Application for Food Vendors - Please upload a current copy of your business license, Cobb/Douglas DPH or other Food Service permit and at least one photo of your setup. You must provide these documents in order to be considered.
All Food Trucks not licensed through Cobb County Dept of Public Health must receive a temporary permit from Cobb DPH and are subject to a $60.00 inspection fee
Information on getting this permit will be sent at a later date.
Please Note:
- All trash must be begged and placed in trash carts. No garbage should be left in your booth space.
- Grease, Oils and Hot Water must be disposed of by vendor OFF-SITE
- Water and Power Access are not guarenteed by the city. Please provide Quiet Generator
- Pricing and Payment must be clearly displayed where patrons can see them
Application for Non-Food Vendors - Please provide at least one photo of your setup. This includes Merchandise, Non-Profit Organizations and Political Campaigns
Please Note:
- All trash must be begged and placed in trash carts. No garbage should be left in your booth space.
- Grease, Oils and Hot Water must be disposed of by vendor OFF-SITE
- Water and Power Access are not guarenteed by the city. Please provide Quiet Generator
- Pricing and Payment must be clearly displayed where patrons can see them
- Applicant will provide all elements of setup including tent / tables / chairs as needed