This application is for Plant & Produce Vendors who wish to sell produce, plants, flowers, or homemade canned goods at Ellisville Market Days in Downtown Ellisville, MS.
This application is for General Vendors who wish to sell handmade or homemade goods at Ellisville Market Days in Downtown Ellisville, MS. These items include baked goods, handmade crafts, t-shirts, pottery, jewelry, prepackaged food items, etc.
This application is for Food Vendors who wish to sell prepared food at Ellisville Market Days in Downtown Ellisville, MS.
This application is for Non-Profit & Advertising Vendors who wish to promote their business or organization.
This application is for young makers & bakers up to 16 years old who wish to sell handmade or homemade items at Ellisville Market Days.
These items can be jewelry, crafts, bath & body items, cookies, lemonade, etc. All items must be sold for no more than $3 each.
These spots are limited to 10 per market in an effort to make sure our paid vendors do well also.
We are excited to include these young vendors to our list! Thank you for supporting The Ellis Club!