Spaces available for Merchandise Vendors. This category is limited to ONE vendor representing a particular re-sale business, commonly referred to "network marketing".
- You MUST submit a separate application for each type.
- If you sell jewelry, you may apply in a category other than Jewelry if the jewelry is less than 10% of your items for sale. Otherwise, you must apply in Jewelry.
- All work displayed in the booth must be for sale.
These spaces are reserved for non-profit organizations fundraising (like selling raffle tickets) to support their organization and to raise awareness of their community services OR Non-Profit Informational booths are reserved for non-profit organizations not selling items. PLEASE INDICATE BELOW.
The Aurora Fossil Museum and North Carolina Fossil Club would love for you to share your fossil collection in the very popular Fossil Displays component of the North Carolina Fossil Festival.
This key educational component of the festival provides a means for fossil collectors and paleontologists to engage and educate the public about North Carolina's unique and vast fossil record. No application fee is required, just a willingness to share your knowledge and collection with festival participants.
Tables, chairs, and refreshments will be provided. This year, the Fossil Display Exhibitors will be located inside and on the grounds of the Aurora Community Center. A "NC Fossil Club Fossil Pit" will be strategically located directly beside the Aurora Community Center to increase festival traffic to your exhibits.
Fossil Displays will need to be set up on Saturday morning by 11 am with take down beginning at 5 pm. Afterwards, please plan to stick around, sit back, relax, and listen to live music and enjoy the festival.
The Aurora Fossil Museum invites your non-profit organization to participate in the very popular STEAM & History Education component of the North Carolina Fossil Festival.
This key educational component of the festival provides a means for nonprofits to introduce their organizations to festival attendees. No application fee is required, just a willingness to share STEAM & History with festival participants!
Tables, chairs, refreshments, and lunch will be provided. This year, the Education Exhibitors will be located near the Aurora Fossil Museum's Learning Center, under a large tent. A "Kid's Pit" will be strategically located near the STEAM & History Education Tent with access to the pit occurring through the STEAM & History Education Tent.
Education organizations will need to be set up on Saturday morning by 10 am with take down beginning at 5 pm. Afterwards, please plan to stick around, sit back, relax, and listen to live music and enjoy the festival.
Registration to participate in the North Carolina Fossil Festival Parade which will occur at 11 am on Saturday, May 24 2025.