Work must be delivered between January 20-24, 2025.
Work delivered in person to the Falany Performing Arts Center can be dropped off between 9am-3pm, Monday-Friday.
All work MUST be GALLERY READY upon delivery - meaning WIRE stretched across the back, screwed into the frame with WIRE. NO sawtooth hooks, paper wire attachments. Work not properly display ready will not be hung and declined upon delivery.
Sculptural pieces must be free-standing or securely fitted with hanging apparatus on the back. Menagerie-on-Main has limited pedestals, sculptural artists are welcome to bring their own pedestals or stands if needed for artworks.
Due to space only packaging of shipped works can be held, all packing for hand delivered work must be taken with you upon delivery.
All shipped work must include a pre-paid label for return shipping.
Menagerie-on-Main is not liable for loss or damages to artwork in shipping.
Please label each piece with artist's name, title of work, and price on the back.
All sales of work are split between the artist and the gallery (60/40)
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