This application is for Food Trucks who would like to participate in the Kickball Tournament "Kickin' It with The Ellis Club".
The Ellis Club will host a concession stand with items such as drinks, nachos, boiled peanuts, candy, pickles, etc. The Food Trucks are invited to provide burgers, chicken, snow cones, etc.
Each team of 15 players will play all day down to a championship game. We are expecting around 250 players plus families and bystanders to watch the games. It should be a great day all around!
Thank you for helping make this event successful!
This application is for each team wishing to play in the kickball tournament. 16 teams will play in a bracket down to the championship game. Each team should consist of 15 players. The cost per team is $600 to play (only $40/player). These teams may be sponsored by a company or organization or each player can pay the team captain to play.
Once registration is completed, each team will be assigned a uniform color. We encourage teams to get creative with costumes, team names, and outfits but please keep these family friendly.
The winning team will win their $600 entry fee back. Other trophies will be awarded based on the following categories:
*Most Spirited
*Most Athletic
*Cleanest Trash Talker
We look forward to a day filled with fun as we raise money for The Ellis Club. The money raised will be used to support other non-profits, organizations, and individuals making a difference in our community. Thank you for supporting this cause. Let's Kick It!