Meeker Days 2024 - Eventeny

Meeker Days 2024

Starts on Friday, June 14th, 2024
Puyallup, Washington, United States
About the event
This exciting Festival is a free event to the public and includes the downtown Puyallup businesses, The Puyallup Farmers' Market, craft vendors, food trucks, car shows, three stages of free entertainment daily, a beer and wine garden, and a youth area which is dedicated space for kids including the spray water park, playground, and large sandbox, and family activities. 
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Jun 14, 2024 · 12:00 PM - Jun 16, 2024 · 5:00 PM(GMT-07:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
The event has ended
Parking instructions
Southbound From Seattle: Take I-5 Southbound to I-405 N (exit 154A) to Renton From I-405 N go approx 2 miles and merge onto Hwy 167 southbound to Puyallup. From Hwy. 167 travel approx 21 miles then merge onto Hwy 512. Exit Hwy 512 at Pioneer Avenue. Turn Left onto Pioneer. Travel down Pioneer approx. 1/2 mile. Pioneer runs through the middle of the festival. Parking can be found on side streets around the festival. Northbound from Olympia: Take I-5 Northbound to Hwy. 512 (exit 127) Travel approx 11 miles and exit at Pioneer Avenue. Turn Left onto Pioneer. Travel down Pioneer approx. 1/2 mile. Pioneer runs through the middle of the festival. Parking can be found on side streets around the festival. Parking Options: Puyallup City Hall -- Free Parking Side Street areas around Festival -- VERY limited Sat. / Sun. ONLY: Sounder Lot located on East Main -- Free Parking
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Event highlights
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Friday June 14 | Main Stage | 7:00pm-9:00pm
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Queen Mother
Saturday June 15 | Main Stage | 7:15pm-9:00pm
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Cherry Cherry
Sunday June 16 | Main Stage | 3:30pm-5:00pm
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All times in (GMT-07:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Terms & Conditions
Important Dates and Timelines January 22, 2024 Applications available at March 15, 2024 Applications Close & Review of applications begins. March 22, 2024 Decisions on Applications Released March 22, 2024 Booth Stalls Available for Purchase for Approved Vendors May 10, 2024 Booth Stalls Purchase Deadline June 14-16, 2023 Meeker Days Festival Sponsorship Meeker Days could not be possible without our community sponsors! If you are interested in sponsorship opportunities for 2024, please contact Rules/Regulations: Application Submission All applications are submitted through our online application form. Applications must include a valid UBI number, photos, and application fee payment to be considered. Any application received with missing information or payment will not be reviewed. The application fee of $30 is due at time of submitting your application. The application fee is non-refundable. Once your application is accepted you will receive an email from the event organizers on March 22nd, 2024 inviting you to purchase a booth stall. No partisan political, political advocacy, or cause based groups will be accepted. This includes ALL political candidates regardless of office, partisan affiliation, or incumbent status. One MLM Booth per MLM company will be awarded. First come first served with approval of application. If duplicate applications are received, applicants will be notified. Notification of Acceptance Applications are reviewed regularly. Vendors will be notified by March 30th, 2024, or sooner. Applications received after the deadline are notified on a case-by-case basis and placed on a wait list. Reminder, booth locations are not guaranteed. Booth Structure Vendor is responsible for providing their booth structure, weights (30lb. minimum) to weigh down the tent, tables, chairs, and garbage can. No stakes may be used in any park or grass area. No items, signs, banners, or booth anchor lines are to be attached to trees, shrubs, or City of Puyallup buildings/infrastructure. The booth structure must be self-standing and weighted by means that are not a trip hazard or affixed to the ground or any other structure. 30lb. (minimum) sandbags are required to weigh down the tent. Chairs and portable display items may not extend beyond the booth boundary. Booth locations are not guaranteed. Booth spaces are the same price regardless of location. Also, the option to purchase a corner booth is not available. Puyallup Main Street Association reserves the right to change the layout of the event and booth locations at anytime. Cancellation and Refund Policy We will not refund any vendor once your application has been accepted. Electricity Only a limited area of the festival layout provides electricity for booths and there is an extra fee to provide electricity to your booth. These spaces are assigned on a first come/first served basis. Placement requests may not be honored to accommodate electrical needs. Electricity is to be used for product demonstration only. It is not provided for booth lighting, cash registers or credit card machines, or internet. Personal generators are not allowed. Garbage Vendors are responsible for placing non-recyclable trash in dumpsters rather than the festival garbage cans. Dumpster locations are emailed out to vendors. All recyclable cardboard must be broken down and either placed next to a garbage dumpster or taken to a recycling dumpster. Vendors are responsible for bringing a wastebasket for inside the booth. If Booth space is not left clean and free of debris at the end of the Festival, Vendor will be charged a $50 Booth Clean-Up Penalty and risk being invited to participate in future Festivals. Vendors are not permitted to use the garbage cans intended for guests of the festival. If vendors are caught disposing garbage in unauthorized locations, a $50 clean-up penalty will be charged. Dumpster locations will be emailed and shared to all vendors in early June and will be posted throughout the festival. Health and Safety: Tacoma Pierce County Health Department: Gift food or Specialty Food Vendors are those who offer a pre-packaged food item for take home consumption or gift giving. Food vendors who demonstrate their products or have open packages need a Pierce County Temporary Health Permit. This permit is the same as a Food Court Vendor's health permit and is the Vendor's responsibility to obtain. Your booth could be subject to closure without the appropriate permit by the Tacoma Pierce County Health Department. Questions about TPCHD Permits should be directed to Amanda Peters, 253- 798-7677, e-mail Do not contact the Meeker Days event team with these questions as we cannot advise you on these matters. Central Pierce Fire Department: All canopies must be constructed of fire-resistant materials or treated with flame retardant. Proof of fire resistance must be made available to the City of Puyallup's Fire Marshall or their designee upon request. Food vendors must complete the applicable permits from Central Pierce Fire Department. Questions about Fire Permits should be directed to Amy Jackson, 253.538.6402 , e-mail Do not contact the Meeker Days event team with these questions as we cannot advise you on these matters. City of Puyallup Pollution Prevention: All vendors are expected to abide by BMP’s and regulations from City of Puyallup Pollution Prevention Specialists. NEW IN 2024: All food vendors will be required to complete training provided by the City of Puyallup Pollution Prevention Specialists. Trainings must be completed no later than June 10th, 2024. All food vendors must have a spill kit in their booths, gray water may only be dumped in designated drains, and the commissary kitchen for washing dishes will be located on Elm Street between Pioneer Park and US Bank. Questions about BMP’s and Pollution Prevention should be directed to Carly Zellers, (253) 770 3364, e-mail Do not contact the Meeker Days event team with these questions as we cannot advise you on these matters. Hours of Operation Festival hours are Friday June 16th : 12- 7 p.m.; Saturday June 17th 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.; Sunday June 18th: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. All Vendors must be open during these times. Arriving late or tearing down early may disqualify participation in future years. Only Festival Management can inform you if you may close your booth early. Vendor set up will be on the afternoon and evening of June 13th. Information will be sent to accepted vendors regarding specific load in times no later than June 1st, 2024. Parking There is limited parking for Vendor vehicles. Vendor is responsible for securing their vehicle in a legal parking space off the Festival grounds. Parking is available on side streets around the Festival area and the City Hall parking lot directly across Meridian from the Park. For larger vehicles with trailers, other space is available. Please let us know and we will accommodate you. Photos Booth photos become the property of the Festival for all Vendors. Restrictions Vendors are not allowed to 'rove' with their merchandise at any time. All vendors must stay within the boundary of their booth space. “Hawking” or loudly enticing festival guests to your booth is strictly prohibited. Any vendor seen doing this will be asked to leave the festival and no refund will be issued. No alcoholic beverages, tobacco or cannabis products, loud music, or televisions are allowed within or in the vicinity of your booth. Sales Tax Vendors are responsible for collecting, reporting, and paying WA state sales tax to the State of Washington under Sales Tax Code #1711. Security The Festival does provide 24-hour security during the Festival. However, booth structure and contents, including inventory, are the responsibility of the vendor. The Meeker Days Festival, City of Puyallup, Veterans Security Operations, and Sound Transit do not assume any responsibility for injury to persons, or loss or damage to any property of the Vendors, including theft, accident or acts of God. Set Up & Take Down Vendor set up will be on the afternoon and evening of June 13th. Information will be sent to accepted vendors regarding specific load in times no later than June 1st, 2024. Vendors are not permitted to take down until the conclusion of the festival at 5pm, June 16th. Wait List Because of the high volume of applications Meeker Days receives from vendors wanting to participate, we have established a "wait list." Should a selected vendor not be able to participate, vendors from the wait list will be contacted to participate instead. Washington State UBI + Insurance Washington State requires a UBI (Uniform Business Identifier). To obtain a UBI, call l-800-647-7706 or Applications cannot be accepted without an UBI. The City of Puyallup requires Liability Insurance for Special Events. Endorsement naming the City of Puyallup, Puyallup Main Street Association, and Ideas NW as an additional insured. Please reach out to if you have any questions regarding these requirements. Weather Meeker Days 2024 will not be cancelled in the case of inclement weather unless we are advised otherwise by government officials. Exhibitors are to be fully prepared to protect against adverse conditions, such as rain, wind, sun, heat, etc. If severe weather conditions persist, i.e., thunderstorm/lightning, the Festival will temporarily close down and then reopen. Vehicles will not be allowed in the Festival area during cloudbursts – please be prepared to protect your merchandise. Vendors are expected to reopen their booths as soon as possible once the weather has cleared and the Festival reopens. No refunds will be issued for inclement weather. Once applications have been reviewed and accepted, booths are reserved on a first come first served basis. Refund Policy: The Meeker Days Festival will not refund any vendor once your application has been accepted. Legal Agreement: Should a vendor, at any time, occupy the premises in a manner contrary to these Rules and Regulations, upon request of the Festival officials, vendor shall immediately cease such offending conduct. Failure to comply as requested shall be cause for revocation of this contract an expulsion from the festival. Upon revocation Vendor shall promptly vacate the premises. Upon failure to vacate, the Festival shall remove all property of vendors from the premises at the vendor's expense. The Festival is relieved and discharge from any and all loss or damage caused by such removal. The Festival shall not be responsible for storage or safekeeping of property so removed. Failure to comply with these rules will result in forfeiture of booth space with no refund returned.
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Hosted by Puyallup Main Street Association
Joined Eventeny in October 2023
6 events
Puyallup, Washington, United States
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