Want to be added to our pre-approved vendor mailing list to be notified of shows? Fill out the information below and we'll add you to the appropriate lists! You'll then be notified of when we release applications in the regions you specified you're interested in.
Please note that all items must be handmade. We do take food trucks and food vendors as well. However, we do not accept retail trucks, or commercial businesses such as: Avon, Mary Kay, ColorStreet, Thirty-One, LuLaRoe, PinkZebra, LipSense, Origami Owl etc.
We are a juried show, meaning, we pre-screen vendors to ensure they are a fit with the show line. You will be asked to submit 3-4 photos along with your inquiry to join our mailing list in order for approval.
There is no charge to get on our vendor mailing list.
Thank you, and we look forward to working with you in the near future!