Calling all Craft & Non-Profit Vendors!! It's time to apply to vend at The Heron July 4-6th 2025!
We are looking for fun and unique vendors for this event. Apply today so we can see what you have to offer! We are expecting over 4000 people here on the festival weekend and they LOVE to shop!
The deadline for submission is April 18th and selections will be finalized by May 1st. Submission of an application does not assure a vendor space at this event. Returning applicants can log in with last year’s credentials and update your info. If you didn’t save your info, start a new application.
Fees for craft booths are relative to the amount of frontage you use. The choices are:
10' frontage x 10' depth for $600
20' frontage x 10' depth for $1200
10' frontage x 20' depth for $800
Credit card information will be collected with this application, and ONLY charged after acceptance emails are sent.
The above fees include wristbands for your staff, plus parking/camping stickers for vehicles. Vendors in 10' x 10' spaces receive 2 wristbands and 1 sticker. Vendors in 20' spaces get 3 wristbands and 2 stickers. If you need more wristbands or camping stickers than allotted, buy those ahead on-line at greatblueheron.com or at the gate on arrival. There is no charge for putting extra vehicles you don't need nearby into the Red Lot.
After we select vendors, you are required to submit a certificate of liability from your insurance company listing Great Blue Heron Music Festival and Steve & Julie Rockcastle as additional insured on a primary and non-contributory basis with a waiver of subrogation in their favor. More information about this will come by email to vendors that we select.
All vendors are responsible for collecting and paying sales tax to New York State. The tax rate is 8%. Clothing items are tax exempt in our county.
Approved vendors may arrive Thursday to set up any time after 1pm. On Friday vendors will be admitted starting at 8am. Vendors need to be set and ready by Friday early afternoon. The music starts Friday at 3pm and goes almost a round the clock till Sunday around dark. Refer to the website for a full schedule of the music and plan your hours accordingly.
You will be able to drive to your booth and unload, then vehicles must be moved to nearby camping or parking areas. Camping or parking is NOT allowed directly behind your booth, plan accordingly.
Blue Heron weekend traditionally has late-night business both Friday & Saturday. Craft vendors can close at dark, if you prefer. Secure your inventory overnight as there are lots of people, including children, that walk through the vending area at night.
Electric is within reach of vending space, but each vendor needs to bring their own extension cords. Be as energy efficient as you can. Our electric supply does not allow for power for your camping or RV.
Please do not bring pets!
Blanket vending will again be available at this event. If you want to blanket vend, do NOT apply through this application. Buy a regular ticket for the event, then arrive at the blanket vending area at the top of the hill above the stage and pay the fees in cash with the vending coordinator. Hours are Saturday 10-3, Sunday 10-3. Fees are $30 per day or $50 for both days. No canopies are allowed, just blankets on the ground to display your wears on.
That about covers it! Thanks for your interest in being with us this season!
Email: info@TheHeron.org Phone:716-761-7190
Calling all Food Vendors!! It's time to apply to sell your delicious food at The Heron July 4-6th 2025!
Apply today so we can see what you have to offer! We are expecting over 4000 people here on the festival weekend and they LOVE to eat good food!
The deadline for submission is April 18th and selections will be finalized by May 1st. Submission of an application does not assure a vendor space at this event. Returning applicants can log in with last year’s credentials and update your info. If you didn’t save your info, start a new application.
Fees for food booths are $1700 for a 20' x 20' space with room behind the booth for equipment and other vehicles. There may also be room to camp in the back area, but there are also camping spaces in the Green Lot reserved for vendors, too. We have a couple smaller 10' x 10' spaces for $1000 but room behind the booth is limited.
Credit card information will be collected with this application, and ONLY charged after acceptance emails are sent.
The above fees include wristbands for your staff, plus parking/camping stickers for vehicles. Food vendors in 20 x 20 spaces are allotted 5 wristbands and 2 vehicle sticker. 10 x 10 spaces get 3 wristbands,1 sticker. Every vehicle that enters the Green Lot is required to have a sticker on it. If you need more wristbands or stickers, buy those ahead on-line at greatblueheron.com or at the gate on arrival. There is no charge for putting extra vehicles you don't need near the booth into the Red Lot.
We will send an email with directions regarding these documents:
-Chautauqua County Dept of Health Temporary Food Vendor Permit
-Certificate of Insurance Liability
-Certificate of Authority to Collect NYS Sales Tax
-Business Certificate or NYS Filing Receipt
-Concessionaire Agreement for the NYS Liquor Authority
(Returning food vendors should already have submitted the last 3 of these)
All vendors are responsible for collecting and paying sales tax to New York State. The tax rate is 8%.
Many of our approved food vendors arrive Wednesday starting at noon, but Thursday arrival is also an option starting at 1pm. Wednesday arrivals must confirm their arrival time in advance with our vendor coordinators. You may start selling food on Thursday evening. There will be nearly 1000 hungry people on site by dinner time, including most of our volunteers. Friday morning arrival is not advised because of congestion with the genreal public entry.
The music starts Friday at 3pm and goes almost a round the clock till Sunday around dark. Refer to the website for a full schedule of the music and plan your hours accordingly. Food sales usual are busy well into the night and breakfast is very popular.
We sell ice on site. Ask us for local propane suppliers, if needed. Electric & water are within reach of each vending space, but each vendor needs to bring their own extension cords and hoses. Be as efficient with both as you can. Our electric supply does not allow for power for your camping or RV.
Please do not bring pets!
That about covers it! Thanks for your interest in being with us this season!
Email: info@TheHeron.org Phone:716-761-7190