FY25 Special Event Application - Eventeny

FY25 Special Event Application

Starts on Tuesday, October 1st, 2024
Madeira Beach, Florida, United States
About the event
This application process is for individuals and organizations who wish to host a Special Event in Madeira Beach. Sec. 42-16. - Definition. Special event shall mean any organized meeting, activity, gathering or group of 50 or more persons, which involves city financial or in-kind contributions or requires city approvals and which is intended to or does draw public attention and has the potential to inhibit the normal flow or regulation of pedestrian or vehicular traffic upon any public facility, street, sidewalk, swale, alley, or park. The term shall include, but not be limited to weddings, festivals, carnivals, circuses, tournaments, concerts, parades, athletic events, fairs, rallies, firework displays and similar gatherings regardless of whether a charge or donation is required for admission. This definition shall specifically exclude any event conducted or sponsored solely by the city or for the primary purpose of First Amendment speech or assembly.
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Oct 01, 2024 · 12:00 AM - Sep 30, 2025 · 11:59 AM(GMT-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
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This is the application provess for organizations who would like to submit an application to host an event in Madeira Beach for less than 1,000 attendees. Application sumbission does not guarantee event acceptance. There is a $250 non-refundable applcation fee that is collected with this application. Throughout the process you will be asked to include/upload certain documents to ensure approval of this application. For any questions contact the Madeira Beach Recreation Center at 727-392-0665.

Deadline: Dec 31, 2030

This is the application provess for organizations who would like to submit an application to host a neighborhood block party. For any questions contact the Madeira Beach Recreation Center at 727-392-0665.


  • Required Application Documents
  • The following documents will need to be sent to the Madeira Beach Recreation Center. You can send them via email to JHatch@madeirabeachfl.gov or send them directly to the Recreation Center: 300 Municipal Dr, Madeira Beach, FL 33708. For questions contact 727-392-0665.
  • A) Site Plan/ Event Map/ Parking Plan with Map
  • B) Insurance- You are required to procure and maintain commercial general liability insurance with a minimum of $1,000,000 per occurrence. Proof of event insurance must be submitted a minimum of 30 days prior to the event start and held throughout the activities. This insurance must name the City of Madeira Beach as an additional insured in any and all policies.

Special event shall mean any organized meeting, activity, gathering or group of 50 or more persons, which involves city financial or in-kind contributions or requires city approvals and which is intended to or does draw public attention and has the potential to inhibit the normal flow or regulation of pedestrian or vehicular traffic upon any public facility, street, sidewalk, swale, alley, or park.

The term shall include, but not be limited to weddings, festivals, carnivals, circuses, tournaments, concerts, parades, athletic events, fairs, rallies, and similar gatherings regardless of whether a charge or donation is required for admission. This definition shall specifically exclude any event conducted or sponsored solely by the city or for the primary purpose of First Amendment speech or assembly.

This is the application provess for organizations who would like to submit an application to host an event in Madeira Beach for less than 1,000 attendees. Application sumbission does not guarantee event acceptance. There is a $100 non-refundable applcation fee that is collected with this application. Throughout the process you will be asked to include/upload certain documents to ensure approval of this application. For any questions contact the Madeira Beach Recreation Center at 727-392-0665.

Madeira Beach Recreation Department logo
Hosted by Madeira Beach Recreation Department
Joined Eventeny in October 2021
30 events
Madeira Beach, Florida, United States
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