Sister Cities of Durham Inc - Eventeny

Sister Cities of Durham Inc

Starts on Tuesday, January 25th, 2022
About the event
We invite you to join us in Sister Cities of Durham for an amazing international experience. Pictured are many of our activities and projects: 1) Durham Cup Project with Mayors of Kostroma, Toyama, Tilaran; 2) Previous Festivals, 3) Holiday Parade, 4) Mayor's Award for "Promoting International Understanding", 5) International visitors. Beginning in 1989 with three sister cities, we have now expanded to nine sister cities, reflecting the increasing global nature of Durham. In our promotion of building peaceful relationships around the world, we are supported by the Mayors of all the cities as they have all signed these agreements. Our web page gives you more details, how to contact us, and membership information: Our Vision: We strive to develop a peaceful world, with mutual understanding and cooperation, one person and one community at a time. Our Mission: We partner with the City of Durham to organize and promote Sister Cities activities for Durham residents and to establish international Sister Cities relationships. We invite you to join us: 1) General Membership to support and attend SCD programs of your interest 2) Also, you can join to be active on one of our City Committees 3) Or just be a volunteer to assist with projects. For information about joining, contact Executive Director Brady Surles at Here is a sampling of our Projects in our 36 years, since our founding in 1989:  Over 25 school exchange visits with at least 10 Durham public schools and schools in Kostroma, Toyama, Durham, England, and Zhuzhou, China  Over 15 medical exchanges between Durham and Toyama, Japan  Local government exchanges of mayors, vice mayors, and heads of local government departments  Hosted Toyama College of Foreign Languages for studying English as a second language, for 7 consecutive years  Over 200 Durham families have hosted visitors from our Sister Cities  Durham was one of eight nations represented in the Kavala, Greece international Cosmopolis Ethnic Dance Festival  Awarded seven Open World grants (associated with the Library of Congress) to bring Russians to Durham  Awarded a grant from Sister Cities International to build a Maternal and Child Health Centre in Arusha  Provided a professional workshop for Durham teachers in Tilaran, Costa Rica  Received from Zhuzhou, China a shipmen for COVID masks for Durham’s Fire Department  Numerous exchanges with musicians, choirs, artists  Partner with the Durham County Library to make presentations for the general public 2 – 3 times a year  Sponsor Photo exhibits and contests with our partner Sister Cities  International quilts from our Sister Cities are on display in the Lobby of City Hall  Annual Festival of Nations for all international groups represented in Durham  Partner with the Mayor’s office to present annual awards for “Promoting International Understanding”  Partner with Durham Central Park to plant trees for a “Peace Grove of Trees” representing our Sister Cities
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Jan 25, 2022 · 9:00 AM - Dec 31, 2022 · 12:00 PM(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
The event has ended
Sister Cities of Durham logo
Hosted by Sister Cities of Durham
Joined Eventeny in July 2020
62 events
Durham, North Carolina, United States
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