AND GUIDELINESPlease read the following carefully and retain for your records.
- * Handmade, original work only. No retail, wholesale, flea market, imports, or collectible items.
- No Silk-screening items will be allowed. No vinyl or screen-printed shirts except for pre-approved Jeep vendors.
- Weights for tents are required
- No use of official SLSD Jeep Invasion name and/or logo on any products, unless reviewed and approved by the SLSD Jeep Invasion board.
- * Food Vendors must follow State of Michigan laws for processing and labeling.
- * Consignment sales are not permitted. This includes wholesale and retail items.
- * Rain or Shine Event
- * Arts and crafts supplies and commercially produced kits and merchandise are not permitted.
- * More than one medium or category may be sold from the same booth, however, each category of work must be listed on the registration form.
- * All participants are limited to the show and sales of items specifically listed on the registration form. Additions must be approved prior to the show.
- * The SLSD Jeep Invasion board reserves right to require the removal of unsuitable work prior to, or during the festival.
- * All sales must be conducted within the participant’s booth. Strolling vendors are not
- permitted.
- * Vehicles may not be parked in the craft show area. All vehicles must be parked in the designated parking lot.
- * The Silver Lake Jeep Invasion Committee is not liable for any loss or damage.
- * Set-up will be Saturday 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM. No vehicles will be allowed in vending area after 9:00 AM. All set up must be done by 9:00 AM
- * Saturday show hours are: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. You must agree to be in place with items for sale during these hours. THERE WILL BE NO BREAKDOWN OF BOOTHS PRIOR TO 5 PM ON SATURDAY.
- * Deadline for a refund is May 20th ,2025
Support the 2025 Silver Lake Sand Dunes Jeep Invasion! This event pulls in thousands of people to the Silver Lake Area. 20-40 marketplace vendors, 50+ craft fair vendors, thousands of jeep enthusiast! This event brings in roughly $607,500.00 in Direct Total Event Revenue to our beautiful area. See which package fits you and your business the best!