Sponsor Application
Komori Con II Sponsorship
Deadline: Mar 08, 2025 11:00 pm (GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
Date: Mar 08, 2025 12:00 pm - Mar 08, 2025 8:00 pm (CST)
About the event
About the application
Terms & Conditions
Bronze - $100 | $0.00 | Non-refundable | At a donation of 100 USD or more, or at the donation of product/items*, we would love to host your logo in the convention decor, such as in the main convention banner and at check-in signs as official sponsors. *Products and items will be used as prizes for various competitions as well as raffle prizes. |
Silver - $250 | $0.00 | Non-refundable | At a donation of 250 USD or more, we would love to put you in the best locations in the artist alley, close to the entryway where most of the foot traffic occurs (one 6-ft table, two may be able to be offered). Additionally, we would love to include you in our social media and website as sponsors. |
Gold - $500 | $0.00 | Non-refundable | At a donation of 500 USD or more, we would love to place your company logo in all official con-exclusive signage. You will also receive a 10x10 space in our vendor hall. Each space comes with 2 tables and 2 chairs unless otherwise specified. You can also leave a blurb of ~200 words advertising your company/business on our socials or website! |
Platinum - $1000 | $0.00 | Non-refundable | At a donation of 1000 USD or more, we would love to host you in a dedicated event or panel within the con, subject to showrunner approval. You will be offered a space and a time slot, and we will work with you on the specific details. You are welcome to recruit, present, or even host an event of your choice. If you would like to donate an amount of money that far exceeds any of the given amounts, we would love to work with you to offer more specific and exclusive benefits, as well as an additional tier. |
Questions on the application
Business information
- Business name
- Legal business name
- Contact name
- Address
- Phone
- Website (Optional)
- Logo (Optional)
Additional information
- Logo (Full Color, png)
- Logo (B/W, png)
- If you're vendoring, what will you be selling?
- What fandoms/franchises will be represented? (For promotional purposes)
- A short blurb about your company (for social media/promotional purposes)
- What is your goal with this sponsorship? (Generate money, advertise, recruit, just support us, etc.) We'd like to help you reach your goal(s) in any way we can!
- What do you need from us? (Electricity, extra chairs, table cloths, volunteers for set up/tear down, etc.)
- The prices in the following section will be set to "$0" because we're not collecting money through Eventeny. However, please still select which sponsorship packages you'd like. After the application is submitted, you will receive an email with an invoice/further payment details. We apologize for the inconvenience of multiple platforms , but it's easier to process things on our end this way. We appreciate your understanding!
Komori Con II Sponsorship
Komori Con II