Light Up The Night Christmas Tree Celebration - Eventeny

Light Up The Night Christmas Tree Celebration

Starts on Sunday, December 3rd, 2023
Lake City, Florida, United States
City of Lake City logo
About the event
The City of Lake City will hold their annual "Light Up The Night" Christmas tree celebration in Olustee Park in Downtown Lake City on Sunday, December 3rd. Celebrate peace, good will, and the holiday season at this annual event. Count down as we flip the switch to the Christmas Tree in Olustee Park. We will also have have vendors, entertainment, and food trucks. Come and start your Christmas shopping early. Hope you can join us!
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Dec 03, 2023 · 4:00 PM - Dec 03, 2023 · 7:00 PM(GMT-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
The event has ended
Parking instructions
We ask that all vendors park in the City Hall Parking lot located at 205 North Marion Avenue, Lake City, FL Please do not park in the parking spaces close to the market-please save those for the market customers.
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Terms & Conditions
City of Lake City Markets. Vendor set up may begin at 2:00pm. You are responsible for your own set up, clean up, and trash removal. We do not provide anything for your booth other than the physical ground. Tents are recommended. The sizes of the booth area is 10 X 10. Tents cannot be staked in the ground. Sand bags are recommended. You are responsible for setting up and operating your booth during the market. Please do not leave your booth unattended, we are not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen objects. No electric is provided. Vendors must park in the designated area -City Hall. Please do not park on Marion Street. In case of inclement weather, the event will be cancelled. Please be prepared for windy days. Please make sure you use sand bags to keep the tent from flying away. The City of Lake City does not provide liability insurance for the protection of vendors, spectators, merchants, or others involved in similar activities who participate in the City of Lake City Markets. Absolutely no illegal, vulgar, not of good taste items are allowed in the Market. Prior to submitting an application for review, please read the entire vendor application and then decide if your product might qualify and if you meet and adhere to the rules of the market. Obtaining the proper licenses or permits and obeying all Federal, Local, and State codes is the sole responsibility of the vendor, including any regulations of the Florida Department of Agriculture or other regulatory agencies. Please familiarize yourself with the cottage Food Law. It is your responsibility to label products and follow the Cottage Food Law Guidelines. Food Vendors must be the properly licensed with the State of Florida. Food Trucks must provide the City with their certificate of Liability Insurance with the City of Lake City listed as the additional insured. Sales tax where required by state, is the responsibility of the seller. Please no smoking in the Market area. The City of Lake City reserves the right to reject any application. Any photos taken of your booth become the property of the City of Lake City and may be used for promotional purposes. In consideration of participating in such activity, the participant does hereby release and forever discharge the City of Lake City, its officers, staff, jointly and severally, from any and all actions, causes of injury, which hereafter may be sustained by participants, merchants, vendors, spectators, or others in consequence of participating in the City Market. This release extends and applies to, and also covers and includes, all unknown, unforeseen, unanticipated, and unsuspected injuries, damages, loss and liability, and the consequences thereof, as well as those not disclosed and known to exist. The provisions or any state, federal, local, or territorial law or stature providing in substance that releases shall not extend to claims, demands, injuries, or damages which are unknown or unsuspected to exist at the time, to the person executing such leases, are hereby expressly waived. I hereby agree on behalf of my heirs, executor, administrators, and assigns to indemnify the City of Lake City, jointly and severally, and hold harmless from and against any and all actions, claims, demands, and liabilities, loss, damages, and expense of whatever kind or nature, including attorney fees, which may at any time be incurred by reason of my participation in the City of Lake City Market. It is further agreed and understood that said allowance of my participation in the City of Lake City Market is not to be construed as an admission of any liability and acceptance of assumption of responsibility by the City of Lake City, its officers and members, jointly and severally, for all damages and expenses for which the City of Lake City, its officers and staff, jointly and severally, become liable as a result of any alleged act of the festival participant. By submitting this application electronically, the vendor has carefully read and understands all of the above requirements to participate as a vendor in the City of Lake City Market.
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City of Lake City logo
Hosted by City of Lake City
Joined Eventeny in September 2022
27 events
Lake City, Florida, United States
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