Thank you for your interest in becoming a vendor at the Long Island Retro Gaming Expo! The event will be held at the Cradle of Aviation Museum in Garden City, NY on August 8th, 9th and 10th, 2025.
Tentative show hours for the vendor room are Friday 3pm-9pm, Saturday 10am-9pm, Sun 10am-5pm. These are subject to change. NOTE - A change from previous years, we will NOT be closing the Marketplace early.
We are primarily a retro gaming gaming show, and thus keep our Marketplace consistent within the theme of our show. We reserve the right to respectfully decline a vendor if their merchandise / services do not fit in with the theme of our Expo. Please email vendors@liretro.com with any questions.
We offer two types of spaces - Booths & Tables. Booths are 8' x 8' and come with one 6 foot table and 2 chairs. Tables come with the table and 2 chairs. Pricing is based on location.
NOTE - Our show is held in a museum, not a convention center, so space can be tight! That being said, vendors are NOT permitted to go past their booth line or table line to preserve adequate walkways for the attendees. This means if you purchase just a table you will only have that table to work with and not space in front or behind. Booths come with 3 badges. Tables come with 2. You will be able to purchase additional badges at $30 each for the weekend. This will be strictly enforced.
PLEASE NOTE: You will be prompted to enter payment information but will not be charged unless you are accepted. Demand always greatly exceeds what we have available. You will receive an email notifying you if you are approved, denied, or waitlisted.

The Long Island Retro Gaming Expo welcomes press from the local area and around the world. Press badges have the same rules as attendee badges and are for legitimate outlets and journalists only.
Thank you for wanting to contribute to our yearly celebration of classic gaming! Pinball machines are eligible for a payment of $350 per machine, plus free entry to the show. Arcade machines are eligible for free entry to the show. You can also label your machine as for sale and it can be removed by a buyer at the end of one of the days.
We hope to see you in August!
Are you a member of a community and want to run a tournament for your game at LI Retro?
Apply here! Equipment is not provided, but in some cases can be supplemented.