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WORLD DUMPLING FESTIVAL RULES & REGULATIONS 2024 Contract Cancellation: Chicago Special Events Management -CRSEM,LLC (hereinafter “SEM”) reserves the right to cancel a contract at any time for the good of the festival, or by the direction of the Chicago Cultural Alliance (AKA “Committee”). Any cancellations by management will be refunded if ALL rules and regulations have been followed. Cancellation or suspension due to lack of proper city licensing or failure to meet or maintain guidelines will not be eligible for refunds. Water: Running water is not provided on site. You must supply your own fresh water. Electricity: No small portable generators or car batteries are permitted within your booth. All electricity on site, if paid for, is portable and provided by a third-party supplier. Any service disruptions and/or blackouts from electricity provided by SEM will not result in a rebate or refund. Music: This event STRICTLY prohibits the playing of recorded or live music in your booth. Laws: Drilling in the street is not permitted to secure your tent or equipment. Violators will be subject to a city of Chicago fine and or a space cancellation at the event. You are directly responsible for city violations and fines. The sale of any THC based products or additives is strictly prohibited. All CBD and Delta 8 businesses must apply as a sponsor of the event For pricing and a customized benefits package, please contact Laura Wilke laura@chicagoevents.com at 773-584-6669 or Norine Smyth at (312) 799-0354 nsmyth@chicagoevents.com Set-up and Tear-down: Each participant is responsible for setup, take down and clean-up of his/her booth space. Vehicles are allowed on the street only for setup prior to the event and tear down once the festival closes. You will be notified when it is safe to bring your vehicle on the street. Unless otherwise noted, parking is not provided to any participant but is available for an additional fee if arranged prior to the event. Load-in/set-up times will be provided to you by email one week prior to the event. You must remove your vehicle immediately after unloading your merchandise. You are allotted 2 hours from closing time of the event to vacate your booth space after the event. No Show Policy: Participants who have not checked-in by 9:00 AM on September 21, 2024 the first day of the festival will be considered a “no-show.” No Show participants/artist will NOT be eligible for refunds and assigned booth space will be forfeited. Trash Disposal: Each space must be left clean throughout the event and each night. Trash receptacles and bags will not be provided, this is your responsibility. Trash (in bags) will be picked up from booths. May be subject to additional fees if your space is not maintained as delivered, upon vacating your event space. Indemnification: The Chicago Cultural Alliance, Chicago Special Events Management, its employees, festival service providers, or any participating sponsors will NOT be responsible for any injury, loss, or damage that may occur to the participant (artist, merchant or food vendor), any of the participant’s employees or any property prior to, during or after the period covered by the participation exhibitor contract. This signed contract states that you agree to the terms and indemnify all parties working and producing the event from any liability or claim. Booth Space: Each vendor must use only the space that they are granted. Only a three-foot entry way is permitted. Sidewalks must be left unobstructed at all times. It is strictly prohibited to store items on the sidewalk across or adjacent to your booth. We reserve the right to relocate a participating artist/restaurant when necessary even after a space has been assigned – based upon approval of the festival committee .CRSEM and The Committee are not responsible for any loss or damage to the exhibitor's equipment or any of its contents. Food vendors only; In addition to the food booth fee, all participating food vendors will be required to participate in a 15% revenue share of gross sales , back to the event. Please note all food and beverage will be paid by pre-purchased tickets which can be redeemed onsite Saturday evening after the event. We ask if you can please bundle the tickets in 100 , to help expedite the payment process. Third Party Vendors: You cannot resell or lease any space to a 3rd party to participate in the event in your booth. Event Hours: All vendors must remain open during festival hours. SEM and or The Committee are not responsible for any loss or damage to the exhibitor's equipment or any of its contents.
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