Thank you for your interest in being a food vendor at Denver PrideFest! You are responsible for reading all information provided in this application and distributing it to all on-site staff. This application includes a mandatory, non-refundable $100 application fee. APPLICATIONS ARE DUE Tuesday, April 1 by 11:59PM MDT.
Returning for 2025, Denver Pride’s Gayborhood Market supports local LGBTQ+ small businesses, entrepreneurs, organizations, craft-makers, artisans, and more by lowering the cost barrier to access PrideFest participation. The Center on Colfax looks forward to making Denver Pride more accessible to our diverse community! Application deadline is April 18,2025. Your annual revenue must be $250,000 or lower. If the price of a space in the marketplace is a barrier for your access, please email Please note that the Gayborhood Market will be in Lincoln Veterans Memorial Park (between Broadway and Lincoln Street). Accepted exhibitors will be allowed to rent or bring their own 6' table and 2 chairs (if needed) under a shared tent with other exhibitors. NOTE: Tables may be no longer than 6' and there is a limit of 2 chairs.
Please complete this form to be added to the waitlist as a general exhibitor. Please note that this does NOT ensure that you will be selected as a PrideFest 2025 exhibitor.