Get started on your Neighborhood Block Party and Rental TODAY! The Rental Application, Neighbors Signature Request Form, and Liability Waiver are all required for an approved application. (The permit application will ask for the signature of approval from all neighbors within 200 feet from where the event will take place.) Before moving forward, we want you to keep a few things in mind:
- All Rental Request must be made 2 weeks in advance of the block party date.
- Keep in mind that if you need street closures, you will need to apply for a special events permit instead. Special events permit must be submitted 60 days in advance of your event!
- If you plan to serve food, please get in touch with the Health Service Division at 972-412-6125, or email - In most cases, a food permit is not required, but there are instances when you may need one. After speaking with you, the Health Department will let us know if a temporary food permit is required for your event.
The City of Rowlett will issue a formal permit and follow up with you to schedule the trailer drop off and pick up.