2023 Hometown Holiday Illuminated Parade - Eventeny

2023 Hometown Holiday Illuminated Parade

Starts on Saturday, December 9th, 2023
Griffin, Georgia, United States
About the event
The City of Griffin and Spalding County are joining together to bring back the traditional Christmas experience in Downtown Griffin with the 2023 Hometown Holiday Illuminated Parade. The parade will be held on Saturday, December 9th at 6:30pm, as part of the 2nd Saturday Merry and Bright festivities. Local businesses and individuals are encouraged to sign up to participate in the parade- walkers, golf carts, vehicles, and floats are allowed. All golf carts, vehicles, and floats must be Illuminated with holiday lights to participate in the parade. Walkers are encouraged to wear or hold festive lights for safety. If your parade entry includes a pull-behind trailer, the length may not exceed 25 feet.
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Dec 09, 2023 · 6:30 PM - Dec 09, 2023 · 8:30 PM(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
The event has ended
Parking instructions
Parking and staging instructions will be sent via email to each parade entry on Tuesday, December 5, 2023. Each entry type will receive specific parade staging and line-up instructions.
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Terms & Conditions
The safety of the parade participants and spectators is our top priority. All participants must adhere to the guidelines to ensure a safe environment. Those who fail to adhere to the guidelines will not be permitted to participate. At parade check-in, registered participants must sign the “Release of All Claims” form and affirm they have read and understand the Parade Guidelines and Release. All registered participants are solely responsible for ensuring the individuals participating with/on behalf of the registered participant follow the guidelines and shall be liable for any damages arising from said participants' failure to follow the guidelines as provided. 1. To prevent the risk of injury to spectators and other parade participants, no objects shall be thrown. Flyers, individually wrapped candy, or objects of a similar nature not likely to cause physical injury may be handed to spectators by participants walking, provided that no persons shall cross in front of or behind any motorized vehicle. 2. No units may stop forward motion for performances except in areas designated on the parade route. This stop may not exceed 90 seconds and must be approved in advance. 3. The parade will maintain a maximum speed of 5mph. You must maintain this speed to participate. 4. All parade participants shall responsibly conduct themselves. The use of alcohol and drugs by a parade participant in the stage area, on the parade route, or during clean-up is expressly prohibited. Violators may face criminal penalty as applicable. 5. Drivers of any vehicles in parade areas must (a) possess a valid driver’s license, (b) be at least 18 years old, and (3) possess minimum liability vehicle insurance as required by law. 6. Any vehicles in the parade must be in good working order and capable of normal driving operations, including, at a minimum, fully inflated tires and functional brakes. 7. Only one Santa Claus will be in the parade provided by the City of Griffin. No other Santa Claus will be allowed in the parade. No exceptions! 8. All golf carts, vehicles, and floats must be at least 75% decorated with a holiday theme and include lights. Entries without holiday lights will not be permitted. 9. Strobe lights of any kind are not permitted, whether on a vehicle or held by a participant in the parade. 10. If using a gas generator to power holiday lights or other float items, you must always have a functional fire extinguisher on board the float/vehicle. 11. Materials used to construct floats should be durable in case of inclement weather. 12. All music played must be free of foul language and must be holiday-themed. 13. Parents/guardians are responsible for the safe arrival, departure, and supervision of all minor children during the parade, including staging and clean-up times. All children, whether walking or riding in the parade, will need to have immediate adult supervision at all times. 14. Participants cannot ride or stand on moving vehicles' roofs or hoods. 15. No microphones may be used during performances, even at the designated performance locations due to the difficulty of introducing groups as they pass. 16. Once parade staging ends, no other entries may enter the parade route. Refunds for the registration fee will not be given on account of the registrants' failure to be in place before the parade staging ends. 17. Please ensure all participants are dressed appropriately for the weather and are wearing comfortable shoes if they are walking. 18. Participants are responsible for reviewing and adhering to any other rules or regulations outlined in Chapter 78, Article III (Parades, Assemblies, and Demonstrations) of the City of Griffin’s Code of Ordinances. As organizers, the City of Griffin and Spalding County may impose other reasonable regulations or restrictions necessary for the protection and safety of parade participants and spectators. Any questions related to the parade ordinance, these guidelines, or any additional rules imposed should be directed to the City of Griffin Economic Development office at 770-228-5356 or Heather Robinson at hrobinson@cityofgriffin.com or 404-416-4135.
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Griffin Spalding Community Events logo
Hosted by Griffin Spalding Community Events
Joined Eventeny in March 2022
14 events
Griffin, Georgia, United States
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