Helping the Homeless and Giving Hope - Eventeny

Helping the Homeless and Giving Hope

Starts on Tuesday, November 26th, 2024
Jersey City, New Jersey, United States
About the event
Join us for a transformative day dedicated to providing essential resources, support, and hope to those in our community experiencing homelessness. Together, we can create pathways to empowerment and lasting change. 🌟 Free resources 🌟 Clothing & Care Packages 🌟 Health & Wellness Services 🌟 Employment Assistance 🌟 Warm Meals & Refreshments 🌟Barber Services 🌟Toiletries & feminine products Take action and be a part of the solution visit us at
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Nov 26, 2024 · 7:00 AM - Nov 26, 2024 · 10:00 AM(GMT-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
The event has ended
Event highlights
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James Lee Johansen Consulting
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Collaborative Support Programs of NJ (CSPNJ)
Collaborative Support Programs of New Jersey A statewide behavioral health agency incorporated in 1984, CSPNJ has established itself as a respected innovator of housing, Community Wellness Centers, employment, and economic development services that promote the wellness and recovery of people with the lived experience of behavioral health conditions. Starting with just three drop-in centers to what is now a statewide network of programs, CSPNJ is a nationally recognized leader in the design and delivery of wellness and recovery-oriented services, offering opportunities for people to live, learn, and work in the community of their choice.
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RWJ Barnabas Health
SupProviding 24/7 wellness-based recovery support Successful recovery depends on individuals fully committing to improve their health and wellness. The IFPR STAR program provides recovery support 24 hours a day, 7 days per week and is available in Essex, Hudson and Middlesex Counties. It provides holistic recovery support that actively engages individuals in their journey by addressing the whole person and their personal obstacles. The Support Team for Addiction Recovery (STAR) provides the tools and resources to finally remove these barriers, allowing individuals with opioid use disorder to fully invest themselves into their health, wellness and long-term recovery. Following an assessment to determine program eligibility, STAR provides holistic recovery support that actively engages individuals in their recovery by addressing the whole person and their personal obstacles to recovery.port Team for Addiction Recovery (STAR)
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Rompiendo El Silencio Casa de Amor
Casa de Amor is a non-profit organization registered in the state as a 501 c-3 institution with the purpose of helping our community. Support Groups The “Breaking the Silence” support groups are weekly meetings with a maximum of 10 people who are going through the process of domestic violence. Missions Casa de Amor not only cares for the well-being of people within the United States, but also with other organizations outside of the United States. Counseling We understand that emotional well-being is of the utmost importance, which is why we work hard to stay up-to-date in the field of counseling.
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OUR MISSION Securing fundamental connections to unhoused women, children and at-risk families by way of reunification, rapid rehousing, personal empowerment, and employability workshops.
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UHealthy solutions
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As a Community Action Partner, HOPES is committed to addressing the barriers and causes of poverty as we empower individuals and families toward self-sufficiency. We have diverse programs for the entire range of our community from: ​​Expectant Women, Infants and Toddlers, Preschool Children, Youth, Adults, Seniors.
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Mental and Social Services For The Homeless
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YWCA Northern NJ For over a century, YWCA Northern New Jersey (YWCANNJ) has been on the forefront of the fight against gender and racial discrimination. YWCANNJ works to build more just and inclusive communities through trauma-informed care, empowerment programs, anti-racism training and education, and mission-linked policy advocacy. Some key programs include workforce development initiatives designed to support women on their paths to educational, career, and financial success; STEM related trainings and career opportunities for women and girls; reentry clinical and case management support for women transitioning back into the community post-incarceration. YWCANNJ also offers high-quality and affordable child-care and summer camp opportunities that facilitate a child’s social, physical, and emotional growth. It operates healingSPACE, the state-designated sexual violence resource center for Bergen County, and senior wellness programs. YWCA Northern New Jersey serves Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Morris and Passaic Counties. Learn more about YWCANNJ by following us on social media @ywcannj
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Office of Minority and Multicultural Health New Jersey Department of Health
Our Role in New Jersey Our primary goal is to improve the well-being and quality of life for all New Jerseyans. We do this by providing essential services and implementing comprehensive measures that prioritize public health.
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Family Service Bureau
Our Mission Family Service Bureau’s (FSB) mission is to preserve, educate, support, strengthen and enrich family life through prevention, intervention and community education programs that assist families, children and individuals. FSB has been serving the needs of the community since 1882. It is a licensed outpatient mental health and substance abuse treatment center, welcoming the use of medication assisted treatment and psychiatric intervention. FSB aims to provide each consumer with the resources needed to improve their quality of life. FSB serves everyone regardless of religion, race, sexual orientation or gender identity.
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Jack & Ronnie McGreevey Civic Assoc. logo
Hosted by Jack & Ronnie McGreevey Civic Assoc.
Joined Eventeny in November 2024
4 events
Jersey City, New Jersey, United States
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