This application is to provide the Parade committee with information necessary to produce a spectacular Pride Parade for Kansas City! Please provide as complete of a description as possible. Proof of insurance is required for each vehicle; this must be uploaded at the time of application.
The Parade Committee reserves the right to re-classify categories or refuse any entry into the parade that does not reflect the values, principals, and overall theme of the parade or that does not adhere to the policies of this Parade.
The Parade Committee asks that everyone remember that we are in this to work towards making our community better for everyone! So please make sure that everyone that participates in the parade understands the importance of respect and showing kindness to each other. There is a ZERO tolerance for anything less than meeting expectations of the Parade Committee.
Parade registration will close once capacity is reached; there is no guarantee that space will be available until your application is received and approved.
• Mandatory Parade Entries Meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 28th 2025 - more details to follow with a calendar invite.
• Winners of the Parade will need to have representatives available for an awards ceremony on Sunday, June 8th.
• All entries with vehicles must not exceed 36 feet in length. All entries, including decorations, and vehicles must not exceed 12 feet in height.