Juneteenth Summit 2023 - Eventeny

Juneteenth Summit 2023

Starts on Friday, June 16th, 2023
Brooklyn, New York, United States
Hosted by Umoja Events
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About the event
Juneteenth is the oldest, nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States of America. Two and a half years after the 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln delivered the Emancipation Proclamation, where Black people were considered free and delivered from enslavement. Our annual Juneteenth Family Fun Day Festival gathers 5,000+ attendees local to the NYC community to enjoy a vibrant day of rich culture through music, dance, poetry, skits, history, vendors, and family activities for single-family homes, married with children, and extended family.
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Jun 16, 2023 · 3:00 PM - Jun 18, 2023 · 11:59 PM(GMT-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
The event has ended
Event highlights
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Juneteenth Summit 2022: The Black Family- Equipping the Black Family for changes in stages
With over 155 years of this anticipated commemoration in Brooklyn, NY, our 13th Annual Juneteenth family fun day and Summit gathers 5,000+ attendees locally to the NYC community to enjoy a vibrant day of rich culture through music, dance, poetry, skits, history, vendors, and families. This year like every we have turned it up another notch. This year we are continuing our three-day summit since it was such a success last time, starting on Friday, June 17 and running through to June 19, 2022. We are leveling up this year's summit celebration that begins on Virtual Friday with professionals and residents talking about transformation in the Black Community. This session will also give our Black Business owners opportunities to advertise their business and products. The following day will be an In-person festival that will highlight our Black Men's contributions to the community, in a Gala like outdoor Brunch, ending the Summit with our one of a kind festival and entertainment show on Sunday. Join Us: When: June 17-19, 2022 Where: - Virtual Friday - stay tuned for ways to join us - In-Person Saturday Linden Park/ Gershwin Park (School Yard) - In-person Sunday Prospect Park - Main Page - Www.Juneteenthny.com - Youtube Channel- Umoja Events- Juneteenth Family Day Youtube - Facebook on Juneteenth Family Day Page
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Become A Vendor: Early Bird Vendors Spaces Available Pre 200 Days Early Bird Special. $22
Become a vendor to showcase your products and sell your products. Members will get first opportunities and discounts on future events. Enjoy monthly Business Networking Meet ups, Business Book Club, discounts between businesses, Mastermind Sessions, and Accountability Partners.
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Hosted by Umoja Events
Joined Eventeny in November 2020
10 events
Brooklyn, New York, United States
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