE (#2) plastic bottles.
*Glass – food and beverage containers
* Metal – food and beverage containers
*Plastic – food and beverage containers, lids and bottles
• Composting
*Raw and prepared food - fruits and vegetables, meat, fish and bones, bread, pasta and baked goods, egg shells, dairy products and coffee grounds
*Food-soiled paper products: paper towels and napkins, paper plates and cups, tissue paper, pizza boxes, wax coated paper and wrappers, coffee filters and tea bags, wooden stir sticks
and skewers
*Compostable serving ware – must be certified compostable by the Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI)
*Paper - mixed paper, cardboard and boxes, cartons (juice boxes, milk cartons)
• Please note that starting January 1, 2024 all food vendors at events will be required by state law SB-1383 to donate any edible food leftover after the event. This helps to distribute food
to those who are food insecure. It's a great initiative that not only helps those in need, but also reduces food waste.
• Compostable serving ware – must be certified compostable by the Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI)
• Do not use or distribute the following types of materials at the event:
*STYROFOAM The Berkeley Municipal Code, Chapter 11.60. prohibits the use of STYROFOAM in the City of Berkeley. The Registered Environmental Health Specialist (REHS)
responds to complaints, takes enforcement action, and interprets and clarifies polystyrene foam food packaging guidelines.
*Only paper and plastic containers are allowed to be used for food to-go.
*Materials to avoid, these items must be places in trash receptacles
•Plastic bags
•Cellophane or plastic wrap
•Laminated paper
• Each food or beverage booth operator is required to complete and submit a health permit application along with the Temporary Food Facility Operation Specifications orm that Event Coordinator will submit to Berkeley’s Division of Environmental Health along with the fee that is combined in your registration fee you paid. This must be submitted 2 weeks prior to event and if you do not comply and turn in the document will result in termination of being a vendor at the event and loss of vendor fees.
* Return this document to Event Coordinator at
(Application is in downloads)
• Food vendors must supply all other necessary services and equipment required for the operation of the Vendor Food Booth at their own cost, including, but not limited to, the following:
• Fire Extinguishers:
*If your business is a food booth cooking food, the fire department requires you have an ABC fire extinguisher for wood and paper or a K fire extinguisher for frying on location at the event.
• Food vendors not cooking food are not required to have a fire extinguisher.
Recyclables And Trash Are Your Responsibility:
In order to keep the event green and comply with Berkeley’s Division of Environmental Health ordinances on recycling, vendors will need to follow all orders. Food Vendors are
instructed to run their separation process of compost, plastics and trash at their food trucks and food booths. All recycled materials will be picked up by staff prior to your leaving the
event. DO NOT leave trash or recyclables in the roadway or sidewalk. Prior to leaving the event vendors are required to break down their cardboard boxes. Do Not leave cardboard
boxes in the roadway or sidewalk. All waste, drinking water, grease, open flame wood and coals, and other items must be removed by each individual vendor.
• Food vendors must not leave used cooking oil at the event.
• There is a strict policy against any dumping of waste, oil, or any other materials during the event. As a vendor, you're responsible for disposing of your own trash properly. Please use the trash cans provided at your booth and make sure that they're only used by you and your team. We want to keep our environment clean and safe for everyone. Please note that any trash left in your booth or on the sidewalk will be considered as an illegal dump and will results in citations and fines up to $1,000. Thank you for your cooperation!
• Fire Safety and Fire Marshal guidelines MUST BE MET.
I have read and understand the above-listed City of Berkeley’s Division of Environmental Health Zero Waste Guidelines and Event Policies and Procedures.
I agree to follow the rules as stated above and hereby release The Cali Fest and the City of Berkeley from all damages, costs, or expenses that may arise because of fire, theft, or breakage of property or personal injury received by reason of or in the course of theThe Cali Fest event which may be occasioned by any willful or negligent act or omissions of myself, my employees, or any liability from disorder or disturbance during this event.I warrant that I have the authority to bind this business to this agreement.
This is an electronic agreement and by selecting the booths, you are validating and approving this agreement electronically.
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