Trunk or Treat - Eventeny

Trunk or Treat

Starts on Sunday, October 29th, 2023
WOOD DALE, Illinois, United States
City of Wood Dale logo
About the event
Parents, friends, businesses, we need your help! Trunk or treat is a volunteer-driven community event and we need you to join us. Get a group of friends or neighbors together, decorate a vehicle, and let's provide a safe trick-or-treating experience for kids. We can't do this without you! We need families, organizations, businesses and friends to join together to provide candy, treats, and decorated vechiles fr kids to enjoy! This is a great way to promote your business and interact with the community. Last year, we had an estimated 2000 people attend and without YOU there's no event! Sunday, October 29 from 1-3 p.m. Sign up Today!
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Oct 29, 2023 · 1:00 PM - Oct 29, 2023 · 3:00 PM(GMT-05:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
The event has ended
Parking instructions
Dear Trunk or Treat participants, The City of Wood Dale is excited to have you join us for Trunk or Treat on Sunday, October 29. Here is some important information for you to know as you plan your participation. • The event takes place Sunday, October 29 from 1 – 3 pm at the park located at Commercial Street and Wood Dale Road. • Event Setup: 11 am-12:30 pm (please enter from Grove Street by way of Center Street and Wood Dale Road (a helpful map will be shared shortly). Access will not be allowed from Wood Dale Road at Commercial Street to participating vehicles. Participating vehicles will be lined up based on arrival. • Each participating vehicle will receive a bucket to collect tickets for the Vehicle Decorating Contest. Please be sure to return these at the end of the event. • Be creative with your vehicles. Remember, half the fun of the event is showing off your skills and giving the kids in our community a fun and safe place to trick-or-treat. We have a vehicle decorating contest. • Trunk or Treaters will enter and visit the welcome table to start their path for trick or treating. Kids will receive tickets and each vehicle will have a bucket. Kids vote for their favorite vehicle by placing their ticket in the bucket of their favorite car. We will tally the tickets at 2:30 pm. The winner is announced at 2:45 pm • Voting is limited to children only. • Buses will be stationed in a specific section (details on the map to be shared shortly). • How much candy should I bring? - There is no good answer for this because we can’t say for sure how many kids will come. In the past, we’ve had up to 2,000 kids. We recommend bringing as much candy as you like, and if you run out, simply enjoy the rest of the event! • There will be directional signage to assist with the pedestrian traffic flow of the event. • The City cannot provide power sources to participants. Please come prepared with your own power source if needed for your set up. • Vehicle participants cannot leave prior to the end of the event. We cannot have cars driving through the field while children and families are present. If you have an emergency and need to leave, please notify staff or a police officer, and we will help guide you out safely. • We are excited to share that we are hosting a DJ, 2 face painters and 2 balloon artists. Make sure to say hello to these creative vendors. • We are working for an alternative indoor location in the event of inclement weather. It is possible that the event will be cancelled. Safety is important to the City. • There will be food and beverage vendors present with items for purchase. • Picnic tables will be set out for families near the food and beverage vendors. On the day of the event, Janelle can be reached at 630-461-9641. Volunteers can check in with Mary Kate or Janelle at the event. If you are unable to locate us, please visit the Dj. Thank you again for joining us. On behalf of the entire City of Wood Dale, we are excited to have you at the event and look forward to a fun and safe Halloween event for our Community. Please let me know if you have additional questions.
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City of Wood Dale logo
Hosted by City of Wood Dale
Joined Eventeny in February 2023
21 events
WOOD DALE, Illinois, United States
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