Prospective vendors must go through an application process for eligibility to be a vendor at the Shreveport Farmers’ Market. Filling out this application does not guarantee you will be a vendor for 2025. All vendors must be approved for participation into the market annually. Application status (approval, waitlist, or rejection) will be issued in writing via email by the Market Manager.
You will be put on a waitlist pending approval. No charges will take place until you are officially confirmed to be a vendor.
Shreveport Farmers’ Market Vendor Checklist
? Read the 2025 General Regulations
? Read the 2025 Insurance Guidelines
? Gather necessary insurance documents
? Know what your electrical needs are (110v, 220v, plug type, total amps)
? Identify what type of Vendor you are and apply accordingly
? Ability to pay the $10 administrative fee when you apply.
The Shreveport Farmer's Market Summer Car Show will take place on July 12th from 8am-12pm at Festival Plaza in the West pavilion area. Apply early and claim your spot in this friendly competition where avid car collectors can show off their pride and joy. Awards will go to the top ten. There are no class or era restrictions. Space is limited and once the application limit is reached we will not accept new applications. Onsite spaces, including those under the pavillion in the shade, will be available on a first come first serve basis, instructions will follow later with load-in instructions and competition information.