WAIT LIST ONLY AT THIS TIME. All of our vendors booths and spaces have been claimed at this time. However, we are keeping our waitlist open in case something happens and a vendor has to cancel. Please complete the application below to be added to the wait-list.
HellmouthCon 2025 Vendor Information Convention Dates: Saturday, June 14th and Sunday, June 15th Pricing: Early Bird Discount (Until November 30th)Booth $270 / Table $200 Regular Price (December 1st - June 13th)Booth $550 / Table $225 Hours: Friday, June 13th (tentative)Set-up Time:2:00pm - 6:00pm Saturday, June 14thSet-up Time:7:00am - 10:00am Open for Business:10:00am - 6:00pm Shutdown6:00pm - 6:30pm Sunday, June 15thVendor Access Time:10:00 am - 11:00 am
Open For Business:11:00 am - 6:00 pm
Breakdown Time:6:00pm - 8:00pm
The Hellmouth Con Is nothing without all the energy and excitement the YOU bring to share with your fellow fans of the Verse. In that spirit, we would love to give you the opportunity to submit a panel, workshop, screening, or other programming idea.
We're looking for creative and diverse programming that will help make The Hellmouth Con an unforgettable experience for each and every attendee. If there is a subject that you're passionate about, apply to host a panel today!
If you have questions, please email lori.bender@thehellmouth.org
Schedule Submission FAQ'S
1. Our Programming Department will use the information gathered from this form to consider programming panels, workshops, topics, and presentations. All information gathered from this form will be for internal office use only.
2. Any submitted panel or workshops tentative until officially approved. Actual scheduling depends of the level of response, room availability, and availability of participants. Those whose panels have been chosen will be contacted via lori.bender@thehellmouth.org. Please adjust your spam folders accordingly. Submission of a Panel Request Form does not guarantee programming participation.
3. Panels/Workshops are typically 45 minutes long, scheduled in a 60 minute time slot.
4. There is no charge associated with hosting a panel at The Hellmouth Con other than any costs you may incur yourself, such as but not limited to travel, accomodations, or technical equipment beyond what is provided.
5. If accepted, panel/workshop times are chosen based on availability. The Hellmouth Con reserves the right to adjust the time and/or location of any panel at any time.
6. Each program participant must wear their own badge. Comp badges will be arranged directly with the Program Department.
7. Any questions? Email them to lori.bender@thehellmouth.org