The following rules are for all vendors who apply for booth space in the Emporium. Vendor applications are for space ONLY. All applications are on a first come first serve basis, regardless if applicant has participated previously. The Emporium at the Three Rivers Festival is outdoors. All booths will be outdoors, so please plan accordingly! The Three Rivers Festival Emporium will not supply extension cords, tables, tents, or other equipment. Non-compliance of the rules as outlined below or in further written notices will result in the removal of vendor with no refund due to vendor and loss of security deposit.
The Three Rivers Festival will provide the following:
• Fenced and gated area for the event
• 24 hour Police security for duration of the Emporium/Festival
• First aid facilities
• ATM services
• Trash removal
• Information booth
• Event marketing and publicity
• Quality control
• Vendor restroom facilities
• Free vendor parking
• Limited electricity
Rules for Emporium Vendor Applications:
• Acceptance: Booth space is limited and acceptance for all vendors will be at the discretion of the Three Rivers Festival Emporium Committee. The Emporium Committee reviews applications once a month. All vendors accepted into the Emporium will be notified by email of their acceptance and will receive a vendor agreement in the mail, which must be signed and accompanied by full payment by the date listed on the agreement to secure the space. Any vendors who fail to sign and return the agreement and payment by the date listed on the agreement will be removed from the Emporium.
• Pavilion Booth Spaces: Any vendor who wishes to have a booth space under the covered pavilion will need to pay the Pavilion fee of $50.00 per 10’x10’ space in addition to the regular booth fee. Pavilion spaces are limited and are not guaranteed. Pavilion spaces are on a first come first serve basis. Any vendor who pays the fee, but cannot be placed in the pavilion due to lack of space, will receive a refund on the pavilion space fee.
• Duplicate Vendors: The Three Rivers Festival Emporium Committee limits “like” vendors, so festival guests will have a variety of vendors to peruse and shop. Whether you are a direct-sales vendor, crafter or concessionaire, vendors will be limited and accepted on a first-come basis.
• Placement: Placement for vendors in the Emporium is at the discretion of the Three Rivers Festival Emporium Committee. There are NO GUARANTEES that any returning vendor will have the same space or location from any previous year. At no time will the Three Rivers Festival Emporium Committee guarantee usage of all selling sides of spaces. Assigned spaces cannot be changed.
• Set-Up: Vendors will get their booth space once they check in. Vendors that are larger than 10x20 will need to set up on Wednesday, July 10th. All other Vendors can set up on Thursday, July 11th. Please understand that you may not be able to drive to your space. The Parks Department does not allow cars driving around in the gated area. Vendors will need to cart their items to your spot. There may be the use of gators/golf carts to help vendors unload items to their booths, however not guaranteed. Vendor Set Up Times: Thursday, July 11th: 9am-5pm (if you are larger than a 10X20 please set up on Wednesday, July 10th.)
Emporium staff will lock the gates at 6pm on Thursday July 11th.
All vendors must have their booths fully set up by 4pm on opening day. Emporium staff will unlock the Gates at 4pm Friday, July 12th.
Vendors for the last weekend can set-up on Thursday, July 18, 2024 between 9am -3pm. All last weekend vendors will need to be set-up and ready to open by 4:00pm on Thursday, July 18, 2024.
The Gators are NOT A GUARANTEE. Vendors need to make sure they have a way to unload product at the street and can hand cart it into the park. Vehicles are not allowed in the park, unless you have written approval from the Emporium Chair. That will need to be included into your application.
• Emporium Operating Hours: 4:00pm – 10:00 pm Friday, July 12th ; 11:00 am – 10:00 pm Saturday – Sunday July 13th & 14th ; 4:00pm – 9:00pm Monday-Thursday July 15th-18th ; 11:00am – 10:00pm Friday July 19th, 11am - 9pm Saturday July 20th
• Booth Closing: All vendors must have their booths open and staffed during Emporium operating hours. Vendors that close early will forfeit their deposit.
• Weather Policy: In the event of rain, vendors may cover their products with plastic sheeting or similar materials to protect their goods. The Three Rivers Festival Emporium Committee may inform vendors of a temporary shutdown of the Emporium during weather events. During a temporary shutdown, all vendors are required to stay on site until the weather clears. Once the weather event has passed, the Emporium will reopen to the public. The only time vendors may close their booths and leave the festival grounds during operating hours is if instructed to by the Three Rivers Festival Emporium Committee. Any vendors who close their booths and leave for the day during a weather event will lose their security deposit and may not be invited back to the Three Rivers Festival Emporium.
• Tear-Down: Absolutely no teardowns will be permitted prior to 9 pm on Sunday, July 14th, 2024 and Saturday, July 20, 2024, unless instructed otherwise by the Three Rivers Festival Emporium Committee. Early teardowns will result in a $100 fine and may result in not being invited back to the Three Rivers Festival Emporium.
• Vehicles: No vehicles are allowed in the gated Emporium area of Headwaters Park West. All vendors will need to park behind the Emporium on Calhoun Street and unload their vehicles. Vendors will park their cars in the festival parking lot at 4th & Clinton Streets, north of Headwaters Park. Vendors are allowed to park behind the Emporium on Calhoun Street temporarily each day before opening to unload needed supplies. All vehicles must be moved to the parking lot an hour before the Emporium opens each day.
• Golf Carts/Off Road Vehicles: Golf carts or any type of off road vehicles are not allowed in the Emporium area of the Three Rivers Festival or on any area of the festival grounds.
• Booth Appearance: All tables must be skirted to the ground. Any items that are not for sale, such as packing boxes, tools, carts, etc. need to be placed out of sight in the booth. Booths must be kept tidy and attractive at all times.
• Vendor Personnel: Are required to be present at the booth during open hours for exhibitors. All booths must be open during operating hours.
• Trash: It is the responsibility of each vendor to clean up around the contracted booth area on a continual basis throughout the duration of the festival and dispose of trash in provided trash cans. Cardboard should be broken down each night and placed neatly next to the trash cans for removal. Vendors are responsible for making sure their booth area is how they found it at the end of the festival. Any trash left behind in booth spaces will result in a $100 fee applied to credit card on file and may result in not being invited back to the Three Rivers Festival Emporium.
• Tent Rental: The Three Rivers Festival Emporium Committee will not order tents for vendors. Vendors who need to rent a tent may contact A Party Apart (260)969-0999 or Mutton Rentals (260)432-8636. Vendors renting tents must notify the Three Rivers Festival office who they are renting the tent from and the expected delivery day/time a week before Emporium set-up.
• Cancellation: Full refunds, minus application and late fees, will be given through May 15, 2024. Absolutely no refunds after this date or for “no shows”.
• Omission of Performance: Failure to follow the above listed terms or failure to return rented space to a clean state will result in a $100.00 fee, automatically applied to the credit card on file. This replaces the refundable Security Deposit that had been applied in prior years.
Applicant must comply with all Indiana laws, including collecting and reporting sales tax when required. All vendors must have an Indiana Retail Merchant Certificate, if applicable, by Indiana Department of Revenue.
*A processing fee is applied to all credit card/ACH payments.
The Emporium 2024
This License Agreement (“Agreement”) is made and is effective this day, Date of Application Submission, by and between Three Rivers Festival Executive Board, Inc. ("Licensor"), and Business Name (“Licensee").
(A) License Area and Location. Licensor hereby grants to Licensee a non-transferable right and revocable permission for the temporary use of and right to occupy those certain premises (“the License Area") containing approximately a Size selected in application, located in the Three Rivers Festival The Emporium 2024.
(B) Term. The Term of Agreement will consist of: 7/12/2024– 7/20/2024.
(C) Use. Licensee will use the License Area during the Term of this Agreement for the sole purpose of display and sale of items as described on application and for no other purpose whatsoever.
(D) Fees: The Fixed Fee for Licensee's use of the License Area is Cost of Booth Selected in Application;
Application Fee: $25.00
(E) Payment Schedule. The Fee shall be paid as set forth above, and the other sums due to Licensor are to be paid by Credit Card, thought the Licensor approved event management software, Eventeny. Application fee shall be applied to Credit Card on file upon Application Submission. Once Application is approved by the Emporium Committee and festival staff the remaining balance due shall be charged using the Credit Card stored on file.
(F) Cancellation of Exhibit/Booth Space: All cancellations must be made in writing to No refunds will be given within 45 days of the event (May 28, 2024). A refund, minus fees will be given prior to that date. Call the festival office, 260-426-5556, to confirm if you have not received a cancellation confirmation via email within two (2) business days from your initial email request.
(G) COVID-19 Related Refunds: Given uncertainties surrounding the current pandemic, it is possible that Three Rivers Festival will have to reduce the Festival footprint after it has sent out acceptances. If at any time an accepted artist/vendor who has paid booth fees is subsequently told by the Three Rivers Festival that they will not be able to participate due to a reduction in the Festival footprint, the booth fees for any such artist/vendor will be refunded minus application, jury, and /or late fees. If the Three Rivers Festival is cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, you will be notified by festival staff as soon as the decision to cancel is made by the Board of Directors. Should the festival be canceled in 2024, you will receive a full refund of any paid booth fee, minus application and/or late fees. Your refund will be sent out no later than 90 days after you have been notified of the festival cancelation. 
(H) Late Charges. If Licensee shall fail to make any payment of Fixed Fee, Percentage Fee, Other Fee or any other charge to Licensor when due, Licensee shall pay Licensor a late charge equal to One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) plus Ten Dollars ($10.00) per day for each day past due for so long as said default continues.
(I) Licensee further agrees that it shall, at its sole cost and expense:
1 At all times maintain the License Area in clean and safe condition, and on the expiration date of the Term of this Agreement, shall restore the License Area to clean condition.
2 At all times observe and comply with all laws, ordinances, rules, the securing of all permits and licenses, regulations and code requirements, as well as those of the Licensor. Licensee and its employees shall wear tasteful and appropriate attire at all times while in the License Area.
3. Indemnify and hold harmless. Licensor, its agents and/or beneficiaries and partners of beneficiaries, any employees and ground lessors from and against all liabilities, damages, penalties, claims, cost and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees which may arise in any manner out of the use or presence in the License Area.
4. Licensee shall not permit any hazardous material to be stored, kept, used or discharged in the License Area.
(J) Relocation. Licensee understands and agrees that the License Area may be relocated at any time at the discretion of, and without liability to the Licensor.
(K) Termination. Licensee understands and agrees that Licensee's rights under this agreement may be terminated for just cause, including but not limited to, health, safety or operational violations by Licensee, with no liability to Licensor. All fees paid, including security deposits, will be forfeited by Licensee, as liquidated damages.
(L) Hours of Operation. Licensee shall be open for business at the License Area minimum hours of Friday Evening, July 12th, 4 pm - 10 pm
Saturday - July 13th, 11 am - 10 pm
Sunday - July 14th, 11 am - 9 pm
Monday - Thursday, July 15-18th, 4 pm - 9 pm
Friday - July 19th, 11 am - 10 pm
Saturday - July 20th, 11 am - 9 pm, during the agreement term, regardless of weather.
(M) Trash: It is the responsibility of each vendor to clean up around the contracted booth area on a continual basis throughout the duration of the festival and dispose of trash in provided trash cans. Cardboard should be broken down each night and placed neatly next to the trash cans for removal. Vendors are responsible for making sure their booth area is how they found it at the end of the festival. Any trash left behind in booth spaces will result in a $100 fee applied to credit card on file and may result in not being invited back to the Three Rivers Festival Emporium.
(N) Default. Licensee will reimburse Licensor for all costs and expenses including reasonable attorney's fees which Licensor incurs in connection with the enforcement of this Agreement. Failure of Licensee to maintain insurance herein provided shall be a default under this Agreement and in addition to any and all rights and remedies available to Licensor under this Agreement, Licensor shall have the right to immediately terminate this Agreement.
(O) Changes. No modifications to this agreement are permitted unless they are submitted in writing to the Three Rivers Festival office and approved and signed by the Executive Director.
(P) Notices. All notices or payments made pursuant to this Agreement will be to the location below.
(Q) Holdover. At any time that Licensee occupies the License Area beyond the Term specified in Paragraph “B”, Licensee will be subject to all rules and conditions of this Agreement, including said insurance requirements and indemnification as requested herein. This Agreement shall not permit Licensee to remain in the License Area (“Holdover”) beyond the expiration of the Term hereof, without Licensor’s written consent. At the termination of this Agreement, Licensee agrees to yield up immediate and peaceable possession of the License Area, and failing to do so, to pay as liquidated damages a fee equal to One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per day. Licensor or his legal representatives may at any time thereafter, without notice, remove, at Licensee’s expense, any persons and property occupying License Area, without prejudice to any remedies that might be otherwise used for breach of covenants.
(R) Assignment or Subletting. Licensee shall neither sublet the License Area or any part thereof, nor assign this Agreement, nor permit any transfer of Licensee’s interest, nor permit the use thereof for any purpose other than agreed in Paragraph “C”, without in each case the written consent of Licensor.
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